Dear God, open a door for my message, so that I may proclaim the mystery of Christ. I pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Colossians 4:3-4


Reconciliation and Forgiveness ~ I am Sorry * Please Forgive Me * Thank You * I Love You. ~ Reconciliation and Forgiveness ~ I am Sorry * Please Forgive Me * Thank You * I Love You. ~ Reconciliation and Forgiveness ~ I am Sorry * Please Forgive Me * Thank You * I Love You.

Generosity from the Heart

Generosity from the Heart

Matt 6:3, "do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing"

If this blog is informative and helpful in your pursuit to follow Jesus, and deepening your Christian faith;

Please support my work. Thank you and God Bless.

Proverbs 11:25, "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."

How to make contibution (click on this link)

May the Lord bless you for your generosity, and may the Mother of God intercede for your every need.

Your act of generosity will be rewarded, and your blessing will be “pressed down, shaken together, and RUNNING OVER.

Psalm 19:14, May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Veni Creator

Come Holy Ghost, Creator come,
From Thy bright heavenly throne!
Come take possession of our souls,
And make them all Thine own!
Thou who art called the Paraclete,
Best Gift of God above,
The Living Spring, the Living Fire,
Sweet Unction, and True Love!
Thou who art seven-fold in Thy grace,
Finger of God's right Hand,
His promise, teaching little ones,
To speak and understand!
O guide our minds with Thy blest light,
With love our hearts inflame,
And with Thy strength which ne'er decays,
Confirm our mortal frame.
Far from us drive our hellish foe,
True peace unto us bring,
And through all perils guide us safe,
Beneath Thy sacred wing.
Through Thee may we the Father know,
Through Thee the Eternal Son,
And Thee the Spirit of them Both,
Thrice-blessed Three in One.
All glory to the Father be,
And to the risen Son;
The same to Thee, O Paraclete,
While endless ages run.

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