
Wednesday 13 November 2013

Roman Catholic Holy Days, Feast and Memorial days - 21 Nov 2013 - 2014 - 5 Apr 2015

Date Event
Nov 21, 2013 Presentation of Mary
Nov 30, 2013 St. Andrew's Day
Dec 01, 2013 First Sunday of Advent
Dec 08, 2013 Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Dec 08, 2013 Second Sunday of Advent
Dec 15, 2013 Third Sunday of Advent
Dec 22, 2013 Fourth Sunday of Advent
Dec 25, 2013 Christmas
Jan 01, 2014 Mary, Mother of God
Jan 03, 2014 The Most holy Name of Jesus
Jan 04, 2014 Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Jan 06, 2014 Epiphany
Jan 21, 2014 Saint Agnes
Jan 24, 2014 Saint Francis de Sales
Jan 24, 2014 Our Lady, Queen of Peace
Jan 25, 2014 The Conversion of Saint Paul
Jan 26, 2014 Saints Timoty and Titus
Jan 28, 2014 Saint Thomas Aquinas
Jan 31, 2014 Saint John Bosco
Feb 02, 2014 Presentation of Jesus at the Temple
Feb 05, 2014 Saint Agatha
Feb 07, 2014 Blessed Pius IX
Feb 11, 2014 Our Lady of Lourdes
Feb 22, 2014 Chair of Saint Peter
Mar 05, 2014 Ash Wednesday
Mar 05 - Apr 19, 2014 Lent
Mar 07, 2014 Saints Perpetua and Felicity, martyrs
Mar 08, 2014 Saint John of God, religious
Mar 19, 2014 Saint Joseph's Day, Saint Joseph Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mar 25, 2014 Annunciation of the Lord
Apr 13 - 19, 2014 Holy Week
Apr 13, 2014 Palm Sunday
Apr 17, 2014 Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday)
Apr 18, 2014 Good Friday
Apr 19, 2014 Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil)
Apr 20, 2014 Easter Sunday
Apr 25, 2014 Saint Mark the Evangelist
Apr 26, 2014 Our Lady of Good Counsel
Apr 27, 2014 The Feast of Divine Mercy, Divine Mercy Sunday
Apr 29, 2014 Saint Catherine of Siena, virgin and doctor of the Church
Apr 30, 2014 Saint Pius V, pope
May 01, 2014 Saint Joseph the Worker
May 03, 2014 Saints Philip and James, Apostles
May 03, 2014 Our Lady of the Valley
May 08, 2014 Our Lady of Luján, Patroness of Argentina
May 08, 2014 Blessed Catherine of Saint Augustine
May 13, 2014 Our Lady of Fatima
May 14, 2014 Saint Matthias the Apostle
May 18, 2014 Saint John I, pope and martyr
May 20, 2014 Saint Bernardine of Siena, priest
May 22, 2014 Saint Rita of Cascia
May 24, 2014 Mary, Help of Christians
May 25, 2014 Saint Gregory VII, pope
May 27, 2014 Saint Augustine (Austin) of Canterbury, bishop
May 29, 2014 Ascension of the Lord
May 31, 2014 Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Jun 05, 2014 Saint Boniface, bishop and martyr
Jun 08, 2014 Pentecost
Jun 09, 2014 Mary, Mother of the Church
Jun 11, 2014 Saint Barnabas the Apostle
Jun 12, 2014 Jesus Christ, the Eternal High Priest 
Jun 13, 2014 Saint Anthony of Padua, priest and doctor
Jun 15, 2014 Trinity Sunday, Feast of the Holy Trinity
Jun 19, 2014 Corpus Christi (Body and Blood of Christ)
Jun 22, 2014 Saints John Fisher, bishop and martyr and Thomas More, martyr
Jun 24, 2014 Nativity of St. John the Baptist (Birth of St. John the Baptist)
Jun 27, 2014 Feast of the Sacred Heart
Jun 28, 2014 Feast of Immaculate Heart of Mary
Jun 28, 2014 Saint Irenaeus, bishop and martyr
Jun 29, 2014 Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
Jul 03, 2014 Saint Thomas the Apostle
Jul 06, 2014 Saint Maria Goretti, virgin and martyr
Jul 11, 2014 Saint Benedict, abbot
Jul 15, 2014 Saint Bonaventure, bishop and doctor
Jul 16, 2014 Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Jul 22, 2014 Saint Mary Magdalene
Jul 25, 2014 Saint James, apostle
Jul 26, 2014 Saints Joachim and Anne (parent of Mary)
Jul 28, 2014 Saint Martha
Jul 31, 2014 Saint Ignatius of Loyola, priest
Aug 01, 2014 Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, bishop and doctor of the Church
Aug 04, 2014 Saint Jean Vianney (the Curé of Ars), priest
Aug 06, 2014 Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord
Aug 08, 2014 Saint Dominic, priest
Aug 10, 2014 Saint Lawrence, deacon and martyr
Aug 15, 2014 Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Aug 21, 2014 Saint Pius X, pope
Aug 22, 2014 Queenship of Blessed Virgin Mary
Aug 24, 2014 Saint Bartholomew the Apostle
