
Monday 3 March 2014

Prayer to Saint Joseph for a Difficult Problem

O Glorious St. Joseph, 
thou who hast power to render possible 
even things which are considered impossible, come to our aid 
in our present trouble and distress. 
Take this important and difficult affair 
under thy particular protection, 
that it may end happily. 
(mention your request)
O dear St. Joseph, 
all our confidence is in thee. 
Let it not be said 
that we would invoke thee in vain; 
and since thou art 
so powerful with Jesus and Mary, 
show that thy goodness 
equals thy power. 

St. Joseph, 
friend of the Sacred Heart, 
pray for us.


  1. Dear St. Joseph please hear my request please let her come back to me with love.Wishes for her to be together. John

    1. Oh Dear St. Joseph please bring Nguyet come to me with lots of love an passion as I pray too you to bring her back to me. Johnny

    2. St. Joseph,
      friend of the Sacred Heart,
      pray for us. For Nguyet Witt and I too be together with your prayers faith and love ❤️ we will always be grateful forever as you bring Love too us. Johnny

    3. St. Joseph,
      friend of the Sacred Heart,
      pray for us. For Nguyet Witt and I too be together with your prayers faith and love ❤️ we will always be grateful forever as you bring Love too us. Johnny


  2. Monday, 3 March 2014
    Prayer to Saint Joseph for a Difficult Problem
    Please hear my prayers bring Nguyet to me with love ❤️ to be together with n me with love. From John

    O Glorious

  3. St. Joseph hear my prayers please bring Nguyet and I together as I pray to you and will always will as One. May you bless us to be together amen Johnny

  4. Oh Dear Saint Joseph please help me bring Nguyet to me in my arms with love and passion. May you bless us to be together as I pray to you always. Love John

  5. Please Saint Joseph please bring Nguyet and I (John) together with love passion to be happy blessed to ever remind and pray too you always for bringing us back together.
