
Tuesday 28 January 2014

Father in Heaven, I am in desperate and urgent need ....

Hear my prayer, O Lord;
let my cry come to you!
Do not hide your face from me
in the day of my distress!
Incline your ear to me;
answer me speedily in the day when I call!
~ * ~ Psalm 102:1-2 ~ * ~

Lord, I need to attain RM10,000 urgently by end of today. I realise that this amount is not small Lord and I am unable to raise it myself by today. I have no means Lord, but I truly believe Lord that only You have the power and might to grant me the miracle I need. I desperately need the money to settle some backlog financial payments. I have delay them for sometime but I can't postpone it any more as I have committed to the parties involved that I will settle it by today. I know Lord, I am a sinner and am only human, HAVE MERCY on me. all these are due to my mistakes. Lord, You have always been by my side especially in my lowest times. Come Lord, and GRANT me your healing from this situation which I am in urgent need of a solution. I repent Lord for all my sin, please forgive me Lord, and command your angels to come today an LIFT me out of this situation and saves me. Lord, Father in Heaven, I am asking You for this great favour, in the name of Your son JESUS and I truly believe and trust that in accordance of Your will You will grant my request, soon today. AMEN.

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