
Thursday 10 October 2013

Jesus Christ Died, Rose and Will Come Again

LAMB of GOD by Your Sacrifice and Blood on the Cross,
You took away our sins, our cross, and our shame.
A supreme act of love, God redeem us, freeing and enabling us to Love Him in return.
JESUS, Worthy is Your name, there is None like You, 
my Saviour and Lord. 
Have mercy on us and grant us peace. 

JESUS CHRIST by Your Resurrection,
You have revealed to us, 
Your Divinity,
Your Power in Forgiving Sins, 
and this gave us New Life in Christ 
to live in the happy and joyful 
expectation of His coming again. 
Your Promise of Eternal Life by defeating death, 
and Your Victory over God’s enemy by shattering Satan plans to overthrow the Kingdom of God. 
Blessed are Lord, the Risen King. 
Alleluia Praised the Lord 
and Glory to You in the Highest. 

JESUS CHRIST, You will Come Again,
At this time death will be no more and the dead shall rise, and their souls will unite with their bodies.
You will come in glory, escorted by all the angels of heaven, You will sit upon Your royal throne and all the nations will be assembled before You. You will then separate those assembled into two groups, 
as a shepherd separated sheep from goats.
This is the final judgement, 
where You will judge the living and the dead, 
where the final verdict is based on their responses and actions of God's grace during their lifetime, 
and the account of their conduct and the deepest secrets 
of their soul will come to light of the Lord judgement. 
The righteous You will bring back 
to Your Heavenly Kingdom, 
where there will Eternal Life. 
Have mercy on us, and on the whole world!

BE PREPARED for the Second Coming of Christ Jesus. Start now, if you have not or if you think there is still time, I assure you you will not have time later. Even if this day does not come before our lifetime on earth, REMEMBER this words “He will judge the living and the dead, the dead will rise and their soul will unite with their bodies. Those who have done right shall rise to life; the evildoers shall rise to be damned".

Always be prepared spiritually, and pray to remain worthy to stand before the Lord. Get ready and alert for the day Jesus will come again as the day of the Lord will come like a thief. Therefore, repent, change and come back to God now, He still loves us. Follow Jesus and accept His invitation, He is always waiting for us. The righteous need not fear as the Lord will preserve the righteous by His power. For the righteous, it will be a day of peace and triumph.

We do not know when the Second Coming will occur. Jesus said, "As to the exact day or hour, no one knows it, neither the angels in heaven nor even the Son, but only the Father. Be constantly on the watch! Stay awake! You do not know when the appointed time will come".

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