
Tuesday 15 October 2013

Prayer to Our Mother of Perpetual Help

Ave, Ave, Ave Maria
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria

Oh Mother of Perpetual Help, grant that I may ever invoke your powerful name, the protection of the living and the salvation of the dying. Purest Mary, let your name henceforth be ever on my lips. Delay not, Blessed Lady, to rescue me whenever I call on you. In my temptations, in my needs, I will never cease to call on you, ever repeating your sacred name, Mary, Mary. What a consolation, what sweetness, what confidence fills my soul when I utter your sacred name or even only think of you! I thank the Lord for having given you so sweet, so powerful, so lovely a name. But I will not be content with merely uttering your name. Let my love for you prompt me ever to hail you Mother of Perpetual Help. Mother of Perpetual Help, pray for me and grant me the favor I confidently ask of you. 
* Say 3 Hail Mary

Petitions to our Mother of Perpetual Help

Holy Mary
* Pray for us.

Holy Virgin, conceived without sin
* Pray for us.

Our Mother of Perpetual Help
* Pray for us.

We sinners call to you 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may prepare like you for the coming of Christ
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may give out hearts completely to Christ, this Christmas 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may be faithful to the promises we made at Baptism 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may rejoice with you at Christ’s victory over death 
* Loving Mother, help us.

Other times:
That we may be filled with the Holy Sprit and become courageous witnesses of Christ’s love for men 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may be more and more like our Divine Lord, as you were 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may be meek and humble of heart like your son, Jesus 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may fear losing God’s friendship forever by unrepented sin 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may seek Christ’s mercy and forgiveness constantly in the sacrament of Penance 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may be aware of God speaking to us in the events of daily life 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may pray daily with love and trust, especially in moments of temptation 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may realize the value of worshipping God together in the Eucharist 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may grow in the love of Christ and neighbor by frequent Communion 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may reverence our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may strive to be true Christians by our loving concern for others 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may proclaim the dignity of work by doing our own work conscientiously 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may forgive from our heart those who have wronged us 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may see the evil of seeking our own interest at the expense of others 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may work for the just distribution of this world’s goods 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may share our talents with others for the good of the community 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may accept our responsibility in the community in a spirit of genuine service 
* Loving Mother, help us.

To pray that the Holy Spirit may guide and strengthen Pope Benedict XVI, the Bishops and the clergy 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may be blessed with an increase in priestly and religious vocations 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may bring the knowledge and love of Christ to those who do not know him 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may be aware of our dependence in God in the midst of human achievements 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may be ready at death to enter the home of our heavenly Father 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may die at peace with Christ and our fellowmen 
* Loving Mother, help us.

That we may be comforted at the death of our dear ones by our hope in the risen Lord 
* Loving Mother, help us.

To pray that our departed brothers and sisters quickly share in your son’s resurrection 
* Loving Mother, help us.

Pray in silence for our own intentions (Pause)
* Loving Mother, help us.

Holy Mary help us in our needs,  
pray for all the people of God; 
may all experience your perpetual help.

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