JESUS I don't know how I am going to do it (Lord, I am really worried and scared because I am only human), but I surrender all to you Lord, as I have come to dead-ends on finding HELP on my own. All I ask you LORD, show me a MIRACLE as I TRUST in You, and BELIEVE in You. I am facing some personal financial debt issue which has got out of my controls LORD, I need Raise a large sum of money urgently in order to get through this dilemma. That is why LORD Jesus Christ, I say only by MIRACLE can I do it, be saved , healed, saved from all disgrace and passed this obstacle which is ruining my LIFE. I REPENT Lord for all my mistakes (my wrong doings, my sin and all sins committed by my ancestors ancestral sins), forgive me Lord and I promise to never repeat them ever again. If it is Your WILL Lord, Grant me this MIRACLE, I ask of You Christ JESUS. I ASK this with ALL my HEART in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. AMEN.
Sent forth Your Angels Lord to lift me up and Out of this distress. I truly confident in Your works O Lord and all my Hope and Trust is in You alone, my God and Saviour.
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