
Wednesday 30 July 2014

JESUS, I put all my TRUST and HOPES in YOU, Listen to my cries in my current difficulties, answer my prayers and provide for my needs Thank you, Lord from my heart

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
be Adored and Glorified Forever.

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
be Adored and Glorified Forever.

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
be Adored and Glorified Forever.

Photo: ~Pisces~

*-*May the GOD<3 of Hope fill me & All of us with the Joy & Peace that comes from Believing...So that may Abound in Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit!*-*

~Oh! Sacred Heart of Jesus<3...have mercy on us All:'(~



Lord, I thank you for all that You
have done for me, given me, 
all that I have and also that I don't have. 
Lord Jesus, now  again I seek Your Mercy and Empathy
towards a sinner like me,
in these times of desperate and urgent need.
I truly believe and trust,
that You know the financial hardship and difficulties
not forgetting my several health problems  
that I am going through these very moment.
Jesus, I surrender all to You 
and all my Hope is in You alone, my Saviour.
I am confident that You 
will hear my cries of Help
and will Grant the Miracle I desperately need 
which is in accordance with the Will of God the Father.
In Your Name Jesus, I dare to say and request 
all the above and believe it will be all answered.
Amen - Amen - Amen.

JESUS, I put all my TRUST and HOPES in YOU.

If you have the Heart, and willing to Help
Follow this link

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