Dear God, open a door for my message, so that I may proclaim the mystery of Christ. I pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Colossians 4:3-4


Reconciliation and Forgiveness ~ I am Sorry * Please Forgive Me * Thank You * I Love You. ~ Reconciliation and Forgiveness ~ I am Sorry * Please Forgive Me * Thank You * I Love You. ~ Reconciliation and Forgiveness ~ I am Sorry * Please Forgive Me * Thank You * I Love You.

Generosity from the Heart

Generosity from the Heart

Matt 6:3, "do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing"

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Proverbs 11:25, "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."

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May the Lord bless you for your generosity, and may the Mother of God intercede for your every need.

Your act of generosity will be rewarded, and your blessing will be “pressed down, shaken together, and RUNNING OVER.

Psalm 19:14, May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Prayer to St.Anthony for Financial Security and Help

St. Anthony arranged for collections of money so that he might rescue these people from their plight. He paid their debts so that they might be set free. He shared what little food the friars had when they begged at his door. He saw the face of God in the poor.

Prayer for oneself:

Please, St. Anthony, I need your help.
I am worried about my finances.
I don't ask to be rich. 
I just want to be able to take care of myself and my loved ones.
Help me (insert your personal need here, e.g. find a job, pay off ones debts, etc.).
As you helped those in need in your own days, 
so now I ask to you help me now.

Prayer for others:

Please, St. Anthony, I ask you to help _______.
He/she is in financial need.
Help him/her (insert the person's need here, e.g. find a job, pay of ones debts, etc.).
As you helped those in need in your own days, 
so now help _______________ today.


  1. Nice post. I was checking constantly this blog and I’m impressed! Extremely useful info specially the last part I care for such information a lot. I was seeking this certain info for a long time.
    Financial Security
    Thank you and good luck.

  2. Plz pray for i am facing alot of financial problems and debts I am59yes old my husband have no legs we don't have childrens to help us

  3. I am 69, years old and live on social security. Lawyers are threatening me that they will freeze my check and take my social security check for a vehicle i cosigner for and turned in after three months. St Anthony please help me. I bet of you.

  4. Oh dear Mother of God our Lady of Conceptio Apareciada! Oh St Rita of Cassia and St Jude, worked of miracles and helper of impossible causes, pray for me! St Expedite st of urgent causes St Edwiges, St of the needy you know how desperate i feel, please ask Jesus to help me. Mention your request here. May the sacred heart of Jesus be adore and glorified for ever. Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, glory be to the father, the so and the holy spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, amen.

  5. I am a single mother of, 6 beautiful children and two who are disabled im asking saint anthony to heal and help us finacially help me finish school to help my children. Lord and saint anthony hear my prayers

  6. Need of money real bad 50.000 i need to payof debth and bills help my children grandkids pléase help me

  7. I am in debt of 20000 dollars and half of my house is gone from the hurricane Maria I don't have a job I need help please I am a single mother please help me 20'000 that is10'000us please help me

  8. Please help me i need £5000 to pay off my debts now. I am worried and praying constantly please help me.

  9. Ineed 8500 Euros for constraction of class rooms for vocational school

  10. I need money to pay off my debts and car loan and to have rent money every month! Please help ! I am desperate!

  11. Please Saint Anthony, Saint Jude, and God, help my family and friends get out of debt. 2018 was a horrible year financial for all of us. We need your help desperately to get out of total debt. I also pray for everyone on this blog. Life has been rough lately and I long for the good ole days when finances were not a constant worry. Please Saint Anthony, Saint Jude, and the Lord God himself, answer all our prayers on this blog. Not only for myself but for my family, friends and strangers on here. We are all in desperate need of your help. In Jesus name. Amen. Thank you for having a place to offer up prayers in your name. God bless everyone on here. I wish I were able to help you all. I never understood how wealthy people don't give back more to the poor. It makes me physically ill when I see people wasting money on stupid immoral things. We don't have tons of money yet we lend family and friends money all the time. We help others when we should be just helping ourselves but I truly believe what comes around goes around and what you give away comes back to you in times of need. You just have to believe in Jesus Christ and his calling. I don't understand how the world has gotten to be so evil? Material things seem to be more important than helping others. How many things does one need in life? All we truly need is love. Love, kindness, empathy, forgiveness. These qualities are what makes life good. Money can't buy happiness. Love does. Helping others whether it be financially or just by volunteering for anything is what makes this world a better place. Even giving someone something as simple as a compliment makes the world a little brighter. Making a strangers day does more than one realizes. Saying thank you and showing gratitude goes a long way. If we all practiced more gratitude in life you would be surprised at how much better your life would become. Try being positive and thinking positive every day. Create a gratitute journal and write all the things that you are thankful for to God, every single day and watch how your life improves day by day. Love and light is the way of Jesus. God does listen to our prayers. We just need to ask for forgiveness and his help and appreciate what he has given us already. If we practice gratitude and pray daily thanking him for what we already have in addition to what we ask for, eventually in time God will answer our prayers. Everything happens for a reason. Everything is a lesson in life the Lord wants us to experience to help us grow in our faith in him. Life is a journey that can be wonderful if we open our eyes and take the time to smell the roses on the way through our journey. They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I'm feeling very strong and ready to conquer my debt. I know that the Lord will help me if I work hard and thank him for the blessings he has already bestowed on me. In Jesus name I pray. Thank you all for reading this and praying for my family, friends and I. God bless you all and know that you are not alone and I am praying for you all as well. I read everyones testimonies and I'm praying for you and will continue to pray for you everyday. Amen.

  12. I also want to say that I was told by my infertility Doctor that I would never be able to conceive children. I prayed to Saint Anthony everyday and followed the infertility diet a book that I found at the book store and I have two healthy, beautiful daughters. A testimony that faith works better than any physician. So believe in the power of prayer as it truly works.

  13. I need a miracle 20000euros for buying land and building a house for my mom please st.Anthony interceed for me for this intension

  14. Please help! I am financial hardship. I just want peace of mind and some stability. I need some money to pay off my car and monthly bills. I am working but it is just not enough. Thank you St. Anthony!

  15. Please st.Athony I need miracle of restoring my relationship with someone you know very well who has hurt my life so much please touch his heart to accept to confine in me again.Thank you St.Athony

  16. St.Athonypray for me to get peace in my heart especially the strong burning desire for the friend whom you know very well that it will stop completely and became normal again

  17. I need a massive miracle ! I need money to pay my bills !

  18. I need a miracle to get the money that I have applied for in twa organization s please stAthony interceed and I need a miracle to have my paaspass tommorow

  19. St. I need a miracle to get our passports tomorrow please stop.Athony l promise to take care of the poor
    And financial miracle to finish the school and land urgentLy for my Mom in kasharara please do this for me

  20. Please St.Athonny pray for me that this relationship which makes me suffer too much may end with out cousing more pain or restored without delaying too much because am totally tired of the pain involved

  21. Thanks ti st.anthonyfor praying for me that iwas able to get the passports in shotest time possible
    Thanks my dear friend st.Anthony

  22. Today I need a miracle of 50thousand euros St.Anthony

  23. St.Anthony please interceed for me that am able to get the funds that I have applied for especially that one which is already approved but because of corruption its still held in the district I just need a miracle from you also a miracle that I get money to buy land for my Mom before it is taken away thanks am required this as soon as next week

  24. st.athony my wound is too deep i need a miracle for healing of my broken relationship i think this too much for me to handle am internally bleading please help me St Anthony of Padua

  25. St.Anthony ithank you because my friend can talk to me now I pray that you touch him totally never to go back
    I pray for the biggest miracle I ever prayed for before in my life i need 6000 euros tomorrow i don't want to dought that you can't do it, I totally believe you are giving me this money and I pay for the land of my mom thank you so much St.Athony of paduP

  26. Please st.Athony i thank you for the miracles you have performed already
    Kindly do this miracle for me i need money urgently to pay the land for my Mom and more money to build the toilet s for the students plus finishing the school.thank you My dearest St.Athony of Padua

  27. st.anthony help now am simply too desperate just these two in a financial miracle that I pay school fees for poor children, I can buy beds for poor children,i can money to buy furniture,i can get money,put solor
    I can paid the money that I applied for
    I can be paid by those who have my dates icaI also pay dates
    I promise to continue serving the poor if you do all this to me

  28. St. I need a miracle of resoring my relationships with the two important people in my life
    I totally need a miracle for this am at a loose because these two people are completed just touch their mind and loosen the pride and heartlessness in them please St.helpme to restore these relationships the one I had asked to talk to may he accept to reconcile and give me achance to share the pain and forgive each other
    Thanks St.Anthony

  29. I want help from you please help me

  30. St.Anthony I thank you for buying land for my mom,kindly help me with the two miracles
    I ask you to pray that I can get money for building a house for my mom and get me sponsors for the poor students
    Plus 30,0000 Euros for construction of TAVOTI

  31. Thanks to St Anthony,St Jude and St Rita for prayers answered.An offering will be given as promised

  32. I need my Lilly to Marage please help me

  33. Please stop.Anthonyam so desperate I need ovee 40,000 Euros to build the work shops and other structures but also 10,euros to build my mothers house please st.Anthony I need this miracle now thanks my dear and wonderful friend ❤️💕

  34. St Anthony I come to you asking for a financial blessing to pay off my past due debt. O wonderful St Anthony glorious on account of the fame of your miracle and through the appearance of the child Jesus resting in your arms. Obtain for me the graces from his bounty which I so ardently desire. O St Anthony so compassionate toward sinners, regret not unworthiness of those who pray to you but I intercede for me with his most Holy to grant my particular request which I now ask for with all earnestness and humility Amen Say this prayer for 8 days with a publication.Thank you St Anthony for helping me with this matter.

  35. I need help of 50000 need to pay my debts i am alone my husband has left me in alone and gone to another women i am all alone...St.Anthony plss do some miracle need to pay by the 15th of this month..people do not want to listen and not giving me time i a women all alone..

  36. St.Anthony I asked money to build my mother's house ithank you that you have given 3quators of the money I was asking kindly bring the rest so that this house is finished by December
    Thanks Steve.Anthony

  37. Please stop.anthony am asking you for a financial miracle for our trip to Brazil i don't see any way out except from your intercession kindly touch the people I have written to and provide so that the process can begin

  38. And please restore my relationships with the two complicated people in my life please please touch there hearts I don't think I can do much

  39. Please St.Anthony I need a miracle of money to pay teachers for this week and feed students to the end of term and money for the air tickets to brazil together with my colleague
    Thanks St Anthony

  40. My sweet love and friend St.Anthony of Padua, I thank you for standing for me before Jesus please intercede again for these most urgent requirement for institute because am tired of being on scratch all the time for domitories before we comense next year for work shops for machines and equipment my trip to Brazil before the beginning of next week
    5.restore my original friendship with the friend who cant talk to me please let him talk again and talk life me in my leadership and open doors financially for our community projects
    Thanks my dear friend

  41. Please pray for financial help I'm running out answer. Ihope you blessed me and it comes soon.Thank You in Jesus name

  42. PLEASE ST ANTHONY pray for my family, we're losing our house. We have no money to rent another home.I am disabled and my husband's job doesn't pay much.PLEASE HELP US !!! I will die if we're homeless I have too many medical issues. PLEASE GOD answer us with a yes!!!!!! Amen

  43. St.Anthony please help me with the plan for my mom's house and please I need 50,000 Euros before January for construction of the domitories and workshops.

    1. Dear St. Anthony l thank you that today my friend shared financial testimonies with your quick help ,you have been my devotee ,l now start my novena to pray to you for the financial crisis l have for clearing debts and construction of the school. I pray for a financial miracle and l will testify to your miraculous help dear St. Anthony l thank you.


