
Wednesday 19 December 2012

Pope Benedict XVI tweets on Twitter

Pope Benedict XVI joined Twitter, under his DJ name of  @Pontifex. On the 12 December 2012, Pope Benedict XVI successfully posted his first tweet message (message a seen below) from his iPad, a promising start with a little help from his aides. Pope Benedict XVI being the 265th, chose the special date 12/12/12 to post his first tweet on his Twitter account.

Following his predecessors, Pope Benedict XVI, 85 is using the latest in communications technology social media tools, Twitter to spread the faith. About 80 yearsPope Pius XI also had a similar situation when he started Vatican Radio which trasmitted the pope's message via radio waves around the world. The Vatican also has its own newspaper, television service and maintains dedicated YouTube channels and an Internet news portal.
The papal Twitter account followers has surpassed two million since it was opened somewhere early December, 2012.
Welcome to the official Twitter page of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, Vatican City.

The Papal's Twitter page is designed in yellow and white which is the official colours of the Vatican.

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