
Monday 27 January 2014

Our Lady of Conception Aparecida, Saint Rita of Cassia, Saint Jude, Saint Expedite and Saint Edwiges, pray and intercede to JESUS to grant my needs today

Never and have faith that God will provide. God is Full of Love and Mercy which is infinite and unmeasurable. He will truly heal us of our adversities and grant us His graces.

Oh! Dear Mother of God, 
Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia 
and Saint Jude worker of miracles 
and helper of impossible causes 
pray for me.

Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes. 
Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

you know how desperate I feel, 
please ask Jesus to help me.

(Here mention your request)

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus 
be adored and glorified for ever.

Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, 
and to the Holy Spirit. 
As it was in the beginning, 
is now, and ever shall be, 
world without end. Amen.

Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day. 
See what will happen on the 4th day.


  1. Oh! Dear Mother of God,
    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia
    and Saint Jude worker of miracles
    and helper of impossible causes
    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.
    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,
    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,
    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now, and ever shall be,
    world without end. Amen.

    Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day.
    See what will happen on the 4th day.

    1. Prayer in Desperate and Urgent Time
      Oh! Dear Mother of God,
      Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

      Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia
      and Saint Jude worker of miracles
      and helper of impossible causes
      pray for me.

      Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.
      Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

      you know how desperate I feel,
      please ask Jesus to help me.

      (Here mention your request)

      May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
      be adored and glorified for ever.

      Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,
      Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
      and to the Holy Spirit.
      As it was in the beginning,
      is now, and ever shall be,
      world without end. Amen.

      Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day.
      See what will happen on the 4th day.

  2. Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.

    Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day.

    See what will happen on the 4th day.

  3. Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.

    Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.

    Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.

  4. Oh! Dear Mother of God,
    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia
    and Saint Jude worker of miracles
    and helper of impossible causes
    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.
    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,
    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,
    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now, and ever shall be,
    world without end. Amen.

    Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day.
    See what will happen on the 4th day.

    trusting that my new job offer will manifest soon-through your prayers on my behalf, i have also dedicated myself to further make known your efforts-IJN-AMEN.

  5. Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.

  6. Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.

  7. Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.

    Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day.

    See what will happen on the 4th day.

  8. Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.

  9. Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.

    Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day.

    See what will happen on the 4th day.

    Posted by Stanley SN at 23:40

  10. Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.

    Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day.

    See what will happen on the 4th day.

  11. Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.

    Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day.

    See what will happen on the 4th day.

  12. Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.

    Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day.

    See what will happen on the 4th day.

  13. Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.

  14. Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.

    Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day.

    See what will happen on the 4th day.

  15. Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.

    Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day.

    See what will happen on the 4th day.

  16. Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.
    For reconcilation for my marriage

  17. Oh! Dear Mother of God,
    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia
    and Saint Jude worker of miracles
    and helper of impossible causes
    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.
    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,
    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,
    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now, and ever shall be,
    world without end. Amen.

    Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day.
    See what will happen on the 4th day.

  18. Florafaustina Agbamuch 28th December, 2017

    Oh! Dear Mother of God, Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia and saint Jude worker of miracles and helper of impossible causes pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, saint of urgent causes
    Saint Edwiges the saint of the needy,

    You know how desperate I feel, please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored and glorified forever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father... Amen

    Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day. See what will happen on the 4th day.

  19. Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    to back my husband love to me and to be with us as one family

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.

  20. Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    to back my husband love to me and to be with us as one family

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.

  21. Oh! Dear Mother of God,

    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia

    and Saint Jude worker of miracles

    and helper of impossible causes

    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.

    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,

    please ask Jesus to help me.

    to back my husband love to me and to be with us as one family

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,

    and to the Holy Spirit.

    As it was in the beginning,

    is now, and ever shall be,

    world without end. Amen.

  22. Oh! Dear Mother of God,
    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia
    and Saint Jude worker of miracles
    and helper of impossible causes
    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.
    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,
    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,
    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now, and ever shall be,
    world without end. Amen.

  23. Oh! Dear Mother of God,
    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia
    and Saint Jude worker of miracles
    and helper of impossible causes
    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.
    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,
    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,
    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now, and ever shall be,
    world without end. Amen.

    Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day.
    See what will happen on the 4th day.

  24. Oh! Dear Mother of God, Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia and Saint Jude worker of miracles and helper of impossible causes pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, saint of urgent causes,
    Saint Edwiges the saint of the needy,

    You know how desperate I feel, please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored and glorified forever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary. Glory be to the Father and to the son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    (Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day. See what will happen on the 4th day.

  25. Lou Vazquez 6-20-2018 10:25pm

    Oh! Dear Mother of God,
    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia
    and Saint Jude worker of miracles
    and helper of impossible causes
    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.
    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,
    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,
    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now, and ever shall be,
    world without end. Amen.

  26. Oh! Dear Mother of God,
    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia
    and Saint Jude worker of miracles
    and helper of impossible causes
    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.
    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,
    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,
    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now, and ever shall be,
    world without end. Amen.

  27. Oh! Dear Mother of God,
    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia
    and Saint Jude worker of miracles
    and helper of impossible causes
    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.
    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,
    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,
    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now, and ever shall be,
    world without end. Amen.

