
Thursday 6 February 2014

I surrender all into Your hands O Lord, Come and Save me

Lord, I surrender all 
my worries, troubles and difficulties 
into You hands, today.
I can't say I'm not a sinner 
cause I am only human,
but Lord have mercy and pity on me.
I am running out of time 
and really need Your help, 
grant me the miracle healing I need
cause Lord nothing is impossible for You.
You have always been by my side
especially in my lowest times.
I thank You, Lord for all the things 
You have done and given me, 
and for those I done have.
I truly believe and trust,
You know the plans for me,
the plans for my future and hope.
I repent for all my sins Lord,
please bring me back 
from the place You have exile me
and restore the peace, 
and well being in my life.
You alone are my God, 
You alone in whom I trust and believe, and
You alone I will praise, worship and glorify
I seek You with my heart Lord,
come Lord come, let me find you 
and be with me Lord at this time
of worry, I am in darkness Lord,
show me Your light out 
of this predicament I am in.
I know Lord, Your loved for me 
I cannot doubt, and
I will never doubt You Lord.
I put all my trust, hope and faith
from my heart only in You.
All I do is in faith and trust
in You Lord, 
I believe Lord, 
You will protect me at all times,
You will be there when I need You,
You will heal me and provide for me.
All Glory, Honour, Power, Wisdom. Praise and Thanksgiving
belong to You alone, my Lord my God.
Give me the strength, courage and wisdom,
now when I need those the most.
You have said, "do not be afraid
for I am here to deliver you",
thus do not let me be put to shame and disgrace.
For You O lord, who has done great things for me,

there is none like You.
I will  praise and sing 

of Your glory and goodness
all the days of my life
until the day you call me back to Your Kingdom.
Lord, in TRUST in You,
and I truly believe by Your Word 
You have HEALED me.
All I said and ask You Lord,
is in the name JESUS CHRIST Your Son,
and I am confident Lord 
You will hear my cries 
and grant me my needs.

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