
Wednesday 11 September 2013

The Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In accordance with Jewish custom our Lady's parents named her eight days after her birth, and were inspired to call her Mary. The feast of the Holy Name of Mary on 17 September therefore follows that of her Nativity which was on 8 September, as the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus  on 3 January follows Christmas.

The Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an optional memorial celebrated in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church on 12 September. With the revisions of the Roman Missal in 1970 following the Vatican Council II, the feast day was removed from the universal calendar, although the Votive Mass remained. However, Pope John Paul II in the third edition of the Roman Missal, issued in 2003, reinstituted the feast day, technically as an “optional memorial.”

Mary means “lady, beautiful one, or well-beloved.” in ancient Egyptian. “Mary,” being the name of the Blessed Mother, deserves special respect and devotion, and is thereby celebrated in four ways:
  • She the Mother of our Divine Saviour; she is rightfully called “Mother of God,” for Jesus true God, second person of the Holy Trinity entered this world becoming also true man through Mary who had conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Her name reminds us she is full of grace, has found favour with God, and is blessed among all women. 
  • Mary is a maternal name, because she is our Mother, whom our Lord gave to us a He was dying on the cross.
  • She the mother who responds to all of our needs, protects us from evil, and prays “for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.”
We call Mary our Lady as we call Jesus our Lord, and when we pronounce her name we affirm her power, implore her aid and place ourselves under her protection.

Grant, we pray, almighty God, that, for all who celebrate the glorious Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary, she may obtain your merciful favour. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Thursday, 12 September, 2013
The Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Optional Memorial)

1st Reading 
Sirach 24: 17 - 21

17Like a vine I caused loveliness to bud, and my blossoms became glorious and abundant fruit.
19"Come to me, you who desire me, and eat your fill of my produce.
20For the remembrance of me is sweeter than honey, and my inheritance sweeter than the honeycomb.
21Those who eat me will hunger for more, and those who drink me will thirst for more.

Luke 1: 46 - 50, 53 - 54

46And Mary said, "My soul magnifies the Lord,
47and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
48for he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden. For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed;
49for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.
50And his mercy is on those who fear him from generation to generation.
53he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent empty away.
54He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy,

Luke 6: 20 - 26

20And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said: "Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
21"Blessed are you that hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. "Blessed are you that weep now, for you shall laugh.
22"Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you and revile you, and cast out your name as evil, on account of the Son of man!
23Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven; for so their fathers did to the prophets.
24"But woe to you that are rich, for you have received your consolation.
25"Woe to you that are full now, for you shall hunger. "Woe to you that laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep.
26"Woe to you, when all men speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets.

Mary has numerous titles and names, below are a list of them:

