
Wednesday 26 March 2014

The Hebrews, the Israelite and the Jews

Hebrew are the descendants of Abrahams forefather Eber, which includes Abraham. 

Israelites are the descendants of Abraham through his son Israel (Jacob). Israel was the name God gave to Jacob when he wrestled with an angel to get a blessing. 

Jews (Jewish people) are member of the tribe of Judah and kingdom of Judah. They are “Judahite”, or a descendant of Judah, the fourth son of Jacob and grandson of Abraham.

Psalm 114:25: "Judah was his sanctuary, and Israel his dominion."

Israel were to inherit the dominion of God’s Kingdom, whilst Judah, as the Lord’s sanctuary, was to provide the King over that dominion.

The word “Israel” was not even mention prior to Jacob given the name “Israel” in Genesis 32:28 and thereafter his descendants were known as Israelites. "Jew" or "men of Judah" was first mentioned in 2 Kings 16:6.

The northern House of Israel, which came from Joseph, and the southern House of Judah, which came from Judah, each had their God -appointed tasks and destinies to fulfil in kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ, was to come from and through Judah. Therefore, the prophets displayed meticulous care in addressing “The House of Israel”, “The House of Judah”, and “The inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Jews.”

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