
Friday 26 April 2013

Prayers in Times of Financial Difficulties

Dear Lord of Goodness and Compassion, 
Almighty and Divine is your name, 
I want to ask forgiveness 
for all my wrongdoings in the past 
which caused me to suffer 
from this financial difficulties. 
Dear Lord, I am in serious 
need of financial assistance 
to settle off my debts. 
Heavenly Father, 
please grant me 
your mercy and miraculous help
I truly trust, believe and have confident
that You will answer my prayer. 
Through the most precious name of Jesus,
I pray and beg You, 
O' Lord. 

Dear Lord,
In this time of uncertainty,
Be my rock in a world built on sand;
Be my oasis of grace and peace in a world of tension and turmoil;
Help me to carry my cross gracefully, as you did in Your Passion;
Help me to follow Your beam of light in the midst of this darkness;
Help me to see Your will in all things
And show others Your comfort and strength.
Keep me calm when tempers flare up;
Keep me sane in a crazy world;
Keep me focused on the houses in Heaven
rather than the houses of cards collapsing around me;
Keep my eyes focused on the prize of Heaven
and not lose hope in You in this world or in the world to come;
Make me compassionate in dealing with others;
Let me see my travails as carrying my cross and sharing in Your Passion, for the love of You and for the salvation of souls, including mine.
And may all my difficulties be ultimately for my good and Your glory. 

1 Corinthians 2:9
However, as it is written:
“What no eye has seen,
what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”
the things God has prepared for those who love him.

Dearest Lord,
My spirit is full, 
but my wallet is always empty
I need your help Jesus.
My finances are in crisis, 
and are causing me great pain.
I pray for You Lord, 
to hear, provide and guide me 
in Your infinite mercy, love and wisdom.

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