  44. An amazing testimony on on how i conceive, also cure from fibroid, i wonder why people still don't believe that roots and herbs are very essential and fruitful in different aspect, especially when you can't conceive and bear children. I am a living witness because I tried all I could to be pregnant but all to no avail, on this faithful day, i decided to check the net for updates on healthy living and i came across testimonies of lot of women who Elikem Healing Herbal Remedies has helped with her herbs to conceive. i decided to put a try because this has been my greatest problem in life so I emailed {Elikem Healing Remedies} , and she told me what to do which i did, after which he sent me some roots and herbs syrup and gave me step by step guild lines on how and when to have sex with my man. I missed my menstrual flow within a short period of taking it, and the doctor confirmed that I am pregnant. I am very glad to tell the world that I just put to bed a bouncing baby boy last week. Contact Elikem Healing Herbal Remedies for your own testimony on: (


  45. i couldn't believe that i would ever be re-unite with my ex-lover, i was so traumatize staying all alone with no body to stay by me and to be with me, but i was so lucky one certain day to meet this powerful spell caster Dr Akhere,after telling him about my situation he did everything humanly possible to see that my lover come back to me,indeed after casting the spell my ex-lover came back to me less than 48 hours,my ex-lover came back begging me that he will never leave me again,3 months later we got engaged and married,if you are having this same situation just contact Dr Akhere on his email: thanks very much sir for restoring my ex-lover back to me,his emai: or call/whatsapp:+2349057261346

    i couldn't believe that i would ever be re-unite with my ex-lover, i was so traumatize staying all alone with no body to stay by me and to be with me, but i was so lucky one certain day to meet this powerful spell caster Dr Akhere,after telling him about my situation he did everything humanly possible to see that my lover come back to me,indeed after casting the spell my ex-lover came back to me less than 48 hours,my ex-lover came back begging me that he will never leave me again,3 months later we got engaged and married,if you are having this same situation just contact Dr Akhere on his email: thanks very much sir for restoring my ex-lover back to me,his emai: or call/whatsapp:+2349057261346

  46. HOW DR. UNEME brought back my ex lover
    Am DONNA, am from UK. After been in a relationship with my Boyfriend for 1 year now and we were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl. of a truth, I really love this guy and never can I imagine life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, I came across some Testimonies on a website about this great spell caster called (Dr. UNEME) any persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex lover back, I had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in three days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after three days the spell was done. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Dr UNEME I equally want to use this opportunity to Tell/Advice to as many who need their ex back, if you need his help you can Contact him through
    EMAIL: WHATSAPP HIM @ +2348143813120

    Thank You Once Again Dr.UNEME

  47. Please st.Anthony I need a miracle on this relationship am asking for your urgent intervaninte because am dieing of pain help me that we can talk again please st.Anthony I need this miracle

    1. you can contact dr uneme for this help trust me he can help you... here is my testimony of how dr uneme helped me

      HOW DR. UNEME brought back my ex lover
      Am DONNA, am from UK. After been in a relationship with my Boyfriend for 1 year now and we were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl. of a truth, I really love this guy and never can I imagine life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, I came across some Testimonies on a website about this great spell caster called (Dr. UNEME) any persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex lover back, I had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in three days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after three days the spell was done. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Dr UNEME I equally want to use this opportunity to Tell/Advice to as many who need their ex back, if you need his help you can Contact him through
      EMAIL: WHATSAPP HIM @ +2348143813120

      Thank You Once Again Dr.UNEME

  48. HOW DR. UNEME brought back my ex lover
    Am DONNA, am from UK. After been in a relationship with my Boyfriend for 1 year now and we were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl. of a truth, I really love this guy and never can I imagine life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, I came across some Testimonies on a website about this great spell caster called (Dr. UNEME) any persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex lover back, I had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in three days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after three days the spell was done. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Dr UNEME I equally want to use this opportunity to Tell/Advice to as many who need their ex back, if you need his help you can Contact him through
    EMAIL: WHATSAPP HIM @ +2348143813120

    Thank You Once Again Dr.UNEME

  49. St. Anthony, you know before I speak ,you read my mind . I come to you today with my burden heart ,to have a peace of mind . Debts over ruled me which has become a daily bread fast for me from my lenders. I know I have done mistakes witnessing loan for others,now that no one pays back I'm in great trouble . I become senseless everyday no able to move forward . Please bless me n others with financial problem . Show us the way to clear up our debts . Hear my cry and act don't delay for lenders are in hurry for recovery. I beg of you st. Anthony to intercet for me . I feel now only miracle can save me and I'm waiting for miracle to Happen.I cannot concentrate even on my business because of the debts which stops me earning aswell. Look in favour at my pain for I belong to God. Amen

  50. Black Magic Voodoo Revenge Death Spells That Work Overnight

    Hi everyone,I want to use this medium to appreciate Dr Oselumen the great black magic death spells caster for the successful death spells he cast on someone for me. I contacted him when my husband left me for another woman who uses witchcraft power to take my husband from me. I was desperately in need of help when I found his contacts online about his genuine powers. I told him my situation and I want the bitch who took my husband from me. i want to hear her death. He told me not to worry. He cast the death spells ritual on her and the bitch died in her sleep within 24hours. Now my husband is back home and we are living happily. Thank you so much Dr Oselumen, You are so real and true. via email: add him on whatsapp line or call +2348054265852.
    He can help with any of this problems you may needs.

  51. HOW DR. UNEME brought back my ex lover
    Am DONNA, am from UK. After been in a relationship with my Boyfriend for 1 year now and we were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl. of a truth, I really love this guy and never can I imagine life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, I came across some Testimonies on a website about this great spell caster called (Dr. UNEME) any persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex lover back, I had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in three days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after three days the spell was done. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Dr UNEME I equally want to use this opportunity to Tell/Advice to as many who need their ex back, if you need his help you can Contact him through
    EMAIL: WHATSAPP HIM @ +2348143813120

    Thank You Once Again Dr.UNEME

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  53. Dear St.Anthony
    I thank you for your faithfulness and love to me, I can see a building coming up this is absolutely your kindness
    Thanks for listening to my prayers.
    Dear St.Anthony I kindly ask you to help me as I opened the term,am totally looking up to you for a miracle for buying tools of the departments below:
    Please stop.Anthony do for me a miracle.
    2.i need a miracle of plastering the buildings
    3.buying beds
    4.more chairs
    6.kindly get me students also please find them for me because ifeel exhausted
    Thanks St.Anthony

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  58. HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF REAL AND EFFECTIVE SPELL FROM DR maam latifah My name is MUNILAH, I never thought I will smile again, My husband left me with two kids for one year, All effort to bring him back failed I thought I'm not going to see him again not until I met a lady called Jesse who told me about a spell caster called Dr.maam latifah , She gave me her email address and mobile number and I contacted her and she assured me that within 48hours my husband will come back to me, In less than 48hours my husband came back started begging for forgiveness saying it is the devils work, so I'm still surprise till now about this miracle,i couldn't conceive but as soon as the spell was cast,i became pregnant and gave birth to my third child,if you need any assistance from her you can contact her via:email: Or WhatsApp or call her now:
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  59. am here to give my testimony about Dr latifah who helped me.. i want to inform the public how i was cured from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) by salami, i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HERPES and i saw comment of people talking about how Dr latifah cured them. when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took for just 2 weeks and it seriously worked for me, my HERPES result came out negative. I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that there is no cure for herpes that is Not true just contact her and get cure from Dr maam healing herbal cure of all kinds of sickness you may have like
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  62. Dear St.Anthony
    Am very grateful for what you are doing in my life.thank you the new building coming up.
    My dearest friend you always answer so quickly.i present to the following intentions my sweet patron saint please look on me with kindness please restore the bad relationship that I have no hope for humanly speaking. I see it becoming worse each day I don't know what to do because the pain in my heart is simply too much.
    I beg you now for an extraodinary miracle I don't think there anything I can do to break through the most complicated heart of my friend
    Only you can touch him fill him with pitty and a kind headh
    St.Anthony touch his heart that has never forgiven any one
    He has lists of people who have wrongef him since many years ago and who am I to be forgiven and loved once again
    This is why I pray for your Devine intervention.
    Please stop. Anthony touch him please let him talk to me again.
    I also pray urgently for 50,000 Euros to be to finish my project am tired of moving with out money
    Thank you my sweet friend


  63. my name is Zoe Heffernan from London, Am here to share how lady cafai unblocked my both tubes with the herbal medicine which i ordered IYa Hindi product from the online i got from this group,of which i was told by my doctor after several attempts trying to get pregnant that both my tubes were blocked. right now am with the scan and the test proving that my tubes are unblocked and as i'm giving this testimony am already 8 months pregnant. i just want to say a big thanks to IYa Hindi herbal for the work done, IYa Hindi herbal has really proven to me that her herbal medicine works perfectly whatsapp messenger +19145295224/visits his register website:

  64. Dear St.Anthony
    I thank you for your love ❤️❤️
    Really my dearest friend look at my broken heart 💔's possible that what am asking is not according to GodsG will
    Kindly pray 🙏 that my heart is healed
    Am totally worn-out I can't face this friend anymore because of pain
    Since you are like telling me that changing his heart to be able to talk again is impossible then heal my heart so that i stop missing him or feeling pain whenever I see him
    Please st.Anthony help me out of this mess
    I can't push on any more.please please help me out.
    This friend has mooked me too much and has taken me for granted please.....St.Anthony do for me a miracle today because am tired

  65. Hello,

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  66. I had struggle relationship with my husband in the past which led to divorce with my first husband. After i and my ex husband got divorced, i had another chance to re-marry again and just 5 years of my second marriage there was another divorce which almost killed me emotionally. I stayed for another two years been unmarried and a single mother. Honestly I wasn't really happy it because every woman need a man in her life, there was a time i saw my first husbands photo and i realized how much i loved him and have missed him. I tried to get to him but i was told that he moved on with his life and we may never been together again. I wept bitterly that night thinking i have lost the man that i have had so much love for. I asked for advise on what to do and a friend of mine gave me a contact of Osasu Solution Temple, i consulted him and to his very best with his powerful spells he helped me with a Reunion Marriage Love Spell to returned my ex husband back to me, in just 9 days i had enchanter with a spiritual reunion prayers with priest Osasu everything turn around for good in my life, I am now happily living with my first husband again and sort out the divorce issues. with the help of Osasu temple, his a man of wisdom and care. Thanks and i appreciate all the help you have rendered to get my ex husband back into my life again. I testify here today that Osasu temple is powerful it can resolve all problem in a broken relationship with love once. contact him for solutions to any kind of relationship problem. Email....( You can also call him or add him on WhatsApp +2347064365391

  67. Everyone wanted a relationship that lasts forever, you have to respect your husband, because your relationship will last forever, just as you want me to respect my husband so much that I follow his rules. But after many years of marriage, my husband came home from work and was very sad. I tried to talk to him to get out of the house and he told me that you want a divorce. I was very frustrated and confused because I love my husband so much. when we have two children together, I don't know what to do by luck. I met a friend of mine who referred me to a kind and powerful man named Dr. Okpodo, who cast a love spell that successfully brought my husband home. very grateful for the help of or whatsapp just +234815105617 in my family, all thanks to you for saving my marriage, my husband, now he loves me more than ever

  68. I am writing this comment with tears of joy. My marriage fell apart after 6 months because my mother In-law asked my husband to divorce me and marriage the woman she betroth to him as his wife. All this drama started happening in our marriage and my husband left me and our one month baby just so he could do as his mom wants him to.
    I was in tears and shattered for 6 months because I could not imagine my whole life crumbling in front of me. I could not continue with work and baby responsibilities so I quit working. Things became more difficult until my best friend advised me to meet a love doctor that fixed her marriage with a RETURN LOVER SPELL that works as fast as 12 hours after casting the spell. I concord and decided to contact this spell doctor and guess what. My husband came to my mom house with his family in less than 12 hours after casting the spell. Even his mom came back asking me for forgiveness and also to reconcile with my husband who left me. They have been coming for the past 3 days and now everyone is asking me to take him back. I am so grateful for what this love spell doctor has done for me. I am thinking of accepting his apologize and move on as family just as my mom advised.
    Anyone who wants their lover back should write to love doctor on Love Spell doctor on
    God bless you as you find your happiness through this testimony.

