
Wednesday 23 October 2013

Saint Anthony, urgently let me find all that I have lost in this time of pressing immediate needs

Dearest Saint Anthony, I come to you for your intercession and prayer for me that I will find and get back all that I have lost in this time of urgent and immediate need. I am not asking for much but sufficient to settle my pressing financial woes and for me to sustain my daily needs. I truly believe and have confidence in your intercession as you have been given by God the miraculous power of finding and recovering lost things. Therefore St Anthony, I ask to whisper my request in the ear of the infant Jesus who love to linger in your arms, that by His Grace recover my lost. Make me see God’s grace, zealous in serving God and in the practice of virtue. Let me find and get the thing that I have lost, thus showing the presence of your goodness. I promise St Anthony that I will never forget this favour, and I will make your devotion known to all. In Jesus name, I ask of you this prayer. Amen.

St Anthony pray for me 
and all those who invoke your aid.

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