
Thursday 10 January 2013

Efficacious Prayer to the Infant Jesus

O, Child Jesus, I have recourse to Thee. Through Thy holy Mother, I implore Thee to assist me in this, my necessity; for I firmly believe that Thou canst aid me. I confidently hope to obtain Thy holy grace. I love Thee with my whole heart and my whole soul. I am heartily sorry for my sins and I entreat Thee, O good Jesus, to give me strength to overcome them.
I am firmly resolved never to offend Thee again, and to suffer everything rather than displease Thee. Henceforth, I wish to serve Thee faithfully. For love of Thee, O Divine Child, I will love my neighbour as myself. O Jesus, omnipotent Child, I entreat Thee again to come to my assistance in this necessity (indicate your intention).
Grant that I may possess Thee eternally, with Mary and Joseph, and adore Thee with Thy holy angels and saints in heaven. 

(Revealed by the Blessed Virgin Mary to the Venerable Fr Cyril of the Mother of God, OCD at Prague.)


  1. O Holy Infant, please look upon us with your merciful eyes. Please smile on us. We need your help and blessings.
    Please reveal your love to Eric McDonald. Open his eyes to see your love for him. Open his heart to enable him to believe in the truth of the Gospel. Please save his soul. Shelter him in your Sacred Heart...Amen

  2. Holy Mother, please place your mantle of love and protection over Eric. Be a Mother to Eric. Please bring Eric to Jesus. Mother of all grace give Eric all the graces he needs for salvation.
    Dear St Joseph, please cradle Eric in your heart The was you cradled The Infant Jesus in your arms.
    Holy Family of The Infant Jesus, shelter Eric throughout this life and the life to come.Amen
    Jesus, Mary, Joseph. I love you Save Souls!!
    Light of Christ shine in our hearts and souls.
