
Wednesday 26 March 2014

Jesus is saying I am Love! have confidence in My Mercy and I am always forgiving

I am Love! My Heart can no longer contain its devouring flames. I love souls so dearly that I have sacrificed My life for them. Yes, I am that Jesus who loves souls tenderly . . . Behold this Heart that never ceases calling them, guarding them, and caring for them . . . Behold this Heart on fire with longing for their love, but especially for the love of My chosen ones. For love of souls, I instituted the Sacrament of Penance, that I might forgive them, not once or twice, but as often as they need it to recover grace. There I wait for them, longing to wash away their sins, not in water, but in My Blood. How often in the course of the ages have I, in one way or another, made known My love for men: I have shown them how ardently I desire their salvation. I have revealed My Heart to them. I want souls to have confidence in My mercy, to expect all from My clemency, and never to doubt My readiness to forgive. My appeal is addressed to all: to those consecrated in religion and those living in the world, to the good and to sinners, to the learned and the illiterate, to those in authority and to those who obey. To each of them I come to say: if you seek happiness you will find it in Me. If riches, I am infinite wealth. If you desire peace, in Me alone is peace found. I am Mercy and Love! and I must be sovereign King. 

Source: Words of Our Lord from The Way of Divine Love
Messages entrusted by Our Lord to Sister Josefa Menéndez,
coadjutrix sister of the Society of the Sacred Heart.

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