
Tuesday 1 April 2014

Pope Francis goes Confession in public ~ 28 March 2014

Continuing to display humility and leadership by example, Pope Francis went to confession before a regular and ordinary priest, much to the shock of the congregation present in St. Peter's Basilica over the weekend. The pope walked over to a confessional and knelt before a priest in public. He then proceeded to confess his sins where everyone could see him.

The priest spent about three minutes hearing the pope mention his sins and then gave him the necessary absolution. Surely shocked to his core, but the priest still managed to clasp the pope's hands and kiss his simple silver ring, in what seemed a testament that he fully knows the individual penitent who knelt before was the Holy Father of the Catholic church. After he finished, the pope went into a nearby empty confessional and heard confessions for about 40 minutes.

"Who can say he is not a sinner? Nobody. We all are," the pope, dressed in a simple white alb and purple stole, told the thousands present at the penitential liturgy rites.

Two elements that are "essential to Christian life”, quoted by Pope Francis.
"Human beings are worth more for what they are than what they have. Set your eyes on the essential. This is the difference between a life deformed by sin, and one illuminated by grace. From the heart of renewed person, according to God, comes all good behaviour.” 
"Our Father never tires of loving, and his eyes never tire of looking at the path toward home to see if His son, which has left and is lost, returns. We can talk about the God's hope. Our Father always waits for us. He not only leaves the door open, he waits.”

“Tell them that our father is waiting for us, our father forgives us, and even more, he celebrates,” 
Even with all of one’s sins and mistakes, God, “instead of scolding us, he celebrates, And you have to tell this, tell this to lots of people today” so they can experience God’s mercy and love.
~ * ~ Pope Francis ~ * ~

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