
Wednesday 26 September 2012

Our Lady Queen of Peace, Medjugorje, Bosnia Herzegovina

 Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary has been appearing at Medjugojre, Bosnia Herzegovina since 1981. Our Lady and giving messages to the world through the six visionaries from Medjugorje,  Ivan Dragicevic, Marija Pavlovic, Mirjana Dragicevic, Ivanka Ivankovic, Vicka Ivankovic, and Jakov Colo. They received apparitions of the Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary since June 24, 1981 and Our Lady continues to give messages them during her apparations till today.
Our Lady's mission is one of peace and love, and in her words "I have come to tell the world that God exists. He is the fullness of life, and to enjoy this fullness and peace, you must return to God".
Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Medjugojre apparations, is there known "Our Lady Queen of Peace".
Our Lady has said that each of the six visionaries will receive a total of ten "secrets" from her, with are revelation of events to occur sometime in the future (the events in the secret, some relate to the world, while some to the visionaries themslves and others to Medjugorje itself). The sercets will be revealed within their lifetimes of each visionary, and these will be revealed to the world.
So far, only one of the secrets has been revealed,  in the third secret Our Lady has promised to leave a supernatural, indestructible, beautiful and visible sign on Apparition Hill, where the six visionaries experienced their first apparition. Our Lady said: "This sign will be given for the atheists. You faithful already have signs and you have become the sign for the atheists. You faithful must not wait for the sign before you convert; convert soon. This time is a time of grace for you. You can never thank God enough for His grace. The time is for deepening your faith, and for your conversion. When the sign comes, it will be too late for many."
After they have received all ten "secrets", Our Lady will stop appearing daily. Marija, Vicka and Ivan have received 9 secrets, and Our Lady still appears to them every day, wherever they are, at 5:40pm during daylight savings time and 6:40pm the rest of the year. Mirjana, Jakov and Ivanka have received all 10 secrets, and Our Lady appears to them once per year for rest of their lives.
When Our Lady stops appearing, 3 warnings will be given to the world (events that will take place on earth). The events will occur within Mirjana's lifetime and she will be a witness to them. 10 days before each warning, she will advise the priest she chose for this task (Father Petar Ljubicic), who will pray and fast with Mirjana for 7 days. Then, three days before each warning is to happen, Fr. Petar will announce to the world what, where, and when the warning event will take place. The next two warning event will follow the first one within a short period of time (this interval is a period of grace and conversion). Once the permanent, visible, supernatural, and indestructible sign appears on the on the apparation hill in Medjugorje, there will be little time for conversion. This being the reason, Our Lady is invites us to urgent conversion and reconciliation. The sign apparation hill in Medjugorje will lead to many healings and conversions before the secrets become reality. According to Mirjana, the events predicted by the Blessed Virgin are near and Mirjana proclaims to the world: 'Hurry, be converted; open your hearts to God.'
Mirjana highlighted an apparition she had in 1982, which sheds some light on certain aspects of Church history. In this apparition in which satan appeared to her, and asked Mirjana to renounce Our Lady and to follow him, so that she could be happy in love and in life. He added that following Our Lady would only lead to suffering. Mirjana rejected him, and immediately Our Lady appeared and Satan disappeared. Then Our Lady gave Mirjana the following message in substance,
"Excuse me for this, but you must realize that Satan exists. One day he appeared before the throne of God and asked permission to submit the Church to a period of trial. God gave him permission to try the Church for one century. This century is under the power of the devil; but when the secrets confided to you come to pass, his power will be destroyed. Even now he is beginning to lose his power and has become aggressive. He is destroying marriages, creating divisions among priests and is responsible for obsessions and murder. You must protect yourselves against these things through fasting and prayer, especially community prayer. Carry blessed objects with you. Put them in your house, and restore the use of holy water."

We must realize that Satan is real. He uses us for his own benefits and purposes. His main purpose is destruction. Destruction of love, peace, faith, family, and life. Just as God gave David 5 stones with which to defeat Goliath, Our Lady is also giving us 5 Stones or Weapons that we can use to defeat satan. They are:

  • Daily Prayer (Of the Rosary)
  • Fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays
  • Daily Reading of the Bible
  • Monthly Confession
  • Holy Communion

Link to YouTube
Mirjana's Apparition, March 2,2012
Six Times Our Lady Said...June 22, 2012 Apparition of Our Lady to Medjugorje Visionary Ivan 
Jakov Colo's Annual Apparition in Medjugorje on Christmas Day 2009

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