
Tuesday 8 July 2014

Come JESUS, HEAR my prayer, my cries and GRANT my needs

Lord, I thank you for all that You
have done for me, given me, 
all that I have and also that I don't have. 
Lord Jesus, now  again I seek Your Mercy and Empathy
towards a sinner like me,
in these times of desperate and urgent need.
I truly believe and trust,
that You know the financial hardship and difficulties
not forgetting my several health problems  
that I am going through these very moment.
Jesus, I surrender all to You 
and all my Hope is in You alone, my Saviour.
I am confident that You 
will hear my cries of Help
and will Grant the Miracle I desperately need 
which is in accordance with the Will of God the Father.
In Your Name Jesus, I dare to say and request 
all the above and believe it will be all answered.
Amen - Amen - Amen.

JESUS, I put all my TRUST and HOPES in YOU.

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