  69. Dear St.Anthony
    Am so grateful for the finances you have given me. I a odon' have words to explain this,you have done it my love

  70. Get A Blank ATM CARD And Cash Good Money/Funds Pay Your Debt directly today in any ATM machine around you anywhere in the world. contact It's 100% guaranteed secure with no worries of being caught because the blank card it's already programmed and loaded with good funds in it, in such a way that's not traceable which also have a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you, i am not a stupid man that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done. For more info contact Mr john and also on how you are going to get your Card, Order yours today via Email:

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  71. St Anthony ur the one can slow my problems please God make me come out of my all doubts am literally facesing so many problems in my life but still I believe u God dat u vl bless atlst for 1time please God I Dnt have any 1 else to help me....god il b waiting for ur miracle

  72. Please pray for my son, he is divorcing his wife & leaving his two children because he wants to marry another women.

  73. Dear St.Anthony
    Kindly find for me this money which is not arriving on my account
    Help me to trees it.

  74. Now at.Anthony I have serious cases please intervene
    1.please please money to finish my mother's house
    2.please money to finish the buildings of the institute
    3.please find my ID I don't know where it is kindly find it for me
    Thank you at.Anthony my great friend

  75. Am also praying for a miracle that my friend gift can get a man

  76. What do I really do the Bruno St Anthony nyamba ompe esente zokomusettlinga

  77. Am praying for the healing of Tina's wounds

  78. Thank you sir for your genuine spells. This is really incredible, and I have never experienced anything like this in my life. Before i met you Sir, i have tried every possible means that i could to get my wife back, but i actually came to realize that nothing was working out for me, and that my wife had developed lot of hatred for me.. I thought there was no hope to reunite with my ex wife and kids. But when i read good reviews about your work sir, i decided to give it a try and i did everything that you instructed me and i Trusted in you and followed your instructions just as you have guaranteed me in 48 hours, and that was exactly when my wife called me.. We are more contented now than ever. Everything looks perfect and so natural! Thank you so much for your authentic and indisputable spells. Thanks Sir for your help. So I promise to tell the world about you great If you need help in your marriage of broken relationship,please contact Dr Osasu right now for urgent help WhatsApp +2347064365391 or Email I want every one who is facing any problem should also give a testimony soon. Just like me today

  79. Thank you Jesus for your genuine power all spells are under your great power Jesus... thank you for listening to my prayers through your servant St.Anthonyof padua

  80. Strong And Powerful Love Spell To Win Your Ex Back.. I have decided that i am going to spend the whole day on the internet just to make sure that a lot of people are able to read this my testimony about Dr.happy who is a powerful spell caster from Africa, After been abandon by my lover i was so lonely that very day that i decided to go through the net for some relationships tips, I never knew that this was the road map that will secure the return of my lover. After reading a lot of tips on how to restore my relationship in a more better way i discovered that Dr.happy has a lot of recommendation than other spell casters, So with this i had my mind made up that Dr.happy was the right person for the job, And i contacted Dr.happy through his details which i saw on the internet and i was so happy that i chose to work with Dr.happy because his work was 100% perfect and the spell brought my lover back to me with fast relief you can also contact him for help now email..
    Whatsapp/cal +2348133873774

  81. Strong And Powerful Love Spell To Win Your Ex Back.. I have decided that i am going to spend the whole day on the internet just to make sure that a lot of people are able to read this my testimony about Dr.happy who is a powerful spell caster from Africa, After been abandon by my lover i was so lonely that very day that i decided to go through the net for some relationships tips, I never knew that this was the road map that will secure the return of my lover. After reading a lot of tips on how to restore my relationship in a more better way i discovered that Dr.happy has a lot of recommendation than other spell casters, So with this i had my mind made up that Dr.happy was the right person for the job, And i contacted Dr.happy through his details which i saw on the internet and i was so happy that i chose to work with Dr.happy because his work was 100% perfect and the spell brought my lover back to me with fast relief you can also contact him for help now email..
    Whatsapp/cal +2348133873774

  82. We offer personal loans up to $ 100,000, you are looking for a business loan and have been denied by a bank, we can help with loans of $ 5,000 to a maximum of $ 100,000 * that can help you get your business Rebuild and get you back Can bring you on a path to a better financial future.

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  83. st.anthonyof Padua
    I thank you for being my best friend
    I thank you for praying for me with all passion
    I thank you for all the financial benefits
    I thank you for patterning with me in the construction of the institute and my mother's home.
    My sweet friend kindly look again at me with kindness and pray for me for the following.
    Money to finish my mother's house
    Money to finish the buildings down
    Money to do all the construction at the institute
    Healing for Tina's skin
    Finding my ID
    Husband for gift
    Settling Bruno
    Protection of Cissy from Covid19
    Total healing of my desire for the friend you know
    Please st.Anthony help me now

  84. St.Athony of Padua God revealed you to me so that you can accompany me in the pioneering of this institute...I really thank you for what you have done for me
    I thank you for finding my ID
    Now my dear at.Anthony am urgently in in need of the following please please
    1,To get money to plaster the old classrooms and paint them and put glasses in
    2.To get money to finish my mom's house emediately after the lockdown Please please
    3.success of the project that I have just given Franzi please I pray that it passes through
    4.To buy a minbus for the institute please
    5.To get 5m to start a business for Bruno
    6.To restore my relationship with Bishop Kibira
    7.My friend gift to find a husband
    8.Cissy not to contract Covid19
    9.Healing of the skin of my friend Tina
    10.Getting more students for TAVOTI and getting a good staff

  85. Am here to say a big thank you to Dr, Dolly for his marvelous work and his great spirits for saving my Relationship. No one would have believe that I and my Boyfriend will ever come back together again as lovers. But this great spell caster united us in just 48 hours and we are now happily in our relationship Dr. Dolly is truly a real and honest online spell caster. Contact him now if you are going through relationship or marriage problem on: Email: dollyspelltemple@gmail. com. OR call/whatsapp +2348153211563. All thanks to Dr, Dolly once again...

  86. St.Anthony you are a movulous saint
    Am requesting you to find for my Bible which got lost together with a family photo
    Thank you st.Anthony

  87. St.Anthony of Padua
    Thank you so much for praying for me
    Thank you for all the financial benefits I have gotten through you
    Thank you for the money I have found which was hidden by a thief
    Thank tooo much for drawing me close to the father
    Thank you for the money you have given me for my mom's house so far.... please am so grateful
    St.Anthony kindly pray for me a miracle of the following
    1.the project of 20,000 Euros to pass through get 30,000 Euros for finishing the classrooms
    4.To get 10,000euros fo buying materials for the institute
    5.To get school fees for Children in school especially, Patricia, Emma, Agnes and Emmanuel
    6.To get students for TAVOTI
    7.Good staff for TAVOTI
    9.Money for the food of Bruno Monica family during Covid19
    10.Husband fo Gift
    11.Healing for Tina
    12.Finding my Bible and my 📷
    Thanks very much St.Anthony do for your great love and friendship

  88. Are you going through marital crisis or divorce do you want to get back with your ex lover the solution has come your way contact Dr Sam the powerful spell caster at or WhatsApp him on +2349060421250

  89. I never believed in love prayer or magic until i met this (powerful Pastor Ikaken) once when i went to Africa in February this year on a business summit. I meant a man who’s name is (Pastor Ikaken) he is really powerful and could help (Pastor Ikaken) to bring back one’s gone, lost, misbehaving lover and magic money prayers or for a good job or luck prayer.I’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3 years. I really loved him, but his mother was against us and he had no good paying job. So when i met this (Pastor Ikaken), i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him. At first i was undecided, skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. And in 7 days when i returned to Los Angeles, my boyfriend (now husband) called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married. I didn’t believe it cos the pastor. ikaken only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do. Well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got the new job and our lives became much better. His email is( . You can write him of whatsapp+233596908113

  90. I never believed i would be healed from HIV someday. And I have been taking some medication from my doctor and there was no improvement. Few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (HSV 2 and Cancer) by this Man Dr Sayo and she also gave the contact of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr Sayo telling him about my (Hiv virus ) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as Dr, Sayo assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my Doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed, behold! it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can reach Dr Sayo on his email, (sayoherbalhealer@gmail com) .....ALL THANKS TO GOD FB page check blog: check website; 

  91. Strong And Powerful Love Spell To Win Your Ex Back.. I have decided that i am going to spend the whole day on the internet just to make sure that a lot of people are able to read this my testimony about Dr.happy who is a powerful spell caster from Africa, After been abandon by my lover i was so lonely that very day that i decided to go through the net for some relationships tips, I never knew that this was the road map that will secure the return of my lover. After reading a lot of tips on how to restore my relationship in a more better way i discovered that Dr.happy has a lot of recommendation than other spell casters, So with this i had my mind made up that Dr.happy was the right person for the job, And i contacted Dr.happy through his details which i saw on the internet and i was so happy that i chose to work with Dr.happy because his work was 100% perfect and the spell brought my lover back to me with fast relief you can also contact him for help now email..
    Whatsapp/cal +2348133873774

  92. We are independent company Offering Loan at a cheapest interest(2%). We guarantee any kind of Loan, Government finance Project and Investor Project. etc If you are interested Kindly get back to me for more information via Email:

  93. St.Anthony of Padua
    You are my helo lam so proud to have you as my advocate before my Lord Jesus Christ.
    I know one day I will be like you, since you lived here one time you know the struggles of this world and that's why I emplore you your intercession.,... please stand with me to pray for my issues I can't manage alone I need your advocacy
    Kindly pray for the following
    # my project of 20000€ to pass through
    #60,000€ to finish the whole institute plus equipment
    # money to finish my mom's house atleast to enter when Monica is still in the village
    #Healing of the rush on my eyes
    # Reducing of my tamy
    #healing of Tina's rush
    #husband to my friend Gift
    #3000€ for brunon's project
    # Protection of Cissy from Covid19
    #Changing of Byaruhanga and restoration of friendship
    # Protection from confusion between me and my husband again
    #Wisdom for my son in class
    #Healing for my Mom
    #Healing for Rose

  94. I pray for my sister Pass to concieve Please St.Anthony do this miracle for me.

  95. I want to give a testimony about a great illuminate member
    made that me to be who I am today at first I taught he was a
    scam but letter he told me that I should go and purchase
    some items that. Will cost me and I was like saying this man
    is a scam but he encouraged me to purchase the items and
    he also said that it was for my own good and I really send him
    the money and the next day he send me my pot of money and
    some parcel look at me now am very rich and famous if you
    want to be rich you can get in touch with him on WhatsApp
    number +27638498956 or gmail

  96. Dear St.Anthony I come to you tonight I ask for a miracle for my mother's house.. now Monica is going to Leave the village please stop.Anthony l need a miracle of money
    I miracle of my project to succeed
    I need a miracle of money to finish TAVOTI
    I need a miracle of brunon's capital
    I need a miracle of my friend ship with Byaruhanga
    I need a miracle for Cissy to stay healthy
    I need a miracle of waking up to pray early
    I need a miracle for Passy to concieve
    Thank you my friend

  97. I pray for healing for Rose
    I pray for a husband for Gift
    I pray for health of my mom
    I pray David's emotions and wisdom

  98. I need a job, and also money

  99. St.Anthon I thank you for praying for me ,I thank you for the financial breakthroughs I have received
    I thank you for your constant intercession
    Now I beg you to stand with me as I pray for the following
    1. Pray for my total surrender of the friend who broke my heart totally
    I ask you that the pain I n my heart will disappear in the wounds of Jesus
    2.Kindly help me not feel pain when I see him with other people
    3.i pray that the buildings shall be plastered please they really look bad
    4.i pray that I get money for the house in the village and it's finished
    5.i pray for my brother's capital
    I pray for gift to find a man
    Help me Lord amen

  100. Dear St.Anthony I am so grateful for your un failing internvantion.
    Thank you for the miracle you have performed for me concerning Passy,funds,and so on.
    Dear St. Anthony allow me to bring you the most complicated issues at the moment.
    1.That Passy Will have no pressure again and the baby will grow well until the term please st. Anthony do this miracle for me.
    2.That my relationship with bb Will be restored humanily speaking it's now more destroyed completely I don't even see a small light anywhere.St.Anthony I believe this time you will help me out and the friend ship will pick up again and the sounded shall be healed but also forgiveness can happen.
    3.That I will get all the funds for finishing:
    # the school
    # my mother's house
    # Brunon's capital
    #Mukasa and the wife
    4.That you will interceed for antie kyarimpa and she is healed from cancer
    And Dr.Alex to restore his sight

  101. Jesus, please help all the people that need your help. Please cover all I your precious and sacred blood of protection. Please help all the people that are asking Gods divine help and heavenly help. Saint Anthony please take their prayers to God for HIS DIVINE ORCHESTRATION? I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Glory be to God. Amen

  102. My dearest St.Anthony of Padua
    I am so grateful for your support and Intercession
    My dear I am never tired of coming to you.
    Please I need urgent internvantion on the following:
    3.Paint Mom's house
    Thanks very much

  103. St.Anthony of Padua thank you for the money you have given me for farming
    St.Anthoy thank you for all the money for my mom's house.... please my dearest friend just help me I need a miracle now
    1.Plastering the classrooms the rain is spoiling the walls please for equipment for my mom's house
    4.resoration of my relationship with the bishop
    5.Protection of Passy and the baby
    6.Faustines house
    Protection of Cissy
    7Money for Bruno

  104. God please help Johanna who is in hospital and also help Diana G and her husband who are in desperate need of your divine help.
    Please help Gladys be able to receive the money - R500.00 that Natasha sent to her via ABSA CashSend? Thank you God.
    Please hear our prayers God ?

