
Sunday 22 July 2012

Saint Christopher Prayers

St. Christopher's Protection

For a Safe Journey I
Dear Saint Christopher,
protect me today
in all my travels
along the road's way.
Give your warning sign
if danger is near
so that I may stop
while the path is clear.
Be at my window
and direct me through
when the vision blurs
From out of the blue.
Carry me safely
to my destined place,
like you carried Christ
in your close embrace.

For a Safe Journey II
Grant me, O Lord, a steady hand and watchful eye. That no one shall be hurt as I pass by. You gave life, I pray no act of mine may take away or mar that gift of thine. Shelter those, dear Lord, who bear my company, from the evils of fire and all calamity. Teach me, to use my car for others need; Nor miss through love of undue speed The beauty of the world; that thus I may with joy and courtesy go on my way. St. Christopher, holy patron of travelers, protect me and lead me safely to my destiny. Amen.

For a Safe Journey III
O Lord, we humbly ask you to give Your Almighty protection to all travelers.
Accept our fervent and sincere prayers that through Your great power and unfaltering spirit, those who travel may reach their destination safe and sound.
Grant Your divine guidance and infinite wisdom to all who operate automobiles, trains, plans and boats. Inspire them with due sense of duty and knowledge and help them guide those entrusted in their care to complete their travel safely.
We thank You, Oh Lord, for Your great mercy and unending love to all mankind and for extending Your arm of protection to all travelers.

Motorists' Prayer

Grant me, O Lord, a steady hand and watchful eye
that no one shall be hurt as I pass by.

You gave life, I pray no act of mine
may take away or mar that gift of Thine.

Shelter those, dear Lord, who bear my company,
from the evils of fire and all calamity.

Teach me, to use my car for others need;
Nor miss through love of undue speed

The beauty of the world; that thus I may
with joy and courtesy go on my way.

St. Christopher, holy patron of travellers, protect me and lead me safely to my destiny.


St. Christopher feast is on July 25th every year.
Patron saint of travellers.
also the 
Patron saint of Ailments,
Patron saint of Illness,
Patron saint of Dangers,
Patron saint of Mariners,
Patron saint of Floods,
Patron saint of Sailors,
Patron saint of Surfers,
Patron saint of Boatman,
Patron saint against Hailstorms,
Patron saint against Lightning,
Patron saint of people who lift and carry,
Patron saint of Porters,
Patron saint of Transportation,
Patron saint of Transportation workers,
Patron saint of a Holy Death.

Drivers and travelers often wear St. Christopher medals around their necks, or place them on their dashboards, key chains or clip them to sun visors.


  1. Prayer Request for Wendy wld semi trucking Transport of Hay Lakes , Alberta ,
    Prayer Request for Mr. Wayne Joseph Lessard and wife Marlene sick with throat cancer
    Prayer Request for Mr. Gerald Fortier of Quebec and Edmonton , Kanada ,
    daughters Natasha Fortier and Vanessa Jackson stepdaughter their two cats and two dogs
    gerald fortier ghost has pancreas cancer and hotchkins desease his brain is shrinking
    natasha's boyfriend darcy has a broken jaw
    Prayer Request for Janusz on work visa in edmonton , kanada
    Prayer Request for Władek Władysław Zborowski
    Prayer Request for Arek Arkadiusz śmiech
    he has a blog
    Prayer Request for Andrzej Józef Czerwinski of sosnowiec poland and edmonton alberta
    Prayer Request for Mr. Kazimierz Kozina and brother Waldek and father ryśiek and mother
    Prayer Request for mz child
    Prayer Request for my cousin in poland in mysłowice + katowice PL piotr siedlaczek and agnieszka siedlaczek
    agnieszka siedlaczek is pregnant
    Prayer Request for Mr. Tom Leszczewski
    Prayer Request for Mr. Łukasz Siedlaczek
    in Jesus Christ name ,
    Prayer Request for Mr. Rafał Zazuniuk
    there is other men and women
    in Jesus Christ name
    December 21 2014
    Reply to e.mail adres :

    Mr. Tom Czerwinski
    Suite # 204 , 10730 + 104 Street Nw.
    Edmonton , AB.
    T5H 2W5

  2. Emergency financial help, please pray for the same.

  3. Thank you St Christopher for answering my prayers every day; for keeping me safe as I go about my daily routine. Thank you St Christopher.
