
Tuesday 5 November 2013

Prayer of Thanksgiving for Graces Received from the Infant Jesus of Prague

I kneel before Your holy image, 
O most gracious Infant Jesus, 
to offer You my most fervent thanks 
for the blessings You have bestowed on me, 
I shall incessantly praise 
Your overwhelming mercy and confess that You
alone art my God, my helper, and my protector. 
My entire confidence shall be placed in You! 
Everywhere I will proclaim aloud 
Your mercy and generosity, 
so that Your great love and the great deeds 
which You grant through this miraculous image
may be acknowledged by all.

May devotion to Your holy infancy 
increase more and more 
in the hearts of all Christians, 
and may all who experience Your assistance 
persevere with me in showing unceasing gratitude 
to Your most holy Infancy, 
to which be praise and glory forever. 

Divine Infant Jesus, 
I know you love me 
and would never leave me. 
I thank you for your close presence in my life. 
Miraculous Infant, 
I believe in your promise 
of peace, blessings, and freedom from want. 
I place every need and care in your hands. 
Lord Jesus, 
may I always trust 
in your generous mercy and love. 
I want to honour and praise you, 
now and forever. 


  1. Thank you so much Infant of Prague for answering my prayer.In so much peace since you did .Will pray more to you and encourage devotion to you.

    1. Thank you so so much Infant Jesus of Prague for answering my prayer on behalf of my friend and putting her on the path to recovery from cancer. Will continue to pray to you and honor you.

  2. I love you Infant Jesus. I am most grateful for All the Miracles and Blessings you have brought into my family's lives. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

  3. Thank you so much Infant Jesus for my recent prayer requests on behalf of my daughter. I am very grateful for all the blessings you have brought into my family's lives. ������

  4. Thank you Holy Infant Jesus of Prague for always answering my prayers!

  5. Thank you so much Infant Jesus for granting me this prayer petition. I am so grateful and humble that you have blessed me with this. Thank you so much. I will love and praise you always.

  6. Thank you for answering my prayer petition so quickly and helping me in this situation. I love and praise and adore you always.

  7. Thank you O holy Infant Jesus of good health for healing me.I couldn't thank you enough. May the whole world burn with love of you.

  8. Thank you holy infant jesus for answering my prayers

  9. Thank you holy infant jesus for answering my prayers

  10. Tq infant jesus for all the blessings bestowed on us till now lord I beg u to look after my family and cure us all from all our sickness I ask this all in your precious and holy name AMEN...

  11. Thank you infant jesus for answering my prayers!!!! <3

  12. Thank you Infant Jesus for all the blessings

  13. Thankyou Infant Jesus for always being there for me. Thankyou for the incessant blessings you have showered upon me. This whole year I love you and adore your holy name. Bless my daughter and keep guiding her in all she does. Thankyou Jesus

  14. Thank you Infant Jesus for your unceasing blessings on me and my family. Praise and honor to you Infant Jesus .

  15. Thank you so much Infant Jesus for all the miracles and blessings that you have showered upon my life. I want to thank you especially for blessing my daughter and for my tooth extraction that went so smoothly today. Thank you and praise you my dearest Infant Jesus.

  16. Dear Infant Jesus,

    Today on the feast day of Your shrine at Nashik, I thank You from the bottom of my heart for the grace of health that You granted to me! Just the other day my BP had shot up to dangerously high levels and I was so scared that I would be admitted to hospital, be made to undergo expensive tests and consequently cause my family to be subjected to endless stress.
    Thank You Infant Jesus that You heard my plea for help and granted me cure through medication only. Please accept the gratitude of my heart and always be with me, my most merciful Lord. I will forever proclaim Your glory. Amen !

  17. Dear Infant Jesus I am very Thankful to you for curing migraine pain of my daughter Felicia.

  18. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for healing me and answering my intercession...I will continue to be your faithful servant. Praise you Infant Jesus

  19. I love you Infant Jesus. Thank you for answering all my prayers. I will always serve you and encourage others to be devoted to you because you never fail those who call upon your name

  20. Thankyou infant Jesus for favours granted. From Sneha Xavier Solomon Mendonca

  21. Thank you granting my wishes, miracle for my son. Please keep him under your wings. Please pray for our family.

  22. Thank you Infanit Jesus for granting my prayer to find a live-in Carer to look after my mother. The timing was miraculous because I found a suitable person just before the whole country went into lockdown. If this favour was not granted I don’t even want to think what my situation would have been today! Thank you and praise God

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Thank you Infant Child Jesus for answering my prayers, nothing short of a miracle.
    I will continue to spread devotion to you.

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  26. Thank You dear Infant Jesus for answering my prayer and blessing my son, Nigel with a job.

  27. Thank you dear Infant Jesus for blessing my son Nigel with a job. I will continue to pray to and seek your blessings. Angela

  28. Oh Sweet Miraculous INFANT JESUS OF PRAGUE THANK YOU from the very depths of my heart for helping Michael and me through so many requests !! Your mercy is TRULY UNFATHOMABLE FAR REACHING AND UNENDING

  29. Thank u infant jesus for hearing my prayer

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