    Glory be to God for all eternity

    Dear God

    Please help me with the TAX SARS - Please guide the Tax Practitioner to reply to my e-mail from 8th August 2020 and to help me with the SARS Tax Submission - provisional tax as well as assist my son J.I.G. ?

    I surrender this to you God for your divine orchestration.

    Thank you Father God.

    Please also pray that my son in USA shall receive the second $1200 Stimulus Check, in Jesus Name we pray.

    Beloved Saint Jude, please pray to our beloved heavenly Father God on my behalf ?

    GOD, We surrender to you, and pray that * YOUR WILL IS DONE OH HEAVENLY FATHER GOD*.



    LORD, please help me, the tenant, with these issues, please help ?

    REG - Issues with finances - USD $421.00 IN vet bills for Harley, the puppy she adopted who was ill and needed a home.

    JIG - To overcome financial crisis and to URGENTLY receive the LONG OVERDUE UIF/COVID-19 TERS payment urgently due to him by SA Government UIF, resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    J.I.G - To be divinely accepted for the 12 month Learnership with W&R SETA with his work at Musgrave Centre. Please help him to excellent and achieve excellent results and income.

    KMG - USA Visa extended, USA Motor Licence renewed, Knees, Back and all health issues healed in the name of Jesus Christ. His Graphic Design career is ignited and renewed in the USA by God's divine ORCHESTRATION.

    CEG - Wipe out all debt, be debt free, excellent credit rating. A/Order-10003/22009 cancelled by Magistrates Court URGENTLY.

    CEG - Perfect health, perfect harmony in the body, no more hot flushes, coughing, headaches,aching back, cramps and dizziness.

    TLH - Excellent marks at University Examinations and Work Assignments, resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    Alex M. - PLEASE pray for this girl's soul and her mental health - anxiety, depression and suicidal tendencies.

    Mikayla J - Broken arm - she is only 9 yrs old

    We surrender to you, and pray that * YOUR WILL IS DONE OH HEAVENLY FATHER GOD*.


  105. Father God please help dissolve all the crime, corruption, violence, racism and fraud in South Africa.

    We pray God that you Divinely eliminate & dissolve the fraud and blatant corruption and dishonesty in respect of the COVID-19 LOCKDOWN: TERS PAYMENTS.

    God please eliminate the dishonesty in the Government, Eskom, South African Post Office, SASSA, AND ALL THE GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS AND MUNICIPALITIES IN SOUTH AFRICA.

    We are still awaiting the outstanding COVID-19 LOCKDOWN: TERS PAYMENTS for my son JG, PLEASE help us God, so we divinely receive the payments due to my son by divine right.

    Glory be to God for all eternity. Amen



    God please help Johanna who is in hospital and also help Diana G and her husband who are in desperate need of your divine help.

    PLEASE pray for Liz P's health, her kidneys, her throat and for perfect health for Liz.

    Please help Gladys be able to receive the money - R500.00 that Natasha sent to her via ABSA CashSend? Thank you God.

    Please hear our prayers God ?

    Glory be to God for all eternity

  106. St Anthony of Padua I am so grateful for your support.
    I continue to pray to finish my mom's house and furniture,solor ,a cow ,a tank, ame
    2.Plastering and painting of TAVOTI
    3.Tools for work shops in TAVOTI
    5.Baby for Gladys Kemigisha
    6.Sponsors for fr.Bony
    My relationship with Peter and Richard
    7.Husband for Gift

  107. Please pray for me to be blessed with money to pay my rent on monthly basis and food money and money to pay my debt thanks

  108. St.Anthony I ask you for a miracle of mastering the car please help me to drive well and be able to understand everything about driving because I find it difficult
    Thank you my dear friend

  109. Dear God

    Please help me with the TAX SARS - Please guide the Tax Practitioner to reply to my e-mail from 30th August 2020 and to help me with the SARS Tax Submission - provisional tax.

    I surrender this to you God for your divine orchestration.
    Thank you Father God.
    ease pray to our beloved heavenly Father God on my behalf ?

    GOD, We surrender to you, and pray that * YOUR WILL IS DONE OH HEAVENLY FATHER GOD*.

    My oldest son KMG - USA Visa extended, USA Motor Licence renewed, Knees, Back and all health issues healed in the name of Jesus Christ. His Graphic Design career is ignited and renewed in the USA by God's divine ORCHESTRATION.

    Please pray for my son J ?

    Please pray to God so that my son is able to 100% secure the position and become a well paid, permanent employee at the Company where he has been a flexi employee for 29 months.

    I pray that God’s will is done.

    I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
    Thank you amen

    We surrender to you, and pray that * YOUR WILL IS DONE OH HEAVENLY FATHER GOD*.


  110. Heavenly Father God please heal the relationship between my parents, REJG, IBG, and my sister TLGK and brother SDG, AND SFG and myself. God please heal our family, please allow your will to be done in my famly. thank you God amen

  111. Please pray for my son Jordin to secure the stockroom job, with the promotion to permanent employment and a salary increase, all in accordance with Gods divine plan. Thank you. Amen I am desperate for your prayer intercession.

    Please pray to God so that my son is able to perform well during the interview, and that my son is able to 100% secure the position and become a well paid, permanent employee at the Company where he has been a flexi employee for 29 months.

    I pray that God's will is done.

    I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

    Thank you amen
    I also pray for God to help my older son KMG, he is 26 years old in the USA to be able to secure permanent employment using his qualifications as a Graphic Designer and Fine Artist.
    Please pray for God to help him with his present contract in North Carolina and with new contract in Naples Florida later this year ?

    I pray all in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our Lord and Saviour.

    PLEASE heal LIZ 100%, her throat, her acid reflux, her gall bladder issues, God please urgently heal my back, sore throat and this phlegm cough? Please help as my body aches from all the coughing, especially my back and throat.

    Please pray for Carol, transfer to new SAPS, Gary - depression, Carol, pool issue which has lasted over 5 years.
    Carol, for the finalisation of her Dad Brian's will (Uncle Brian passed in March 2019) GOD PLEASE HELP ??

    God please help Johanna who just got out of the hospital and also help Diana G and her husband who are in desperate need of your divine help.

    God, I am begging you to make Iris, my Tax Consultant, respond to my e-mails in regards to my provisional tax submission and for my son AND myself.

    Iris keeps WhatsApp messaging to say she will help and respond, but still no assistance or help from her since Sunday, 30th AUGUST 2020, please make YOUR WILL BE DONE PLEASE GOD. THANK YOU


    Please help Gladys be able to receive the money - R500.00 that Natasha sent to her via ABSA CashSend? Thank you God.

    Glory be to Heavenly Father God for ALL ETERNITY.


  112. Heavenly Father God please heal the relationship between my parents, REJG, IBG, my sister TLGK, my brother SDG, my brother SFG and myself. God please heal our family, please allow YOUR WILL TO be done in my family. THANK YOU God amen

  113. Please pray for my son Jordin to secure the stockroom job, with the promotion to permanent employment and a salary increase, all in accordance with Gods divine plan. Thank you. Amen I am desperate for your prayer intercession. Please pray to God so that my son is able to perform well during the interview, and that my son is able to 100% secure the position and become a well paid, permanent employee at the Company where he has been a flexi employee for 29 months.I pray that God's will is done. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.I also pray for God to help my older son KMG, he is 26 years old in the USA to be able to secure permanent employment using his qualifications as a Graphic Designer and Fine Artist.Please pray for God to help him with his present contract in North Carolina and with new contract in Naples Florida later this year ? Please arrange his car rental and please protect him on his drive from North Carolina to Florida. God please surround my children with the words of Psalm 91. Thank you God. I pray all in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our Lord and Saviour.PLEASE heal LIZ 100%, her throat, her acid reflux, her gall bladder issues, God please urgently heal my back, sore throat and this phlegm cough? Please help as my body aches from all the coughing, especially my back and throat.Please pray for Carol, transfer to new SAPS, Gary - depression, Carol, pool issue which has lasted over 5 years.Carol, for the finalisation of her Dad Brian's will (Uncle Brian passed in March 2019) GOD PLEASE HELP ??God please help Johanna who just got out of the hospital and also help Diana G and her husband Melvyn who are in desperate need of your divine help.Iris keeps WhatsApp messaging to say she will help and respond, but still no assistance or help from her since Sunday, 30th AUGUST 2020, please make YOUR WILL BE DONE PLEASE GOD.God, I am begging you to divinely orchestrate that Iris, my Tax Consultant, respond to my e-mails in regards to my provisional tax submission.God please arrange that I receive a TAX / SARS REFUND in respect of the medical costs incurred.AMEN Please help Gladys be able to receive the money - R500.00 that Natasha sent to her via ABSA CashSend? Thank you God.Glory be to Heavenly Father God for ALL ETERNITY. Heavenly Father God please heal the relationship between my parents, REJG, IBG, my sister TLGK, my brother SDG, my brother SFG and myself. God please heal our family, please allow YOUR WILL TO be done in my family. THANK YOU God amen. I surrender to GOD !!!

  114. St.Anthony of Padua
    I am sooooo grateful for the so many miracles you have performed in my family.
    I will always give witness for the wonderful things you have done.
    I really want ask you for a miracle now.
    1.Finances for TAVOTI ie plaster, paint, furniture, equipment, kitchen,toilets,farm,land
    2.Furniture for Mom next week
    3.mastering driving
    4.Family car
    5.childfor Gladys and Pedro
    6.Husbad for Gift
    7.Fees for Asifiwe
    Thanks you st.Anthony

  115. God please help Bev and her family. Her mother passed away on Sunday, 20th September 2020, I pray that you heal and comfort them all. Thank you God. Amen

  116. Please pray for my son Jordin to secure the stockroom job, with the promotion to permanent employment and a salary increase, all in accordance with Gods divine plan. Thank you. Amen I am desperate for your prayer intercession.

    Please pray to God so that my son is able to perform well during the interview, and that my son is able to 100% secure the position and become a well paid, permanent employee at the Company where he has been a flexi employee for 29 months.

    I pray that God's will is done.

    I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

    I also pray for God to help my older son KMG, he is 26 years old in the USA to be able to secure permanent employment using his qualifications as a Graphic Designer and Fine Artist.
    Please pray for God to help him with his present contract in North Carolina and with new contract in Naples Florida later this year ?
    Please arrange his car rental and please protect him on his drive from North Carolina to Florida. God please surround my children with the words of Psalm 91. Thank you God.

    I pray all in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our Lord and Saviour.

    PLEASE heal LIZ 100%, her throat, her acid reflux, her gall bladder issues, God please urgently heal my back, sore throat and this phlegm cough? Please help as my body aches from all the coughing, especially my back and throat.

    Please pray for Carol, transfer to new SAPS, Gary - depression, Carol, pool issue which has lasted over 5 years.
    Carol, for the finalisation of her Dad Brian's will (Uncle Brian passed in March 2019) GOD PLEASE HELP ??

    God please help Johanna who just got out of the hospital and also help Diana G and her husband Melvyn who are in desperate need of your divine help.

    Iris keeps WhatsApp messaging to say she will help and respond, but still no assistance or help from her since Sunday, 30th AUGUST 2020, please make YOUR WILL BE DONE PLEASE GOD.

    God, I am begging you to divinely orchestrate that Iris, my Tax Consultant, respond to my e-mails in regards to my provisional tax submission.

    God please arrange that I receive a TAX / SARS REFUND in respect of the medical costs incurred.


    Please help Gladys be able to receive the money - R500.00 that Natasha sent to her via ABSA CashSend?