Aug 27, 2014 Saint Monica
Aug 28, 2014 Saint Augustine of Hippo, bishop and doctor of the Church
Aug 29, 2014 The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist, martyr
Sep 03, 2014 Saint Gregory the Great, pope and doctor
Sep 08, 2014 Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Sep 09, 2014 Saint Peter Claver, priest
Sep 12, 2014 Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sep 13, 2014 Saint John Chrysostom, bishop and doctor
Sep 14, 2014 Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Feast of the Holy Cross
Sep 15, 2014 Our Lady of Sorrows
Sep 20, 2014 Saint Andrew Kim Taegon, priest, and Paul Chong Hasang and companions, martyrs
Sep 20, 2014
Saints Jacques Honore Chastan and Laurent Marie Joseph Imbert, priests, martyrs
Sep 21, 2014 Saint Matthew the Evangelist, Apostle, Evangelist
Sep 23, 2014 Saint Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio), priest
Sep 24, 2014 Our Lady of Mercy
Sep 26, 2014 Saints Cosmas and Damian, martyrs
Sep 27, 2014 Saint Vincent de Paul, priest
Sep 28, 2014 Saint Wenceslaus, martyr 
Sep 29, 2014 Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels
Sep 30, 2014 Saint Jerome, priest and doctor
Oct 01, 2014 Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, virgin and doctor
Oct 02, 2014 Guardian Angels
Oct 04, 2014 Saint Francis of Assisi
Oct 07, 2014 Our Lady of the Rosary
Oct 11, 2014 Blessed John XXIII
Oct 12, 2014 Our Lady of the Pillar
Oct 15, 2014 Saint Teresa of Jesus, virgin and doctor
Oct 16, 2014 Saint Hedwig, religious
Oct 16, 2014 Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin
Oct 17, 2014 Saint Ignatius of Antioch, bishop and martyr
Oct 18, 2014 Saint Luke the Evangelist
Oct 19, 2014
World Mission Sunday
Oct 23, 2014 Saint John of Capistrano, priest
Oct 24, 2014 Saint Anthony Mary Claret, bishop
Oct 28, 2014 Saint Simon and Saint Jude, apostles
Nov 01, 2014 All Saints
Nov 02, 2014 All Souls' Day
Nov 03, 2014 Saint Martin de Porres, religious
Nov 07, 2014 Mary, Mother and Mediatrix of Grace 
Nov 09, 2014 Dedication of the Lateran basilica
Nov 10, 2014 Saint Leo the Great, pope and doctor
Nov 11, 2014 Saint Martin of Tours, bishop
Nov 12, 2014 Saint Josaphat, bishop and martyr
Nov 13, 2014 Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, virgin
Nov 15, 2014 Saint Albert the Great, bishop and doctor
Nov 16, 2014 Saint Gertrude the Great, virgin
Nov 17, 2014 Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, religious
Nov 18, 2014 Dedication of the basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
Nov 18, 2014 Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne, virgin
Nov 21, 2014 Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Nov 22, 2014 Saint Cecilia
Nov 23, 2014 Christ the King
Nov 23, 2014 Saint Clement I, pope and martyr
Nov 30, 2014 First Sunday of Advent
Nov 30, 2014 St. Andrew's Day, Saint Andrew the Apostle
Dec 03, 2014 Saint Francis Xavier, priest
Dec 07, 2014 Second Sunday of Advent
Dec 07, 2014 Saint Ambrose, bishop and doctor
Dec 08, 2014 Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Dec 09, 2014 Saint Juan Diego
Dec 12, 2014 Our Lady of Guadalupe
Dec 14, 2014 Third Sunday of Advent
Dec 14, 2014 Saint John of the Cross, priest and doctor
Dec 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent
Dec 25, 2014 Christmas, Nativity of the Lord
Dec 26, 2014 Saint Stephen, the first martyr
Dec 27, 2014 Saint John the Apostle and evangelist
Dec 28, 2014 Holy Family
Dec 31, 2014 Saint Sylvester I, pope
Jan 06, 2015 Epiphany
Feb 02, 2015 Presentation of Jesus at the Temple
Feb 18, 2015 Ash Wednesday
Feb 18 - Apr 04, 2015 Lent
Mar 19, 2015 Saint Joseph's Day, Saint Joseph Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mar 25, 2015 Annunciation of the Lord
Mar 29 - Apr 04, 2015 Holy Week
Mar 29, 2015 Palm Sunday
Apr 02, 2015 Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday)
Apr 03, 2015 Good Friday
Apr 04, 2015 Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil)
Apr 05, 2015 Easter Sunday

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