
Sunday 18 November 2012

PDYD2 pit stop at Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, B'worth

On November 18, 2012 about 800 participants of the Penang Diocese Youth Day 2 made a pilgrimage pit stop at the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. They made their journey from the Church of the Assumption, Penang island by walking, taking the ferry across to Butterworth and the walking again from the jetty to the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Jalan Chain Ferry, Butterworth. They arrived at NBVM at about 3.45pm. We should give them a BIG hand for their perseverance in this Walk of Faith. The youths consist of English speaking, Malay speaking, Mandarin speaking and Tamil speaking from  the Diocese of Penang.
They were greeted and welcome by the Parish Priest Father Victor Louis, Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson Ms. Mavis Baptist, church youths and several church members present in support. They were then shown a presentation on the autobiography of St. Jacques Honore Chastan, PDYD2 patron saint. After that they were treated to some refreshment.
They then boarded 11 buses that were waiting and ready to transport them to the destination, Church of St. Anne in trips. They will be at St. Anne until November 19, 2012 afternoon, when the PDYD2 comes to end. The whole event at NBVM was a success and went well.  Also a pat on the back and another BIG hand to all involved in making the event above a success.

PDYD2 aims to transform youths to be agents of change in this society.

In PDYD2 icon image  below, where the Infant Jesus is gently touching the face of His Mother, which potrays Mary as the bridge between heaven and earth (Jesus from Heaven, and Mary from earth.). Jesus holding the scroll symbolizes word becoming flesh.

The PDYD2 logo symbolizes the following meaning:
The Cross ~ Christ as the centre of the celebration.
Red colour of the Cross ~ Martyrdom, Call for Witness and Evangelization.
The letter "M" ~ Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.
Blue colour ~ Penang state colour.
Yellow colour ~ depicts Wisdom, Joy, Happiness and Creativity.





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