
Monday 31 December 2012

Alleluia! Praise the Lord

Response : God, we Praise you; God we Thank You.

For all our brokenness;
For all oor waknesses;
For all our unhappy experiences;
For all our infirmities;
For all our failures;
For all our humiliations;
For all our rejections;
For all our economic burdens;
For the failures and weaknesses of our dear ones;
For bringing out good even from evil;
For the grace of death to sin and the new life in the Holy Spirit;
Loed, after every trial and crisis You give us grace to come closer to You, liberating us from our self-centredness;

Response : God, we Praise you; God we Thank You.

For speaking to us through the Holy Spirit;
For giving us the gift of the Holy Spirit;
For transforming us into God's children;
For having called us to work for the kingdom of God;
For everything and at all times;

Response : God, we Praise you; God we Thank You.

Reveal to us O! God, Your divine truth;
Give us Your Spirit and awaken us O! Lord;
Give us Your Spirit and save us O! Lord;
Give us Your Spirit and heal us O! Lord;
Give us Your Spirit and make us Your apostles O! Lord;
Give us Your Spirit and make us Your ministers O! Lord;
Give us Your Spirit and teach us to listen to Your voice O! Lord;
Give us Your Spirit and teach us to to live with our eyes fixed to Heaven O! Lord;
Give us Your Spirit and fill us with God's love O! Lord;
Give us Your Spirit and transform us O! Lord;
Give us Your Spirit and help to die to self O! Lord;
Give us Your Spirit and teach us to pray O! Lord;
Give us Your Spirit and deliver us from evil habits O! Lord;
Give us Your Spirit and teach us to Praise God O! Lord;
Give us Your Spirit and mould us into the likeness of Jesus O! Lord;
Give us Your Spirit and prepare us to lead others to divine experience O! Lord;
Give us Your Spirit and strengthen us to spread the word of God O! Lord;

We Praise You Father
We Praise You Jesus
We Praise You Holy Spirit

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