  28. Oh Dear Mother of God. Our Lady of Conception Aparecida Oh Saint Rita of Cassia. and St Jude worker of miracle and helper of impossible causes pray for me. Saint Expedite Saint of urgent cause. Saint Edwiges the saint of the needy You know how desperate I feel, please ask Jesus to help me.( make your request). May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored and glorified for ever. Pray1 Our Father Hail Mary, Glory Be to Father and to the Son and to Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now and shall be world with out end. Say with Faith. Believe and Trust once each day for 3 consecutive days. Publish it on the 3 day and see what happens on 4 day your request will be granted.

  29. I thank God and glorify Him for I feel answered after praying this prayer, I needed facilitation from little earninga and a holy Mass as I celebrate a daughter who will be graduating today and it has come to be. Be with us Lord and Holy spirit guide n protect this day and all the day od our lives. I love God. Bring deliverance to my family. Mother Mary, bonor be yours forever.

  30. Oh! Dear Mother of God,
    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia
    and Saint Jude worker of miracles
    and helper of impossible causes
    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.
    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,
    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,
    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now, and ever shall be,
    world without end. Amen.
    Oh, most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven.
    Blessed Mother of the Son of God; Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity
    Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me you are my Mother.
    Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth,
    I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity
    (Mention your request here)
    There are none that can withstand your power.
    Oh, Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times)
    Holy Mary, I place this prayer in your hands (3 times)

  31. Oh! Dear Mother of God,
    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia
    and Saint Jude worker of miracles
    and helper of impossible causes
    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.
    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,
    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,
    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now, and ever shall be,
    world without end. Amen.
    Oh, most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven.
    Blessed Mother of the Son of God; Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity
    Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me you are my Mother.
    Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth,
    I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity
    (Mention your request here)
    There are none that can withstand your power.
    Oh, Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times)
    Holy Mary, I place this prayer in your hands (3 times)

  32. Oh! Dear Mother of God,
    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia
    and Saint Jude worker of miracles
    and helper of impossible causes
    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.
    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,
    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,
    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now, and ever shall be,
    world without end. Amen.

  33. Saint Expedite, Saint Expedite, Saint Expedite!
    [Ring bell or knock three times on the altar]
    I call you, here and now, and pray for your intercession!
    You who acts immediately, and is reliable in times of need!
    You, dressed in the red and gold colors of a Roman centurion
    Holding high your sacred cross, marked HODIE!
    Bearing a palm frond, showing all God’s children the triumph of Spirit over matter
    Expedite, who heard the crow shout “tomorrow”,
    Expedite, who denied the beast — stepping upon it
    Exclaiming “TODAY”!n

    Come to my aid, glorious martyr! Deliver me this, my prayer and petition —
    [Speak your desire; place your petitions or sigils]
    I make you offerings of… [place them on the altar if not already there, and say them aloud: flame, water, poundcake, flowers, and…]
    In return for your faithful service, and upon delivery of said needs,
    I will give you further offerings and sing your praises to the heavens,
    For all should know of your power and splendor!
    Expedite, Leader of the Thundering Legions
    By the glory and grace of your Special Providence
    Find a way. Go forth, make it so!

    This instant!

  34. Oh! Dear Mother of God,
    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia
    and Saint Jude worker of miracles
    and helper of impossible causes
    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.
    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,
    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,
    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now, and ever shall be,
    world without end. Amen.

    Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day.
    See what will happen on the 4th day.

  35. Oh!Dear Mother of God,
    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia
    and Saint Jude worker of miracles
    and helper of impossible causes
    Pray for me.

    Saint Expedite,Saint of urgent causes.
    Saint Edwiges,the saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,
    Please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention request )

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father,Hail Mary,
    Glory be to the Father,and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now and ever shall be,
    world without end. Amen.
    Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day.
    See what will happen on the 4th day.

  36. Oh ! Dear mother of God,
    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida !

    Oh! St Rita of Cassia
    and Saint Jude worker of miracles
    and helper of impossible causes
    Pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.
    Saint Edwiges, the saint of the needy,
    You know how desperate I feel,
    Please ask Jesus to help me.

    ( Mention request).

    May the Sacred Heart Jesus
    be adored and glorify for ever .

    Pray 1 Our father, Hail Mary,
    Glory be to the father, and the son ,
    and the Holy Spirit .
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now and ever shall be,
    world without end. Amen.
    Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day.
    See what will happen on 4th day.

  37. Oh! Dear Mother of God,
    Our Lady of Conception Aparecida!

    Oh! Saint Rita of Cassia
    and Saint Jude worker of miracles
    and helper of impossible causes
    pray for me.

    Saint Expedite, Saint of urgent causes.
    Saint Edwiges the Saint of the needy,

    you know how desperate I feel,
    please ask Jesus to help me.

    (Here mention your request)

    May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    be adored and glorified for ever.

    Pray 1 Our Father, Hail Mary,
    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
    and to the Holy Spirit.
    As it was in the beginning,
    is now, and ever shall be,
    world without end. Amen.

    Pray for 3 days. Publish on the 3rd day.
    See what will happen on the 4th day.
