
Friday 11 January 2013

For Self Deliverance

Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins. I ask You to come into my heart. I make You my Lord and Savior.

Father God, thank You for Jesus. I thank You for my salvation. Jesus made atonement for my sins, and also paid for my healing and deliverance. Thank You for receiving me into Your family by grace and through faith. I am Your child, and I qualify for freedom. I definitely do not give consent or permission for any evil spirit to remain associated with me or my life.

Father God, because You have forgiven me I choose to forgive others, everyone who has hurt me, lied to me, disappointed me, abused me, offended me, I forgive. What they did was sin. Take this sin from them and place it on the cross of Jesus and on the day of Judgment I will not hold this sin against them. Even now they are free. Father, bless them. I confess unforgiveness as sin and repent of it. I receive Your forgiveness. I denounce the sins of my ancestors and I totally separate myself from generational curse. I renounce all unholy vows, pledges, oaths or ceremonies and I choose to be free from all permission of secret societies curse. I denounce all unholy soul ties and confess them as sin. Jesus Christ is my savior and Lord and He broke the power of curse. I choose to be free in Jesus Name. Thank You for Your grace and mercy, in Jesus Name.

Father God, I set my will against satan and renounce all his evil workings!, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Dear Holy Spirit of Almighty God, I ask You to fill every void that is in my life with Your light and life. Holy Spirit, repair and restore that which the enemy has damaged. And I ask that You would shine Your glory light continually on me until any and all soul wounds are healed, in Jesus Name. Thank You! Amen.

Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Mt.11:28-29)

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