
Tuesday 14 August 2012

Jesus, I will trust thee (words from hymnal)

1.Jesus, I will trust thee, trust thee with my soul;
guilty, lost, and helpless, thou canst make me whole.
There is none in heaven or on earth like thee:
thou hast died for sinners--therefore, Lord, for me.

Chorus : Jesus, I will trust thee, trust thee with my soul;
guilty, lost, and helpless, thou canst make me whole.

2.Jesus, I will trust thee, Name of matchless worth,
spoken by the angel at thy wondrous birth;
written, and for ever, on thy cross of shame,
sinners read and worship, trusting in that Name.

3.Jesus, I will trust thee, pondering thy ways,
full of love and mercy all thine earthly days;
sick men gathered round thee, sinners sought thine aid,
and on sick and sinful healing hands were laid.

4.Jesus, I will trust thee, trust thy written word,
though thy voice of pity I have never heard.
When thy Spirit teacheth, to my taste how sweet--
only may I hearken, sitting at thy feet.

5.Jesus, I will trust thee, trust without a doubt:
whosoever cometh, thou wilt not cast out;
faithful is thy promise, precious is thy Blood;
these my soul's salvation, thou my Savior God.

Words: Mary J. Walker, 1864
Music: Goshen

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