    Thank you God.

    Glory be to Heavenly Father God for ALL ETERNITY.


  117. Heavenly Father God please heal the relationship between my parents, REJG, IBG, my sister TLGK, my brother SDG, my younger brother SFG and myself. God please heal our family, please allow your will to be done in my family. thank you God amen. I PRAY THAT GOD'S WILL IS DONE IN MY FAMILY. AMEN

  118. Heavenly Father God please allow your will to be done in my life, the lives of my family, friends and all in the world.

    Please help this blog to prosper, we pray this in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

  119. Please, I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, that the below PRAYERS are prayed for ?

    Thank you and God bless you.

    Please pray to God to help the following people ? Thank you kindly..

    LEO - PLEASE PRAY FOR HIS LIVER AND BLOOD TESTS, bloods showed enzymes in his liver - he is only 10 weeks old.

    PUPPY DOG - HARLEY, perfect health, perfect happy, healthy body so her skin is perfect, and she has no skin allergies or skin irritations, please heal this puppy dog Father God?

    Sharon's - healing of legs, broken ankles, HRT issues.

    REPP - Husband Cedric's health challenges - please pray for healing?

    Liz P. - Gall Bladder and Gall Stones & healing of her relationship with her 48 year old son M.P.



    Bev's Mom - DIED ON 19th September 2020 PLEASE PRAY FOR HER SOUL AND FOR FAMILY ?

    Toni's dad - DIED ON 01st July 2020 PLEASE PRAY FOR HIS SOUL AND FOR FAMILY ?

    Aunty Rennie - Leg amputation and urgent healing needed / prosthetic leg funds needed.

    CEG - Wipe out all debt, be debt free, excellent credit rating. A-Order-10003/22009 cancelled by Magistrates Court URGENTLY.

    CEG - TAX REFUND IN RESPECT OF ALL MEDICAL COSTS ALREADY PAID OUT, according to thy will being done God.

    CEG - Perfect health, perfect harmony in the body, no more hot flushes, coughing, headaches, aching back, hips, cramps and dizziness.

    TLH - University Examinations and Work Assignments, resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    Alex M. - PLEASE pray for this girl's soul and her mental health - anxiety, depression and suicidal.

    BCR - Severe Back Issues and return to Germany after the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic lock-down in the country.

    Christopher, Holly and Leo _ Chris' PTSD and depression.

    Zoefie - PTSD - from 1987/1988/1988 and finances resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    Scott - Finances resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    Bruce J - Finances and to retain employment, resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    NKS - Sort her health issues, arthritis, problem with the Contractror and the deck

    NKS - grandson Leo, heal his liver and blood levels, heal his spine and lip after the operation. Heal his father's anxiety and depression.

    REG - Issues with finances - vet bills for Harley, the puppy she adopted who was ill and needed a home.

    JIG - To urgently receive the UIF/COVID-19 TERS payment urgently due to him, resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    KMG - USA Visa extended, USA Motor Licence renewed, Knees, Back and all health issues healed in the name of Jesus Christ. His Graphic Design career is ignited by God's divine ORCHESTRATION.

    Pretty - Urgent income/employment needed, resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    Sibongile - Urgent income/employment needed, resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    KLGS - Depression, Anxiety etc.

    IBG - Urgent finances required and health issues healed.

    Lord Jesus, I thank you in advance for hearing all these prayer requests and all those people that pray to YOU.

    I pray this in the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST.


  120. Please, I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, that the below PRAYERS are prayed for ?

    Thank you and God bless you.

    Please pray to God to help the following people ? Thank you kindly. I PRAY THAT GOD'S WILL IS DONE IN OUR LIVES, ON EARTH AND AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.

    LEO - PLEASE PRAY FOR HIS LIVER AND BLOOD TESTS, bloods showed enzymes in his liver - he is only 5 months old.

    JIG - To urgently receive the UIF/COVID-19 TERS payment urgently due to him, resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    KMG - USA Visa extended, USA Motor Licence renewed before end October 2020, Knees, Back and all health issues healed in the name of Jesus Christ. His Graphic Design career is ignited by God's divine ORCHESTRATION.

    Nala, my son's cat in USA, to be 100% healthy, 100% happy, immensely loved and well taken care of by Michael and Mikayla in the USA.

    PUPPY DOG - HARLEY perfect health, perfect happy, healthy body so her skin is perfect, and she has no skin allergies or skin irritations, please heal this puppy dog Father God?

    DOGGY SANDY perfect health, perfect happy, healthy body.

    REPP - Husband Cedric's health challenges - please pray for healing?

    Liz P. - 100% health FOR her body. Gall Bladder and Gall Stones & healing of her relationship with her 48 year old son M.P.



    Bev's Mom - DIED ON 19th September 2020 PLEASE PRAY FOR HER SOUL AND FOR FAMILY ?


    Aunty Rennie - Leg amputation and urgent healing needed / prosthetic leg funds needed.

    CEG - Wipe out all debt, be debt free, excellent credit rating. A-Order-10003/22009 cancelled by Magistrates Court URGENTLY.

    CEG - TAX REFUND IN RESPECT OF ALL MEDICAL COSTS ALREADY PAID OUT, according to thy will being done God.

    CEG - Perfect health, perfect harmony in the body, no more hot flushes, coughing, headaches, aching back, hips, cramps and dizziness.

    TLH - EXCELLENT Pass marks for his University Examinations and Work Assignments, he is so stressed - from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    Alex M. - PLEASE pray for this girl's soul and her mental health - anxiety, depression and suicidal.

    BCR - Severe Back Issues and return to Germany after the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic lock-down in the country.

    Christopher, Holly and Leo _ Chris' PTSD and depression.

    Zoefie - PTSD - from 1987/1988/1988 and finances resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    Scott - Finances resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    Bruce J - Finances and to retain employment, resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    NKS - Sort her health issues, arthritis, problem with the Contractror and the deck

    NKS - grandson Leo, heal his liver and blood levels, heal his spine and lip after the operation. Heal his father's anxiety and depression.

    REG - Issues with finances - vet bills for Harley, the puppy she adopted who was ill and needed a home.

    Pretty - Urgent income/employment needed, resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    Sibongile - Urgent income/employment needed, resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    KLGS - Depression, Anxiety AND Finances etc.

    IBG - Urgent finances required and health issues healed.

    Lord Jesus, I thank you in advance for hearing all these prayer requests and all those people that pray to YOU.

    I pray this in the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST.


  121. Please pray for my son Jordin to secure the stockroom job, with the promotion to permanent employment and a salary increase, all in accordance with Gods divine plan. Thank you. Amen I am desperate for your prayer intercession. Please pray to God so that my son is able to perform well during the interview, and that my son is able to 100% secure the position and become a well paid, permanent employee at the Company where he has been a flexi employee for 29 months.I pray that God's will is done. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.I also pray for God to help my older son KMG, he is 26 years old in the USA to be able to secure permanent employment using his qualifications as a Graphic Designer and Fine Artist.Please pray for God to help him with his present contract in North Carolina and with new contract in Naples Florida later this year ? Please arrange his car rental and please protect him on his drive from North Carolina to Florida. God please surround my children with the words of Psalm 91. Thank you God. I pray all in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our Lord and Saviour.PLEASE heal LIZ 100%, her throat, her acid reflux, her gall bladder issues, God please urgently heal my back, sore throat and this phlegm cough? Please help as my body aches from all the coughing, especially my back and throat.Please pray for Carol, transfer to new SAPS, Gary - depression, Carol, pool issue which has lasted over 5 years.Carol, for the finalisation of her Dad Brian's will (Uncle Brian passed in March 2019) GOD PLEASE HELP ??God please help Johanna who just got out of the hospital and also help Diana G and her husband Melvyn who are in desperate need of your divine help.Iris keeps WhatsApp messaging to say she will help and respond, but still no assistance or help from her since Sunday, 30th AUGUST 2020, please make YOUR WILL BE DONE PLEASE GOD.God, I am begging you to divinely orchestrate that Iris, my Tax Consultant, respond to my e-mails in regards to my provisional tax submission.God please arrange that I receive a TAX / SARS REFUND in respect of the medical costs incurred.AMEN Please help Gladys be able to receive the money - R500.00 that Natasha sent to her via ABSA CashSend? Thank you God.Glory be to Heavenly Father God for ALL ETERNITY. Heavenly Father God please heal the relationship between my parents, REJG, IBG, my sister TLGK, my brother SDG, my brother SFG and myself. God please heal our family, please allow YOUR WILL TO be done in my family. THANK YOU God amen. I surrender to GOD !!!

  122. God, please help me ?
    I am trying to pay my tithe online via my American Express and Mastercard(s) but they are not working and my bank advises that there is not a problem. Please heal this issue so that I am able to tithe online. thank you God, amen.

    Thank you God.Glory be to Heavenly Father God for ALL ETERNITY. Heavenly Father God please heal the relationship between my parents, REJG, IBG, my sister TLGK, my brother SDG, my brother SFG and myself.
    God please heal our family, please allow YOUR WILL TO be done in my family.

    THANK YOU God amen.

    I surrender to you GOD !!!


  123. God, please help Liz P ?

    Heavenly Father God please heal LIZ P., please I am begging you to please heal her entire body and make her healthy.

    Please allow YOUR WILL TO be done in LIZ AND HER family.

    THANK YOU God amen.

    I surrender to you GOD !!!


  124. Sunday, 03rd October 2020

    God, I am desperate, I pray that Saint Jude bring all my challenges and worries to YOU.  I surrender all to you BELOVED HEAVENLY CREATOR FATHER GOD. 

    I love you FATHER God, I love you Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Holy Spirit and beloved Saint Jude Thaddeus.

    Please hear my heart calling for YOUR divine orchestration ?

    I need more time, more energy, more focus spiritually, more spiritual discipline and strengthened faith.

    God please help me to have more energy and time to respond to private and personal messages from family and friends,  please alleviate my feelings of anxiety, sadness, being overwhelmed and drained all the time.  Please help me financially and with my weight loss goals?  I need to shed weight to heal my liver.

    PLEASE HEAL LIZ P. 100% ?  Help her and her health ?

    I love you Beloved Creator Heavenly Father God.


    I pray that thy will is done in all areas of my life.  I surrender to You.  Amen.

  125. Saint Anthony please pray for us?

    God, I am desperate, I pray that Saint Jude and Saint Anthony bring all my challenges and worries to YOU. 

    I surrender all to you BELOVED HEAVENLY CREATOR FATHER GOD. 

    I love you FATHER God, I love you Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Holy Spirit and beloved Saint Jude Thaddeus and Saint Anthony of Padua.

    Please hear my heart calling for YOUR divine orchestration ?

    I need more time, more energy, more focus spiritually, more spiritual discipline and strengthened faith.

    God please help me to have more energy and time to respond to private and personal messages from family and friends,  please alleviate my feelings of anxiety, sadness, being overwhelmed and drained all the time. 

    Please help me financially and with my weight loss goals? 

    I need to shed weight to heal my liver.

    PLEASE HEAL LIZ P. 100% ?  Help her and her health ?

    I love you Beloved Creator Heavenly Father God.


    I pray that thy will is done in all areas of my life.  I surrender to You Father God. 


  126. My testimony, in life we all face difficult situations and trials, i am not an exception. But one thing I want to share as testimony is that my GOD is bigger than any of the trials, debts, situations I am going keep the faith,GOD is the only solution for our problems. So don't desesperate Jesus hear us and he will make it happen...bless day

  127. Please, I pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, that the below PRAYERS are prayed for ?


    Thank you and God bless you.

    Please pray to God to help the following people ? Thank you kindly.

    Please pray for my son Jordin to secure the stockroom job, with the promotion to permanent employment and a salary increase AND good fixed hours, all in accordance with God's divine plan. Thank you. Amen I am desperate for your prayer intercession.

    Please pray to God so that my son is able to perform well during the 2nd interview, and that my son is able to 100% secure the position and become a well paid, permanent employee at the Company where he has been a flexi employee for 29 months.

    I pray that God's will is done.

    I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

    I also pray for God to help my older son KMG, he is 26 years old in the USA to be able to secure permanent employment using his qualifications as a Graphic Designer and Fine Artist. Please pray for God to help him with his present contract in North Carolina and with new contract in Naples Florida later this year ?

