
Monday 17 February 2014

JESUS loves us and He is our truest FRIEND

We are betraying and denying JESUS
every time we sin. 
We are crucifying JESUS
every time we have evil thoughts or actions 
which comes from our hearts, mind and soul.
Even by all that is done by us, 
JESUS continues loves us 
and He has never denied us or will ever deny us.
JESUS always intercedes for us to our heavenly Father, 
as in Luke 23:34; when JESUS says "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."
God always comforts us in our pain and sorrows, 
His loves never changes, 
He gives us the strength to overcome all.
Therefore, obey His commandments, repent 
and try not to let the any evil or sin overcome us, 
in those moments always recall 
of how JESUS loves us and died for our salvation.
JESUS is our true Friend forever, 
as in John 15:13; "Greater love has no one than this: 
to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."
We ask JESUS to help us abide in Him 
so that we may always remain faithful 
to Him and our Heavenly Father.

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