
Sunday 4 November 2012

St. Marianne Cope (1838 - 1918)

Born Maria Anna Barbara Koob on 23 January, 1838 in Heppenheim in the Grand Duchy of Hesse (modern-day Germany). Her family emigrated to the United States when she was a year old and settling in the farming community in Utica, New York. Saint Marianne Cope, a former mother superior of the Third Order Regular of Saint Francis in Syracuse, N.Y., who moved to the island of Molokai in 1883 to tend to those with Hansen’s disease, or leprosy.
“I am hungry for the work and I wish with all my heart to be one of the chosen ones, whose privilege it will be to sacrifice themselves for the salvation of the souls of the poor Islanders…. I am not afraid of any disease; hence, it would be my greatest delight even to minister to the abandoned ‘lepers’.” Marianne Cope
“God giveth life; He will take it away in His own good time. Meanwhile it is our duty to make life as pleasant and as comfortable as possible for those of our fellow-creatures whom He has chosen to afflict.” Marianne Cope
Benedict called Saint Marianne, who died on 19 August, 1918, "a shining and energetic example of the best of the tradition of Catholic nursing sisters and of the spirit of her beloved Saint Francis." The Vatican confirmed that a woman from Syracuse was cured from complications of pancreatitis in 2005 after praying to Mother Marianne, the second miracle needed to assure the nun’s sainthood. Canonined by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI on 21 October, 2012.

Prayer to
St. Marianne Cope

Lord Jesus, you who gave us your commandment of love of God and neighbor, and identified yourself in a special way with the most needy of your people, hear our prayer. Faithful to your teaching, St. Marianne Cope loved and served her neighbor, especially the most desolate outcast, giving herself generously and heroically for those afflicted by leprosy. She alleviated their physical and spiritual sufferings, thus helping them to accept their afflictions with patience. Her care and concern for others manifested the great love you have for us. Through her merits and intercession, grant us the favor which we confidently ask of you so that the people of God, following the inspiration of her life and apostolate, may practice charity towards all according to your word and example.
Through the intercession of St. Marianne Cope, I ask for the grace of (mention your request).
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be

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