    Please arrange his car rental and please protect him on his drive from North Carolina to Florida. God please surround my children with the words of Psalm 91. Thank you God.

    I pray all in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our Lord and Saviour.

    Heavenly Father God please allow your will to be done in my life, the lives of my family, friends and all in the world. amen

    LEO - PLEASE PRAY FOR HIS LIVER AND BLOOD TESTS, bloods showed enzymes in his liver - he is almost 6 months old.

    PUPPY DOG - HARLEY, perfect health, perfect happy, healthy body so her skin is perfect, and she has no skin allergies or skin irritations, please heal this puppy dog Father God?

    Sharon's - healing of legs, broken ankles, HRT issues.

    REPP - Husband Cedric's health challenges - please pray for healing?

    Liz P. - Gall Bladder and Gall Stones & healing of her relationship with her 48 year old son Mark.P.



    Bev's Mom - DIED ON 19th September 2020 PLEASE PRAY FOR HER SOUL AND FOR FAMILY ?

    Toni's dad - DIED ON 01st July 2020 PLEASE PRAY FOR HIS SOUL AND FOR FAMILY ?

    Aunty Rennie - Leg amputation and urgent healing needed / prosthetic leg funds needed.

    CEG - Wipe out all debt, be debt free, excellent credit rating. AdminOrder-10003/22009 cancelled by Magistrates Court URGENTLY.

    CEG - TAX REFUND IN RESPECT OF ALL MEDICAL COSTS ALREADY PAID OUT, according to thy will being done God.

    CEG - Perfect health, perfect harmony in the body, no more hot flushes, coughing, headaches, aching back, hips, cramps and dizziness.

    TLH - University Examinations and Work Assignments, resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    Alex M. - PLEASE pray for this girl's soul and her mental health - anxiety, depression and suicidal.

    BCR - Severe Back Issues and return to Germany after the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic lock-down in the country. Please heal him God ?

    Christopher, Holly and Leo _ Chris' PTSD and depression.

  128. I pray all in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our Lord and Saviour.

    Heavenly Father God please allow your will to be done in my life, the lives of my family, friends and all in the world.  amen

    Zoefie - PTSD - from 1987/1988/1988 and finances resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    Scott - Finances resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    Bruce J - Finances and to retain employment, resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    NKS - Sort her health issues, MIGRAINES, arthritis, problem with the Contractor and the deck

    NKS - grandson Leo, heal his liver and blood levels, heal his spine and lip after the operation. Heal his father's anxiety and depression.

    REG - Issues with finances - vet bills for Harley, the puppy she adopted who was ill and needed a home.

    JIG - To urgently receive the UIF/COVID-19 TERS payment urgently due to him, resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    KMG - USA Visa extended, USA Motor Licence renewed, Knees, Back and all health issues healed in the name of Jesus Christ. His Graphic Design career is ignited by God's divine ORCHESTRATION in America USA.

    Pretty - Urgent income/employment needed, resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    Sibongile - Urgent income/employment needed, resulting from COVID-19 Coronavirus Quarantine.

    KLGS - Depression, Anxiety etc.

    IBG - Urgent finances required and health issues healed.

    Lord Jesus, I thank you in advance for hearing all these prayer requests and all those people that pray to YOU.

    I pray this in the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST.


  129. Friday, 09th October 2020

    Beloved Saint Jude please pray for us?

    Please pray for God to help me by arranging that the plumber/geyser issue is paid for ?

    I cannot ask the Landlord for her financial assistance, as she is 73 years old and her husband is terminally ill with cancer - I do not wish to bother her with the geyser issue ?

    I pray that you help them, she is Mormon and he is Jewish. They also need your DIVINE INTERCESSION Saint Jude ?

    Please help us ALL Father God ?

    Please help us Jesus Christ the Messiah from Nazareth ?

    I pray that God's will is done.


    Please pray for me Saint Jude ?

    Please help me ?

    Thank you God
    Thank you Jesus
    Thank you Holy Spirit
    Thank you Saint Jude.


  130. Friday, 09th October 2020

    Beloved Saint Jude please pray for us?
    Please pray for God to help me by arranging v that I receive $150.00 to pay the tax consultant.
    Please help me ?

    Thank you God
    Thank you Jesus
    Thank you Holy Spirit
    Thank you Saint Jude.


  131. My dear St.Anthony
    I am so grateful for the following mom entered the house
    2.tavoti is plastered
    I turn to you dear my patron saint for urgent miracles
    1.Show me where to get money to finish my mom's house is
    -Paying 1.8 for chairs and party
    -Toilet sits
    -boys quarters
    2.Finishing TAVOTI
    6.Dorothy for a husband and financial breakthrough
    7.Gift a husband

  132. My dearest St.Anthony I ask you for a miracle of finances to finish my mom's house and TAVOTI
    And another miracle is for my healing so that I will never think about my friend again
    Kindly make my heart like a stone that I feel nothing even on meeting points








  134. BELOVED ALMIGHTY CREATOR HEAVENLY FATHER GOD, I am pleading with you to please dissolve all cruelty to ALL animals, domestic and wild. My heart is so sad and broken when I see the sick things that humans do to the beloved creatures that you created. PLEASE hear my prayer, I am praying to your from the depth of my soul. Please I beg you to send Jesus Christ and your mighty army of heavenly helpers and Angels to the Earth to flood the earth, with love, peace, harmony, compassion, empathy, kindness, understanding, patience... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE hear my prayers to help the beloved animals all over the world. God, please make humans beings be loving and caring to the animals that you created as well as to one another. Please heal the earth and all the creatures that live here.

    I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen

  135. BELOVED ALMIGHTY CREATOR HEAVENLY FATHER GOD, I am pleading with you to please dissolve all cruelty to ALL animals, domestic and wild. My heart is so sad and broken when I see the sick things that humans do to the beloved creatures that you created. PLEASE hear my prayer, I am praying to your from the depth of my soul. Please I beg you to send Jesus Christ and your mighty army of heavenly helpers and Angels to the Earth to flood the earth, with love, peace, harmony, compassion, empathy, kindness, understanding, patience... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE hear my prayers to help the beloved animals all over the world. God, please make humans beings be loving and caring to the animals that you created as well as to one another. Please heal the earth and all the creatures that live here.
    I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen
    Glory be to God

  136. My dear St Anthony please you have always listened to my prayers all the finances for my school and my mom you are responsible now both are not finished please dear l ask you again kindly I need 50000€ to finish and 10000€ for a car thanks my beloved patron saint I know you will do this amen

  137. St.Anthony I pray for
    50000€ TAVOTI
    10,000€ for Mom
    10000€ for a car


    I am Mrs,Leores J Miguel by name, I live in United State Of America, who have been a scam victim to so many fake lenders online between November last year till July this year but i thank my creator so much that he has finally smiled on me by directing me to this new lender who put a smile on my face this year 2020 and he did not scam me and also by not deceiving or lying to me and my friends but however this lending firm is BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE ( gave me 2% loan which amount is $900,000.00 united states dollars after my agreement to their company terms and conditions and one significant thing i love about this loan company is that they are fast and unique. {Dr.Benjamin Scarlet Owen} can also help you with a legit loan offer. He Has also helped some other colleagues of mine. If you need a genuine loan without cost/stress he his the right loan lender to wipe away your financial problems and crisis today. BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE holds all of the information about how to obtain money quickly and painlessly via Call/Text: +1(415)630-7138 Email:

    When it comes to financial crisis and loan then BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE is the place to go please just tell him I Mrs. Leores Miguel direct you Good Luck....


    I am Mrs,Leores J Miguel by name, I live in United State Of America, who have been a scam victim to so many fake lenders online between November last year till July this year but i thank my creator so much that he has finally smiled on me by directing me to this new lender who put a smile on my face this year 2020 and he did not scam me and also by not deceiving or lying to me and my friends but however this lending firm is BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE ( gave me 2% loan which amount is $900,000.00 united states dollars after my agreement to their company terms and conditions and one significant thing i love about this loan company is that they are fast and unique. {Dr.Benjamin Scarlet Owen} can also help you with a legit loan offer. He Has also helped some other colleagues of mine. If you need a genuine loan without cost/stress he his the right loan lender to wipe away your financial problems and crisis today. BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE holds all of the information about how to obtain money quickly and painlessly via Call/Text: +1(415)630-7138 Email:

    When it comes to financial crisis and loan then BENJAMIN LOAN INVESTMENTS FINANCE is the place to go please just tell him I Mrs. Leores Miguel direct you Good Luck....


  140. Cool way to have financial freedom!!! Are you tired of living a poor life, here is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Get the new ATM BLANK CARD that can hack any ATM MACHINE and withdraw money from any account. You do not require anybody’s account number before you can use it. Although you and I knows that its illegal,there is no risk using it. It has SPECIAL FEATURES, that makes the machine unable to detect this very card,and its transaction can’t be traced .You can use it anywhere in the world. With this card,you can withdraw nothing less than $4,500 a day. So to get the card,reach the hackers via email address : or whatsapp him on +1(323)-723-2568

  141. Dear St.Anthony
    I thank you so much for being so dear to me.
    I would like to pray for the following because I totally trust in your Intercession
    1.7000€ for finishing the school, Mom's house,a family car, total healing of ekitakuri z painful words, change of kampala to accept going for outing,the ministry
    Thank you at, Anthony my friend

  142. Dear St.Anthony
    I am grateful that you are my patron saint in this world of problems
    Thank you for journeying with me
    It's really my honor
    My best friend kindly help me and pray for the following: to complete the pending construction I am tired of staying with the toilet and classes that are not complete.....50,000€ Mom's house, kitchen and store,fence,a cow...10,000
    3 Money a car you know how I suffer at the moment with my rude and bad husband....10,000
    4.Reconciliation with my friend bb
    You know I have totally failed and things are worse now
    5.ID for Mukisa kindly show me where it is.
    6.Marriage has husband is too bad please change and save my marriage
    7.the ministry which has failed because of the devil's work please pray for us
    8.husbabd for gift
    9.,a child for Gladys
    10.Sponsors for children who are pending

  143. Thank you St.Anthony for finding the ID for Mukisa
    Thank you for the peace in the marriage

  144. St.Anthony I thank you for journeying with me.
    Please do not get tired of my suplication
    1.kindly change the heart of father so that he can talk to me again.
    2.I need money for paying the Land of TAVOTI AND FINISHING CLASSES PLUS requirements
    3.Praying for the healing Don, Mukasa, Joseph
    4.prayingfor a baby for Gladys
    5 praying for Kindermissionswerk
    6.Praying for a husband to gift

  145. Living with Hepatitis B was never easy, not until I found this herbal cure from Multivitamin herbal cure,I felt frustrated with lack of improvement with other traditional medicine and with the medications prescribed. I went online and found Multivitamin herbal after searching for how to improve my condition but unfortunately with the help of Multivitamin herbs i was able to get rid of my Hepatitis B totally without any side effect of their herbal formula, contact  multivitamincare .org today  (or SMS): +1 -956- 758-7882 they absolutely have the right herbal cure to Hepatitis B, am using this medium to share with anyone suffering from this condition that there is cure for Hepatitis B.

