
Sunday 4 May 2014

Capuchins and Jesuits, what are the differences


  • A Roman Catholic religious order. 
  • Live a religious life around the rites and sacraments of the Catholic Church. 
  • Branch of the Order of Friars Minor (OFM), Franciscans.
  • Observes the uber-simplistic way of Saint Francis of Assisi, the order's founder.
  • Catholic men and female are in the order. The Order of Saint Clare is the female branch of Capuchin order.
  • Their model is on Christ and  seek to love as Jesus loved. 
  • They cultivate humility and inner peace and joy. 
  • Practice willingness to let go of anything that would get in the way of serving as Jesus served. 
  • Mainly focus on poverty and simplicity.
  • They also take care of the environment, the earth, animals and plants.
  • They are itinerant preachers.
  • Known Capuchins are Saint Padre Pio, Saint Clare of Assisi, Saint Seraphin of Montegrano, Saint Felix of Cantalice, Saint Leopold Mandic and many more.


  • A Roman Catholic religious order.
  • Live a religious life around the rites and sacraments of the Catholic Church.
  • Saint Ignatius of Loyola is the founder and Saint Francis Xavier it's co-founder.
  • Jesuits are also known as Society of Jesus (SJ).
  • Only Catholic men are in the order.
  • Their spirituality is built on Ignatius Loyola's "Spiritual Exercises," which engage the entire person in 
  • mind, imagination, heart, body and will in a quest for knowledge of God and imitation of Christ (spiritual formation).
  • Mainly focus on teaching and knowledge.
  • They are itinerant teachers.
  • Known Jesuits are Pope Francis, Saint John de Britto, Sait Peter Claver, Saint Peter Faber and many more.

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