
Monday 15 October 2012

St. Teresa of Avila ~ Doctor of the Church (1515 ~ 1582

She is also known as Saint Teresa of Jesus. Saint Teresa was born in Avila, Spain on 28 March, 1515 and baptized as Teresa Sánchez de Cepeda Ahumada. Teresa resolved to enter a religious life after reading the letters of St.Jerome. Thus, she joined the Carmelite Order in 1535. After a vision of "the sorely wounded Christ", she started to be deeply focused on Christ's passion.  From 1560 until her death, Teresa struggled to establish and broaden the movement of Discalced or shoeless Carmelites. She enlisted St. John of the Cross in 1567 in extending her reform to the male side of the Carmelite Order. She was widely known Roman Catholic saint, Carmelite nun, and writer of the Counter Reformation, and theologian of contemplative life through mental prayer. she wrote the Way of Perfection and the Meditations on the Canticle. She died on 4 October, 1582 in Alba de Tormes. She was beatified by Pope Paul V on 24 April, 1614 and in 1617 was proclaim as the Patroness of Spain. On 12 March, 1622 she was canonized as saint by Pope Gregory XV.
Patroness of Lacemaker, Headaches, Religious, Sickness and Spain.
Memorial on 15 October.
Transverberation of her Heart on 27 October.

Prayer of St.Teresa of Avila

Lord Jesus Christ, You raised up St. Teresa of Avila to be a guide in the ways of prayer and contemplation. Give me the grace to follow her example with fidelity and generosity. Lead me into the wine cellar of Your love where, refreshed by Your Spirit, I, too, may sing of Your mercies and be set aflame with the fire of Your love.
God, You raised up St. Teresa by Your Spirit so that she could manifest to the Church the way to perfection. Nourish us with the food of heaven, and fire us with a desire for holiness.
 Link to YouTube
Benedict XVI 'Teresa of Avila shows that time spent in prayer is not lost'

Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing distress you;
While all things fade away,
God is unchanging.
Patience overcomes everything.
With God in your heart,
Nothing is lacking.
God alone suffices.

In the Hands of God
I am Yours and born of You,
What do You want of me?

Majestic Sovereign,
Unending wisdom,
Kindness pleasing to my soul;
God sublime, one Being Good,
Behold this one so vile.
Singing of her love to you:
What do You want of me?

Yours, you made me,
Yours, you saved me,
Yours, you endured me,
Yours, you called me,
Yours, you awaited me,
Yours, I did not stray.
What do You want of me?

Good Lord, what do you want of me,
What is this wretch to do?
What work is this,
This sinful slave, to do?
Look at me, Sweet Love,
Sweet Love, look at me,
What do You want of me?

In Your hand
I place my heart,
Body, life and soul,
Deep feelings and affections mine,
Spouse -- Redeemer sweet,
Myself offered now to you,
What do You want of me?

Give me death, give me life,
Health or sickness,
Honor or shame,
War or swelling peace,
Weakness or full strength,
Yes, to these I say,
What do You want of me?

Give me wealth or want,
Delight or distress,
Happiness or gloominess,
Heaven or hell,
Sweet life, sun unveiled,
To you I give all.
What do You want of me?

Give me, if You will, prayer;
Or let me know dryness,
And abundance of devotion,
Or if not, then barrenness.
In you alone, Sovereign Majesty,
I find my peace,
What do You want of me?

Give me then wisdom.
Or for love, ignorance,
Years of abundance,
Or hunger and famine.
Darkness or sunlight,
Move me here or there:
What do You want of me?

If You want me to rest,
I desire it for love;
If to labor,
I will die working:
Sweet Love say
Where, how and when.
What do You want of me?

Calvary or Tabor give me,
Desert or fruitful land;
As Job in suffering
Or John at Your breast;
Barren or fruited vine,
Whatever be Your will:
What do You want of me?

Be I Joseph chained
Or as Egypt's governor,
David pained
Or exalted high,
Jonas drowned,
Or Jonas freed:
What do You want of me?

Silent or speaking,
Fruitbearing or barren,
My wounds shown by the Law,
Rejoicing in the tender Gospel;
Sorrowing or exulting,
You alone live in me:
What do You want of me?

Yours I am, for You I was born:
What do You want of me?

by St.Teresa of Avila

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