
Monday 27 January 2014

Prayer to Infant Jesus of Prague

O miraculous Infant Jesus! 
prostrate before Thy sacred image, 
we beseech Thee to cast a merciful look 
on our troubled hearts. 
Let Thy tender Heart, 
so inclined to pity, 
be softened at our prayers, 
and grant us that grace 
for which we ardently implore Thee. 
Take from us 
all affliction and despair, 
all trials and misfortunes 
with which we are laden. 
For Thy sacred infancy's sake 
hear our prayers 
and send us consolation and aid, 
that we may praise Thee, 
with the Father 
and the Holy Ghost, 
forever and ever

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Prayer to the Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague

To the Venerable Father F. Cyril OCD 

O Infant Jesus, I have recourse to You and ask You through the intercession of Your Holy Mother to help me in my need, (mention it here) for I firmly believe that Your Divinity can help me.

I hope, in complete trust, to obtain Your holy grace. I love You with all my heart and with all the strength of my soul. I am truly sorry for all my sins, and beg You, O good Jesus, to give me strength to conquer them. I shall never offend You and I am ready to suffer rather than to cause You pain.

From now on I want to serve with complete faithfulness and for love of You, O Divine Child, I will love my neighbour as well as myself. Omnipotent Child, Lord Jesus, again I implore You, help me in this need of mine (mention it)

Grant me the grace of possessing You eternally, with Mary and Joseph and of adoring You with the holy angels in Your heavenly court. AMEN.

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Novena Prayer to the Miraculous Infant of Prague

Dearest Jesus, Little Infant of Prague, how tenderly You love us! Your greatest joy is to dwell among us and to bestow Your blessing upon us. Though I am not worthy that You should help me, I feel drawn to You by love because You are kind and merciful.

Dearest Jesus, Little Infant of Prague, how tenderly You love us! Your greatest joy is to dwell among us and to bestow Your blessing upon us. Though I am not worthy that You should help me, I feel drawn to You by love because You are kind and merciful. Dearest Jesus, Little Infant of Prague, how tenderly You love us! Your greatest joy is to dwell among us and to bestow Your blessing upon us. Though I am not worthy that You should help me, I feel drawn to You by love because You are kind and merciful. 

So many who turned to You with confidence have received graces and had their petitions granted. Behold me as I come before You to lay open my heart to You with its prayers and hopes. I present to You especially this request, which I enclose in Your loving Heart:

(Mention your request)

Rule over me, dear Infant Jesus, and do with me and mine according to Your Holy Will, for I know that in Your Divine Wisdom and Love You will arrange everything for the best. Do not withdraw Your hand from me, but protect and bless me forever. 

I pray You, all-powerful and gracious Infant Jesus, for the sake of Your Sacred Infancy, in the Name of Your Blessed Mother Mary who cared for You with such tenderness, and by the greatest reverence with which Saint Joseph carried You in his arms, help me in my needs. Make me truly happy with You, dearest Infant, in time and in eternity, and I shall thank You forever with all my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Please pray for Eric McDonald-Pray for his conversion and salvation. Please pray that The Mother of all grace will give Eric all the graces he needs to be saved. Pray that The Sacred Heart of Jesus will shelter Eric in His Holy Heart. "Jesus, Mary I Love You Save Souls!!!
