Dear God, open a door for my message, so that I may proclaim the mystery of Christ. I pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Colossians 4:3-4


Reconciliation and Forgiveness ~ I am Sorry * Please Forgive Me * Thank You * I Love You. ~ Reconciliation and Forgiveness ~ I am Sorry * Please Forgive Me * Thank You * I Love You. ~ Reconciliation and Forgiveness ~ I am Sorry * Please Forgive Me * Thank You * I Love You.

Generosity from the Heart

Generosity from the Heart

Matt 6:3, "do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing"

If this blog is informative and helpful in your pursuit to follow Jesus, and deepening your Christian faith;

Please support my work. Thank you and God Bless.

Proverbs 11:25, "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."

How to make contibution (click on this link)

May the Lord bless you for your generosity, and may the Mother of God intercede for your every need.

Your act of generosity will be rewarded, and your blessing will be “pressed down, shaken together, and RUNNING OVER.

Psalm 19:14, May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Thursday 19 May 2016

Entrust our lives to God

St. Teresa of Avila was a woman of prayer, discipline, and compassion. Her writing below reminds us of the many blessings we receive when we fully entrust our lives to God.

"May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise, and love. It is there for each and every one of us." — St. Teresa of Avila

We know through our faith that God loves us unconditionally. He gives us the strength we need for each day, and enables us to know a hope that is based on His love for us as our Father.

Trusting God fills us with the peace of confidence in ourselves and in the course we take through life. Who better could there possibly be for us to fully trust? It’s usually not any weakness of faith that gets in our way. Often it’s the pace of the worries and concerns of our everyday lives that can consume our focus. We sometimes literally forget to turn to God and remind ourselves that these hurdles aren’t ones we have to tackle alone.

As children of God, gifted with free will, we choose to live actively responsible lives—fully trusting that God is always with us. The more we truly converse with Him in prayer, both formal and not, the more deeply we will continue to feel His presence in every aspect of our lives. We are free to call on Him without hesitation when we are overwhelmed, and need to share our celebrations with Him as we are full of gratitude.

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