
Tuesday 17 December 2013

My Crhistmas Novena

Hail, and blessed be the hour and moment
At which the Son of God was born
Of a most pure Virgin
At a stable at midnight in Bethlehem
In the piercing cold
At that hour vouchsafe, I beseech Thee,
To hear my prayers and grant my desires
I desperately desire you help in healing me financial woes and the weight of difficulties I am going through due to my debts. Lord, I also need money for Christmas as in many past Christmas since 5 years ago, by my own faults, I have never had anything for my self or even to give my love ones as I am pressured by the weight of my debts and now I have realise with Your help, blessing and grace, I am now in process of changing for the better. Whatever it has been Lord, I have always celebrated your coming Lord, a King is born to save me and all of the people in the world.  I trust and believe my prayer will be heard and my needs will granted. I ask and You give, I seek and You let me find, I knock and You open for me, You have been good to me Lord. I will remember this favour, I will glorify, I will praise and thank You for Your miraculous healing always and forever. You are my Saviour, my Redeemer, my Healer and my Provider. Lord, I know I am but a sinner, have Mercy on me. It is not worthy for You to enter under my roof but I truly trust in You and by Your word, I am Healed. 
Through Jesus Christ and His most Blessed Mother.

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