  146. My greatest intercessor St.Anthony of Padua I am so grateful that you have always stood and prayed with me in a profound way
    I really need a miracle so urgently
    1.i ask you that we can Talk again with father please please st.anthonythis can only be done through your Intercession humanly speaking it's impossible
    2.Money for a car
    3.Money to finish my mom's house
    4.Money for fr.Alex
    5.Money to finish TAVOTI

  147. Dear my patron saint Anthony
    I am simply so grateful for choosing to journey with me it looks like God decided that I journey with you in this calling of my marriage, pastoral work, dealing with the poor, building of TAVOTI etc
    At this point I am again crying to you for a miracle of the following:
    1.I request you that the communication with father can be smooth please st.Athonydo this miracle for me my heart is so heavy, broken,tired, desperate, confused,no more words to explain my situation
    2.A car for the family
    3.Money to finish the school
    4, School fees promised by Chris
    5.Money for Monica and Bruno
    6.Money to build my mom's kitchen and store
    7.Salaries for teachers
    8.My pastoral work how do I do with this big isolation of the priest
    9.Praying for Gabriel to be set free

  148. Dear St.Anthony
    I thank you for being with me especially when it's been so painful concerning the lion that is set to finish me
    St.Anthony I have done only good things to this man
    Kindly help me pray for his conversion that he can meet the Lord Jesus
    Also I ask you that his actions will not hurt me again
    Help me to remain shelded in the blood of Jesus Christ.
    When I leave this place may I not be hurt again please
    I have been hurt enough my heart and mind are tired
    I have realized you don't desire to reconcile us just let the will of God be done
    Touch his heart of stone and give him a conscious of human beings

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  150. Dear my patron saint Anthony
    I am simply so grateful for choosing to journey with me it looks like God decided that I journey with you in this calling of my marriage, pastoral work, dealing with the poor, building of TAVOTI etc
    At this point I am again crying to you for a miracle of the following:
    1.I request you that the communication with father can be smooth please st.Athonydo this miracle for me my heart is so heavy, broken,tired, desperate, confused,no more words to explain my situation
    2.A car for the family
    3.Money to finish the school
    4, School fees promised by Chris
    5.Money for Monica and Bruno
    6.Money to build my mom's kitchen and store
    7.Salaries for teachers
    8.My pastoral work how do I do with this big isolation of the priest
    9.Praying for Gabriel to be set

  151. St.Anthony of Padua
    I am so heart is thanking you for your prayers and support always.
    My companion in the ministry I seen a challenge before me of trusting God for the impossible at the moment
    1.Funds to finish construction in TAVOTI at the moment
    3.Funds for completing department needs
    4.A breakthrough in the funds applied in convenstaim
    4.Funds to finish my mom's house
    5.Funds for the orphanage
    6.Funds funds for startup of Monica and Bruno
    7.Funds for a house of Byatasa and car
    8.Open a door for me reach out to the elderly
    Thank you St.Anthony

  152. Praying for the healing of Gabriel

  153. Saint Jude and Saint Anthony please help my friends, C, J, D, as G, committed suicide this morning.

    Please help this widow and her adult children.

    I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ amen

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  156. My husband and I have been married for about 7 yrs now. We were happily married with two kids, a boy and a girl. 3 months ago, I started to notice some strange behavior from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone. He started coming home late from work, he hardly care about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn't even come back home for about 2-3 days. I did all I could to rectify this problem but all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the Internet one day, I came across a comment that suggested that Dr OMNISM HEALING HOME can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. Two days later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my family are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr OMNISM HEALING HOME Contact him today if you are in need of his help on Email: .or whatsapp +233575619187 .

  157. St.Anthoby I am so grateful for the car, you have surprised me to core of life
    Thank you for requirements
    Thank you for exams
    Thank you for all the finances you have given to us
    Now pray for this maracles
    1.please st.Anthony I beg you for money to TAVOTI
    2.Money to finish projects
    Money for salaries this month
    Money for finishing my mother's house
    Money for school fees of level two
    A husband for Gift
    A miracle of students
    A miracle for husband of gift
    Healing of David
    Wisdom for Jude
    Please st.Anthony I need a miracle
    Thanks lord

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  159. Nama saya Asmaul Khusnuliyah, saya ingin membagikan kesaksian hidup saya yang sebenarnya di sini di platform ini agar semua pencari pinjaman berhati-hati dengan pemberi pinjaman di internet

    Setelah beberapa lama mencoba mendapatkan pinjaman dari lembaga keuangan, dan terus ditolak, saya memutuskan untuk mengajukan pinjaman online tetapi saya ditipu dan kehilangan Rp. 12,3 juta untuk seorang pria di Afrika. Saya menjadi sangat putus asa dalam mendapatkan pinjaman, maka saya berdiskusi dengan teman saya Bu Mitu Maria yang kemudian memperkenalkan saya dengan Ibu Helen Wilson, Manajer Kantor Keuangan WEMA, sehingga teman saya meminta saya untuk memproses pinjaman saya dengan Ibu Sarah. Maka saya menghubungi Bu Sarah melalui email: dan juga di WhatsApp: +1-585-326-2165

    Saya mengajukan pinjaman sebesar Rp640 juta dengan tingkat bunga 2%, sehingga pinjaman tersebut disetujui dengan mudah tanpa tekanan dan semua persiapan dilakukan dengan transfer kredit, karena tidak memerlukan jaminan dan penjamin untuk pengalihan pinjaman tersebut, Saya diberitahu untuk mendapatkan sertifikat perjanjian lisensi untuk mentransfer kredit saya dan dalam waktu kurang dari 4 jam, uang pinjaman saya dimasukkan ke rekening bank saya.

    Saya kira itu bercanda sampai saya menerima telepon dari bank saya bahwa rekening saya sudah dikreditkan Rp640 juta. Saya sangat senang akhirnya ALLAH menjawab doa-doa saya dan Dia telah memberikan saya keinginan hati saya.

    Semoga ALLAH memberkati Bu Helen yang telah memberi saya kehidupan yang adil, maka saya berpesan kepada siapapun yang berminat mendapatkan pinjaman untuk menghubungi Bu HELEN WILSON via email: ( dan WhatsApp: +1-585-326-2165 untuk pinjaman Anda

    Akhirnya, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Anda semua karena telah meluangkan waktu untuk membaca kesaksian sejati hidup saya tentang kesuksesan saya dan saya berdoa kepada ALLAH untuk melakukan kehendak-Nya dalam hidup Anda. Anda dapat menghubungi saya untuk informasi lebih lanjut melalui email saya: (
    Salam pembuka

  160. I was married at 32 and immediately tried to get pregnant. When I was unable to conceive I had blood tests for fertility and was told that I had an FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) of 54 and would not be able to have children. Even though the doctors knew that I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis since age 25, no one bothered to check my thyroid levels. my TSH was measured at .001. My Synthroid dosage was lowered. a friend advise me to contact a spiritualist who help with fertility with his medicine, i collected his contact and explain my situation to him he prepared for me a herbal medicine which i took as describe by him. became pregnant very quickly, I had a successful pregnancy. I have my baby august 2017. to get pregnant at age 35 with my 2nd child in september 2019, thank you sir , this is his email contact if you require his help or Facebook at priest.babaka

  161. I was married at 32 and immediately tried to get pregnant. When I was unable to conceive I had blood tests for fertility and was told that I had an FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) of 54 and would not be able to have children. Even though the doctors knew that I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis since age 25, no one bothered to check my thyroid levels. my TSH was measured at .001. My Synthroid dosage was lowered. a friend advise me to contact a spiritualist who help with fertility with his medicine, i collected his contact and explain my situation to him he prepared for me a herbal medicine which i took as describe by him. became pregnant very quickly, I had a successful pregnancy. I have my baby august 2017. to get pregnant at age 35 with my 2nd child in september 2019, thank you sir , this is his email contact if you require his help or Facebook at priest.babaka

  162. I was married at 32 and immediately tried to get pregnant. When I was unable to conceive I had blood tests for fertility and was told that I had an FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) of 54 and would not be able to have children. Even though the doctors knew that I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis since age 25, no one bothered to check my thyroid levels. my TSH was measured at .001. My Synthroid dosage was lowered. a friend advise me to contact a spiritualist who help with fertility with his medicine, i collected his contact and explain my situation to him he prepared for me a herbal medicine which i took as describe by him. became pregnant very quickly, I had a successful pregnancy. I have my baby august 2017. to get pregnant at age 35 with my 2nd child in september 2019, thank you sir , this is his email contact if you require his help or Facebook at priest.babaka

  163. I was married at 32 and immediately tried to get pregnant. When I was unable to conceive I had blood tests for fertility and was told that I had an FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) of 54 and would not be able to have children. Even though the doctors knew that I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis since age 25, no one bothered to check my thyroid levels. my TSH was measured at .001. My Synthroid dosage was lowered. a friend advise me to contact a spiritualist who help with fertility with his medicine, i collected his contact and explain my situation to him he prepared for me a herbal medicine which i took as describe by him. became pregnant very quickly, I had a successful pregnancy. I have my baby august 2017. to get pregnant at age 35 with my 2nd child in september 2019, thank you sir , this is his email contact if you require his help or Facebook at priest.babaka

  164. St.Anthony I need a miracle of money for fr.ANthony
    For a house and school fees

  165. Saint Rita, Saint Philomena, Saint Paul, Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, Saint Gemma, Saint Bernadette Soubirous, Saint Ann, Saint Joseph, Saint Thérèse of Lieseaux, Saint Gregory, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Joachim, Holy Mary Mother Of God, Saint Jude and Saint Anthony please help. Saint Jude Thaddeus please pray for SOPHIE JVR and her health. She has been admitted to hospital 18 05 2021 thank you Father God amen.I love you Father God and Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit.Saint Rita, Saint Philomena, Saint Paul, Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, Saint Gemma, Saint Bernadette Soubirous, Saint Ann, Saint Joseph, Saint Thérèse of Lieseaux, Saint Gregory, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Joachim, Holy Mary Mother Of God, Saint Jude and Saint Anthony
    Please pray for God to help :Carol-to be immediate medically boarded from work with full pay and benefits.
    Julie NZ, Breast Cancer, prayers for healing. GARY'S wife, his son and his daughter, grieving over his suicide, suicide, 31,March,2021. Gary-his soul to rest in peace. Julie S. -UIF payments and urgent income and job needed
    Stella-liver and health issues Pashini - cancer, stage 4-urgent healing in the name of Jesus. Emmanuel-depression and anxiety. Cindé, night terrors and anxiety.Sharon, severe challenges and problems with her partners ex wife.Odessa-to be married to the man God has chosen for her.Jordin-overtime and income owed to him by employer. Promotion at work. to be permanently employed after three years. And a girlfriend/lifemate God has selected for him.Kalvin-Visa and travel arrangements. And a girlfriend/lifemate God has selected for him.
    Sort his left knee issue with Doctor - please, we are desperate ? PLEASE protect him when he flies from USA (05/12/2021 - 05/14/2021) TO RSA. THANK YOU SAINT JUDE.Billy-Chronic medication to be delivered to him at home with no expense to him. Please help with Diabetes ?Billy to immediately receive the SASSA monies.Liz-to immediately receive the SASSA monies. Please help with her pancreas ?LIZ, to help her with her medical issues, liver issues, gallstones - Saint Jude please pray ?Liza appointment with the dietitian.Helen (Pretty's mum) - sugar diabetes challenges, Bruce R, his back issues and back pain.

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  167. Dear St.Anthony I am so grateful for the WIFI am so happy to be in touch with you on this blog
    I thank you for your prayers,for the many miracles especially that the school is 80% plastered and that the dormitory for girls is painted,I have an office there are bathrooms enough, there are materials in classrooms,the car is worked on, there is fish pond made, there is a work shop for construction,we have a car
    I have alot achievements.
    St.Anthony I have been longing to put my prayer in writing now it has came around
    Dear friend I am requesting for the following miracles
    1.To restore my relationship with the Bishop
    2.To provide money for my mom's kitchen,store and room for workers and fence, finishing out, soak pit
    3.Provide for matugga project
    4.Provide for our boys quarters and sealing
    5.Plastering the remaining parts at school and painting before the students come in
    6.Put up some other workshops
    7.Funds for fr.anthony mother house
    8 A car for father
    9.To find my passport
    10.To find me other donors for my personal projects
    11.To find ANNALISA for me
    13. T heal Franzi
    14 To give Bruno a job
    15 To heal David from dymensia
    16.To reveal if there Wich craft with owenkoko
    17.To give my children wisdom

  168. Pray for the healing of Gabriel
    Pray for students
    Pray to loose weight with out struggling.

  169. Healing of Joseph and Joseph
    Getting well the driving skills

  170. My husband and I were going through a separation, after 9 years of marriage. I have seen that coming due to his reaction towards me. And I was about losing my home, then I had to contact Dr. Sunny, the love spell caster who cast powerful marriage blessings that reunited our marriage back together and also made our union stronger than as it were before. All thanks to Dr. Sunny for reuniting my home back we are living happily now contact Dr. Sunny for any marital problem's thanks to you Dr. Sunny you can contact Dr. Sunny via email call or WhatsApp Dr. Sunny mobile number +2349056393169

  171. Please St.Anthony I need a financial miracle. Please please help me amen

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  174. St.Anthony of Padua
    I am so grateful for your prayers 🙏
    Today I would like to bring you my challenges
    Kindly do a miracle for me

    1.please restore my heath..heal my back
    2.please provide for moms kitchen store and fence and soakpit and paint for the house
    3.Kindly restore my relationship with the Bishop and father
    4.please provide a car for father
    5.Please provide for Bruno a job

    6.Kindly finish TAVOTI projects
    7.Heal Deacon and Gabriel
    8.Heal Joseph and Mukasa

  175. Herpes Cure TestimonyI was diagnose with Genital Herpes for the past 2 years and I have been searching for cure. I have several outbreaks on my back and it really affected me morally, I read a testimony on this platform of a lady from Nevada who was cured from Diabetes with doctor Ahmed Usman Herbal medicine including the doctor official email address. I contacted the doctor through his email, after much discussion and few questions he prepared the Herbal medicine and asked for my address which I received the Herbal medicine 3 days later and with his prescription I drank the Herbal medicine for 21 days. After concluding the herbal medicine I went for test and my IgG result was confirmed Negative with no trace of the virus on my blood. Contact doctor Ahmed and be cured his email; or send him a whatsapp text +14436204203
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  176. hello everyone reading this, i want to thank dr marsu for his good work in my life, i was married for 4 years and all of as sudden i had a little augment with my husband that lead to divorce, i was surprise and so weak i couldn't think of what to do i cried all day till my friend told me about dr marsu i gave a try and after 48 hours my husband called me and ask for forgiveness. i am happily married with children now, i want every one that need his help kindly mail him ( or WhatsApp `+2348052798385

  177. Father God I beg you to please arrange that ALL the WSP/ATR - Mandatory Grants for ALL of our client(s) ARE ALL approved in the mighty name of Jesus Christ - amen
    Thy will be done Father God amen.

