Dear God, open a door for my message, so that I may proclaim the mystery of Christ. I pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Colossians 4:3-4


Reconciliation and Forgiveness ~ I am Sorry * Please Forgive Me * Thank You * I Love You. ~ Reconciliation and Forgiveness ~ I am Sorry * Please Forgive Me * Thank You * I Love You. ~ Reconciliation and Forgiveness ~ I am Sorry * Please Forgive Me * Thank You * I Love You.

Generosity from the Heart

Generosity from the Heart

Matt 6:3, "do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing"

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Proverbs 11:25, "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."

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May the Lord bless you for your generosity, and may the Mother of God intercede for your every need.

Your act of generosity will be rewarded, and your blessing will be “pressed down, shaken together, and RUNNING OVER.

Psalm 19:14, May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Friday 26 May 2017

Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, abide in me

Holy Spirit, 
Sweet guest of My Soul, 
Abide In Me
and Grant That I May Ever 

abide in You.

* * * * * *

L: In the beginning, at creation, you hovered over the water. 
A: Come Holy Spirit, as by a New Pentecost. 

L: You breathed into Adam a breath of life. 
A: Come Holy Spirit, Breath of God, breathe in us today. 

L: You anointed the prophets and kings. 
A: Come Holy Spirit, anoint us for your service. Send us anew to bring good news to the poor. 

L: To Elijah you came with the sound of a gentle breeze, to the Apostles with the sound of a mighty wind. 
A: Come Holy Spirit, in your gentleness and might. 

L: You are the living water, the river of life that brings fruitfulness and joy. 
A: Come Holy Spirit, flow freely in your Church. 

L: You overshadowed Mary at the Annunciation. 
A: Come Holy Spirit, overshadow us today with your power, that the will of God may be accomplished in us and through us. 

L: You appeared as a dove at the baptism of Jesus Christ. 
A: Come Holy Spirit, fill the world anew with the gift of your peace. 

L: You came at Pentecost fulfilling the promise of the Father. You filled the disciples of Jesus who had gathered in prayer and appeared with tongues of fire. 
A: Come Holy Spirit, lead us anew to Jesus Christ. May we be baptised with Holy Spirit and fire. 

L: You are the love of God poured into our hearts. 
A: Come Holy Spirit, make us one. Fill us and empower us with your presence that we may live in love as sons and daughters of God.

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are risen from the dead and that you are alive. I give you my life. By the power of your Holy Spirit draw me deeper into you and help me to live for you in every aspect of my life. I renounce everything that would separate me from you and I proclaim you as the only Lord of my life. Amen.

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