
Tuesday 18 March 2014

Prayer intentions of the Holy Father, Pope Francis for 2014

Franciscus - miserando atque eligendo

General intention, is now called the Universal intention which addresses a need or category relevant to all people and all cultures, such as, the elderly, respect for women, the media, the unemployed, refugees, and the lonely. Mission intention, is now called the Evangelization intention, introducing people everywhere to the person of Jesus Christ, for conversion begins and there is no end in that relationship between Christ and the believer. Pope Francis sees prayer as the first step in the New Evangelization.

Universal Intention
Economic Development. That all may promote authentic economic development that respects the 
dignity of all peoples
Evangelization Intention
Christian Unity. That Christians of diverse denominations may walk toward the unity desired by Christ. 

Universal Intention 
Elders. That the Church and society may respect the wisdom and experience of older people. 
Evangelization Intention 
Collaboration in Evangelization. That priests, religious, and lay people may work together with 
generosity for evangelization. 

Universal Intention 
Respect for Women. That all cultures may respect the rights and dignity of women. 
Evangelization Intention
Vocations. That many young people may accept the Lord’s invitation to consecrate their lives to 
proclaiming the Gospel. 

Universal Intention
Ecology and Justice. That governments may foster the protection of creation and the just distribution of 
natural resources. 
Evangelization Intention
Hope for the Sick. That the Risen Lord may fill with hope the hearts of those who are being tested by 
pain and sickness. 

Universal Intention
Media. That the media may be instruments in the service of truth and peace. 
Evangelization Intention
Mary’s Guidance. That Mary, Star of Evangelization, may guide the Church in proclaiming Christ to all 

Universal Intention
Unemployed. That the unemployed may receive support and find the work they need to live in dignity. 
Evangelization Intention
Faith in Europe. That Europe may rediscover its Christian roots through the witness of believers. 

Universal Intention
Sports. That sports may always be occasions of human fraternity and growth. 
Evangelization Intention 
Lay missionaries. That the Holy Spirit may support the work of the laity who proclaim the Gospel in the 
poorest countries. 

Universal Intention
Refugees. That refugees, forced by violence to abandon their homes, may find a generous welcome and 
the protection of their rights. 
Evangelization Intention
Oceania. That Christians in Oceania may joyfully announce the faith to all the people of that region. 

Universal Intention
Mentally disabled. That the mentally disabled may receive the love and help they need for a dignified 
Evangelization Intention
Service to the poor. That Christians, inspired by the Word of God, may serve the poor and suffering. 

Universal Intention
Peace. That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. 
Evangelization Intention
World Mission Day. That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel 
into all the world. 

Universal Intention
Lonely people. That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of 
Evangelization Intention
Mentors of seminarians and religious. That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well‐
formed mentors. 

Universal Intention
Christmas, hope for humanity. That the birth of the Redeemer may bring peace and hope to all people of 
good will. 
Evangelization Intention
Parents. That parents may be true evangelizers, passing on to their children the precious gift of faith.

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