
Wednesday 26 December 2012

Holy Days of Obligation for 2013


1 January - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God 
This feast always occurs on the eighth day of Christmas (Octave of the Nativity).
3 January - Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus
Commemorates the circumcision and naming of the child Jesus.
9 May - Ascension of the Lord
Christ's ascension to Heaven after 40 days from his resurrection on Easter Sunday.
15 August - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, marks the death of Mary and the assumption without decay of her body into Heaven.
1 November - All Saints Day
Rememberance and a day to honor all Catholic saints, names and unnamed.
2 November - All Souls Day
Rememberance and a day to honor all Souls of Christian brother and sisters in Christ.
9 November - The Dedication of the ArchBasilica of St. John Lateran
8 December - Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
A day to honor the conception of Mary in Saint Anne's womb, whom will be born without sin.
25 December - Christmas Day (December 25).
Celebrate the birth of the Savior and Messiah Jesus, the Emmanuel.


6 January - Epiphany of the Lord
Observe 12 days after Christmas which marks the manifestation of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, as represented by the Magi, the baptism of Jesus, and the miracle of the wine at the marriage feast at Cana.
13 February - Ash Wednesday
Catholics faithful receive ashes in the sign of the cross on their foreheads, which indicates the beginning of 40 days of Lent.
19 March - Solemnity of St Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
24 March - Palm Sunday
Observe on the Sunday before Easter Sunday, which marks Christ entry into Jerusalem.
28 March - Holy Thursday (Holy Week)
Also known as Maundy Thursday. It commemorates the Last Supper and serves as a reminder of the institution of the Eucharist, the priesthood, and the mass.
29 March - Good Friday (Holy Week)
Catholics memorializes Christ's passion and crucifixion. Observation day of fasting and meatless meals.
30 March - Holy Saturday (Holy Week)
Easter Vigil, which begins on Saturday night in preparation for Easter Sunday and a day where new baptized adult brothers and sisters follow Jesus into His house the Church.
31 March - Easter Sunday
Celebrated after the 40 days of Lent. All faithful of the Catholic Church is required to receive the Holy Eucharist at least once during the Easter season.
7 April - Divine Mercy Sunday
April 30, 2000, the day on which the Vatican declared Maria Faustina Kowalska to be St. Faustina is when this feast was first celebrated. Catholic faithful recall Christ's divine mercy.
8 April - The Annunciation of the Lord
celebrates the angel Gabriel's appearance and message to the Virgin Mary that the Blessed Virgin had been chosen to be the Mother of Our Lord, and Mary's fiat of her willingness to accept of God's holy plan.
19 May - Pentecost Sunday
Also known as the birthday of the Church. Christ's disciples received the Holy Spirit and started to preach in all the languages used by the crowd present on Pentecost.
26 May - Trinity Sunday
Celebrated on the Sunday after Pentecost Sunday. A solemn observance, it reminds Catholics of the Trinity; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all equally God and are inseparable.
30 May - Corpus Christi (Body and Blood of the Lord)
Celebrates the birth of the Eucharist during the Last Supper. Normally will be celebrated on a Sunday.
7 June - Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
24 June - Solemnity of the Nativity of John the Baptist
Celebrates the birth of John the Baptist.
30 June - Solemnity of Ss Peter and Paul, Apostles
Feast in honor of the martyrdom in Rome of the apostles Saint Peter and Saint Paul.
24 November - Solemnity of Christ the King
1 December - First Sunday of Advent
Advent is observe in the period of four Sundays prior to Christmas. Advent is somber period (darkness) much like Lent, where the faithful prepare for the celebration of Christmas, the coming of Christ Jesus the Light of the World.

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