    Saint Catherine of Sweden, Saint Rita of Cascia, Saint Philomena, Saint Paul, Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, Saint Gemma, Saint Bernadette Soubirous, Saint Thérèse of Lieseaux, Saint Gregory, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Francis-Assisi, Saint Clare - Assisi, Saint Joachim, Saint Anne, Saint Joseph, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Saint Christopher, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint Brigid of Ireland, Saint Bridget of Sweden, Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint, Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Archangels: Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, and Saint Raphael, Saint Jude and Saint Anthony, Saint Timothy, Saint Titus, Saint Paul, Saint Luke, Saint Matthew please pray for us_


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  179. St.Anthony of Padua
    I am so grateful for your prayers 🙏
    Today I would like to bring you my challenges
    Kindly do a miracle for me

    1.please restore my heath..heal my back
    2.please provide for moms kitchen store and fence and soakpit and paint for the house
    3.Kindly restore my relationship with the Bishop and father
    4.please provide a car for father
    5.Please provide for Bruno a job

    6.Kindly finish TAVOTI projects
    7.Heal Deacon and Gabriel
    8.Heal Joseph and Mukasa
    9.pray for the healing of rose
    10.Pray for the healing of Nalongo break through for TAVOTI and family and dates


  180. Saint Anthony I beg you from the depth of my heart to pray for our beloved Almighty Creator Heavenly Father God to please divinely orchestrate that I win the Powerball jackpot amount in respect of the NEDBANK PowerBall purchase I made today.

    Saint Anthony - Father God knows this widow's heart and HE knows my adult children and I need this Heavenly miracle. We urgently need this financial freedom and financial assistance.

    I can tithe more as well.

    With GOD ALL things are possible.

    Please pray for me beloved Saint Anthony ?

    I pray this all in the sacred name of JESUS Christ our Lord and Saviour


    Glory be to God

  181. .Anthony of Padua
    I am so grateful for your prayers 🙏
    Today I would like to bring you my challenges
    Kindly do a miracle for me

    1.please restore my heath..heal my back
    2.please provide for moms kitchen store and fence and soakpit and paint for the house
    3.Kindly restore my relationship with the Bishop and father
    4.please provide a car for father
    5.Please provide for Bruno a job

    6.Kindly finish TAVOTI projects
    7.Heal Deacon and Gabriel
    8.Heal Joseph and Mukasa
    9.pray for the healing of rose
    10.Pray for the healing of Nalongo break through for TAVOTI and family and dates



  182. I felt like committing suicide in 2001 because I was no longer getting the love and affection i deserve from my boyfriend. June 5, 2002 he said it was over between us, my heart was shattered. I spoke to my friend about it and she told me how Lord Bubuza restored her relationship with his spell so I contacted him immediately on WhatsApp: +1 505 569 0396, I told him my problem and he promised to help me with his spell. I followed his instructions and 16 hours after the spell was casted my boyfriend came back crying and begging me to forgive and accept him back. It's 20 years now since lord Bubuza helped me and we are happily married with kids now. Don't give up on your relationship/marriage, contact lord Bubuza for help via WhatsApp: +1 505 569 0396 or email: or website:

  183. I want to testify about TD Ameritrade who helped me invest my bitcoin and made me who I am today, I never believe in investing in bitcoin until I met TD Ameritrade. I saw so many testimonies about him helping people to invest their bitcoin. I decide to contact him and invested $500 and, after 72 hours, I get my $ 5,000 profit in my bitcoin wallet. Since I invested with them and I always receive my profit without delay, so if you want to invest your bitcoin, TD Ameritrade is the best deal with which you can invest and make profit is a guarantee. So, if you want to invest, just contact him and he will guide you on how to start your investment. whatsapp +447883246472

  184. #I want to testify about TD Ameritrade who helped me invest my bitcoin and made me who I am today, I never believe in investing in bitcoin until I met TD Ameritrade. I saw so many testimonies about him helping people to invest their bitcoin. I decide to contact him and invested $500 and, after 72 hours, I get my $ 5,000 profit in my bitcoin wallet. Since I invested with them and I always receive my profit without delay, so if you want to invest your bitcoin, TD Ameritrade is the best deal with which you can invest and make profit is a guarantee. So, if you want to invest, just contact him and he will guide you on how to start your investment. whatsapp +447883246472

  185. My Name is Martha from Ohio USA, i was so surprise when i found that HSV 1&2 could be cured with Dr Oyagu herbal remedy, this disease almost destroy my face, and my mouth with sores. i took many traditional medicine here in Taxes , but none could work. even visited my mother village in South Africa still couldn't find a cure, but i was so surprise that after contacting Dr Oyagu . And after done discussing with him i was cured with his herbal in 2 weeks. i confirmed his good work by my test result, do not delay to contact this true healer. Dr Oyagu is able to help you in any challenges, HIV AIDS, HEPATITIS B, COLD SORES, CANCER, DIABETES, HEART DISEASE, BRAIN TUMOR, ACUTE BRONCHITIS And so many more. For more details Call or what app: +2348101755322 or Email: and He also have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases; eczema, urethra wart, chronic problems. Herpes, Cancer, Als, Hepatitis, Diabetes, HPV, Infections, ulcer ETC

  186. St Anthony of Padua am so grateful for what you have done in my life... please st.Anthony I need an urgent miracle of the following:
    Finishing my mom's fence and painting the house
    A car for father and a house
    Finishing the house of the mother to father
    Healing for my son to be able to read
    Settling Bruno
    Healing of mukasa
    Provision for Joseph
    Protection of our relationship with my husband
    Please please please st.Anthony njirira Embabazi nakwrshengereza

  187. Dear St. ANTHONY, I humbly kneel down and pray to you for I have committed a huge mistake. I have been scammed online through fraudulent activities not only have I lost whatever I have but I have borrowed money and lost that as well. I beg you to please give me the strength to face this situation and to repay back my borrowed debts. I pray that you help me retieve my money back that has been taken from me by cheating. Please please please help me out of this situation. I ask this through St.Anthony and Christ our lord.Amen 🙏

  188. Margaret Loughrey
    I never thought that I could be this wealthy after all I've been through trying to meet ends and take care of my family, I used to play lottery but has never be lucky to win until I saw some comments online how he had helped a lot of people win, after first I didn't believe him but still I gave it a try, I wrote him a message on email after few hours he replied back so I told him what I want he assured me success. he also told me what I should do and I did all he requested from me, after some hours he gave me the lucky numbers and showed me where to play so i did as instructed to my biggest surprise I won 27 million pounds (Euromillions). Now I'm rich and happy all thanks to Dr Benjamin for the help, I'm nothing without you. if you need his help to win you can reach him via his email and his whatsapp +13344539570 or visit his website

  189. Dear St.Anthony I am really that for the Visa you have granted me and for bringing students in our school.
    Kindly and urgently help in the following:
    School fees for the poor students
    Money to finish my mom's house and fence
    Money to construct work shopps

    Money for the poor people all around me I get overwhelmed
    Healing for Joseph and mukasa
    Healing for my son David
    Protection of my relationship with my husband
    Protection and recovery of my memory
    To pass the elections
    Job and restoration for Bruno
    A husband for cissy
    Thanks dear st.Anthony

  190. I'm Melvin Martins. from the United States. I started playing lottery games 7 years ago and I have never won big. I went online to seek help on how I can win big in my lottery games and I saw some nice reviews about Dr John who has made different people huge winners in their lottery games with his prayers. I gave it a try and I contacted Dr John who told me how and what to do before I can become a big lotto winner and I accepted. He made special prayers for me at his temple and gave me the required numbers to play the lotto game and when I played it, I won a massive $235.4 million POWERBALL jackpot. I was so happy and I chose to receive my winnings in a one-time, lump-sum payment of $160,038,447.27 at Florida Lottery Headquarters in Tallahassee and the balance was given to the store that I bought & played the game from. I would love other people to seek help from him and he can be contacted through WhatsApp/call/text via this number +1 (803) 820 2671 or you can email him on: .

  191. Anthony, the gentlest and
    kindest of Saints, your burning love of
    God, your exalted virtue, and your great
    charity towards your fellow creatures,
    made you worthy, when on earth to
    possess miraculous powers such as were
    given to no other saint.
    Miracle waited on your word, and that
    word you were ever ready to speak at the
    request of those in trouble.
    The anxious prayer of bitter trial was
    never addressed to you in vain.
    To the sick you gave back health; you
    restored what was lost; the sorrow
    stricken were the objects of your tender
    compassion; even the dead you raised to
    life when the wounded heart cried out to
    you from the depths of its bitter anguish.
    When on earth nothing was impossible with you, except not to have
    compassion on those in distress and sorrow.
    Encouraged by this thought, and convinced of the efficacy of your holy
    intercession, we kneel before your holy image, and full of confidence, we
    implore you to obtain for us (here mention your request).
    The answer to this our prayer may require a miracle. Even so, are you not
    the Saint of Miracles, who, when on earth, had but to speak the mightiest
    wonders were wrought!
    O gentle and loving St Anthony, you whose heart was ever full of human
    sympathy, whispers our prayer into the ears of the Infant Jesus, who loved
    to linger in your arms.
    One word from you and our prayer will be granted. O, speak but that word
    and the gratitude of our heart will ever be yours!
    Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be.
    Also St.Athony I am asking for a miracle of:
    Healing my mother
    Getting money for school fees for the children I support
    Money for finish the fence
    Money for the projects of animals and garden
    Maize milling machine
    Land for food and for hope

  192. I got diagnose of herpes virus last year, and i was taking some drugs prescribed for me by my family doc the drugs could not work and the herpes in my system was very terrifying that i was so depressed the good news is that i never gave up in searching for natural cure for herpes virus ,cause i believe so much in herbal medication.. One faithful morning i read a comment from a lady called Destiny Hudson on how she was cured with natural herbs made by DR.OYAGU from somewhere is West Africa, i immediately copied out his contact email via and explain all my herpes problem to him via his email. the big truth is that it took just two week for his herbal medication to cure me completely without side affect. Till date am herpes virus free and all thanks to Dr OYAGU for his good deeds for me, Once again am very happy to share this great testimony of DR OYAGU cure hurry up now and contact him via his email address ( Call & WhatsApp him on (+2348101755322 ) and see what he can do

  193. Dear St.Anthony I pray for a miracle of finances for TAVOTI, KASHARARA,FEES FOR THE NEEDY CHILDREN

  194. St Anthony I need a financial miracle

  195. St.Anthony I pray for a miracle of finances for salaries this month,a grinding machine for maize,air ticket to Rome, money to finish kasharara
    Please I need an urgent financial breakthrough thank you

  196. I need a financial miracle for
    Kasharara, air ticket to Rome, farm TAVOTI,pamp for water,maize machine, paying dabts amiina
