
Monday 13 January 2014

Thank you, Lord! You are always with me especially at the lowest times of my LIFE

Praise the Lord! Amen.

God is GOOD, All the TIME, God is GOOD.

Thank You, 
Heavenly Father for granting me my needs
at times of hopelessness 
through Your Son JESUS Christ, 
my Saviour, my Redeemer, my Armour, 
my Healer and my Provider. 
Truly Lord, by Your Word, I am Healed. 
Continue to Heal me O Lord, 
and grant me, my graces in accordance to Your Will.
You are the REASON I exist
and to thrive for a better LIFE 
and to follow You as Your Disciples did. 
You are my Light, show me Your ways 
and guide me through the paths of my life.

Heavenly Father, In You I Trust and Thank You.
JESUS, In You I Trust and Thank You.
Holy Spirit, In You I Trust and Thank You.
Mother Mary, In You I Trust and Thank You.
Infant JESUS, In You I Trust and Thank You.
Our Lady of Conception Aparecida, In You I Trust and Thank You.
St. Rita of Cassia, I Honour and Thank You.
St. Jude Thaddeus, I Honour and Thank You.
St. Expedite, I Honour and Thank You.
St. Edwiges, In You I Trust and Thank You.
St. Anthony of Padua, In You I Trust and Thank You.

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