Ark of the Covenant; Cause of Our Joy; Comforter of the Afflicted; Co-Redemptrix; Destroyer of Heresy; Gate of Heaven; Joy of the Just; Health of the Sick; Help of Christians; Holy Mary; Holy Mother of God; Holy Virgin of Virgins; House of Gold; The Immaculate Heart; Mirror of Justice; Mother of the Poor; Morning Star; Mother Inviolate; Mother Most Admirable; Mother Most Amiable; Mother Most Chaste; Mother Most Pure; Mother of Christ; Mother of Divine Grace; Mother of Good Counsel; Mother of Orphans; Mother of Our Creator; Mother of Our Redeemer; Mother of Perpetual Help; Mother of Sorrows; Mother of the Son; Mother Thrice Admirable; Mother Undefiled; Mystical Rose; Our Lady de Gray; Our Lady de la Breche; Our Lady della Croce; Our Lady de la Treille; Our Lady of Confidence; Our Lady of Akita; Our Lady of Abundance; Our Lady of Acheropita; Our Lady of Africa; Our Lady of Aix-la-Chapelle; Our Lady of Alba Royale; Our Lady of Alexandria; Our Lady of All Help; Our Lady of Almudena; Our Lady of Amiens; Our Lady of Angels; Our Lady of Angels Toulouse; Our Lady of Apareceda; Our Lady of Apparitions; Our Lady of Arabida; Our Lady of Ardents; Our Lady of Ardilliers; Our Lady of Argenteuil; Our Lady of Arras; Our Lady of Atocha; Our Lady of Banneux; Our Lady of Bavaria; Our Lady of Beaumont; Our Lady of Beauraing; Our Lady of Belle Fontaine; Our Lady of Benoite-Vaux; Our Lady of Bessiere; Our Lady of Betharam; Our Lady of Bethlehem; Our Lady of Bolougne; Our Lady of Bonaria; Our Lady of Bonport; Our Lady of Bourbourg; Our Lady of Bows; Our Lady of Bruges; Our Lady of Buglose; Our Lady of Buch; Our Lady of Calais; Our Lady of Calevourt; Our Lady of Cambray; Our Lady of Cambron; Our Lady of Campitelli; Our Lady of Cana; Our Lady of Caravaggio; Our Lady of Carquere; Our Lady of Castelbruedo; Our Lady of Charity; Our Lady of Chartres; Our Lady of Chatillion; Our Lady of Chievres; Our Lady of Clairvaux; Our Lady of Clemency; Our Lady of Clermont; Our Lady of Clery; Our Lady of Clos-Evrard; Our Lady of Compassion; Our Lady of Conquest; Our Lady of Consolation; Our Lady of Constantinople; Our Lady of Copacabana; Our Lady of Coutances; Our Lady of Covadonga; Our Lady of Craganor' Our Lady of Czestochowa "The Black Madonna"; Our Lady D'Iron; Our Lady of Damietta; Our Lady of Deliverance; Our Lady of Didinia; Our Lady of Dijon; Our Lady of Divine Providence; Our Lady of Dordrecht; Our Lady of Edessa; Our Lady of Egypt; Our Lady of Einsiendeln; Our Lady of Emminont; Our Lady of Esquernes; Our Lady of Exile; Our Lady of Faith; Our Lady of Fatima; Our Lady of Fire; Our Lady of Flines; Our Lady of Foi; Our Lady of Fourviere; Our Lady of Foy; Our Lady of France; Our Lady of Genazzano; Our Lady of Genesta; Our Lady of Gifts; Our Lady of Good Counsel; Our Lady of Good Deliverance; Our Lady of Good Haven; Our Lady of Good Health; Our Lady of Good Help; Our Lady of Good News; Our Lady of Good Remedy; Our Lady of Good Success; Our Lady of Good Tidings; Our Lady of Good Tidings, Lempdes; Our Lady of Grace; Our Lady of Grace, Normandy; Our Lady of Grace, Paris; Our Lady of Great Power; Our Lady of Guadalupe; Our Lady of Guam; Our Lady of Guard; Our Lady of Guidance; Our Lady of Guides; Our Lady of Happy Assembly; Our Lady of Haut; Our Lady of Helbron; Our Lady of Highest Grace; Our Lady of Hildesheim; Our Lady of Ireland; Our Lady of Justinienne; Our Lady of Kazan; Our Lady of Kieff; Our Lady of Kiev; Our Lady of Knock; Our Lady of Kuehn; Our Lady of La Carolle; Our Lady of La Chapelle; Our Lady of La Guarde; Our Lady of La Rochette; Our Lady of La Salette; Our Lady of Lac Bouchet; Our Lady of Las Lajas; Our Lady of Last Agony; Our Lady of Laon; Our Lady of Lavang; Our Lady of Liesse; Our Lady of Life; Our Lady of Light; Our Lady of Ligny; Our Lady of Loreto; Our Lady of Lourdes; Our Lady of Louvain; Our Lady of Lyons; Our Lady of Mantua; Our Lady of Marienthal; Our Lady of Marseilles; Our Lady of Matarieh; Our Lady of Meliapore; Our Lady of Milan; Our Lady of Miracles; Our Lady of Miracles Brescia; Our Lady of Miracles Paris; Our Lady of Miracles Rome; Our Lady of Molanus; Our Lady of Molene; Our Lady of Mondevi; Our Lady of Moreneta; Our Lady of Mount Carmel; Our Lady of Monte-Senario; Our Lady of Montserrat; Our Lady of Montevergine; Our Lady of Moustier; Our Lady of Moyen Point; Our Lady of Myan; Our Lady of Nanteuil; Our Lady of Naples; Our Lady of Narni; Our Lady of Naval; Our Lady of Nazareth; Our Lady of New; Our Lady of Oegnies; Our Lady of Oropa; Our Lady of Oviedo; Our Lady of Paris; Our Lady of Peace; Our Lady of Pellevoisin; Our Lady of Perpetual Help; 
Our Lady of Pignerol; Our Lady of Pompeii; Our Lady of Pontmain; Our Lady of Pontoise; Our Lady of Port Louis; Our Lady of Power; Our Lady of Premontre; Our Lady of Prompt Succor; Our Lady of Abundance or Prosperity; Our Lady of Pucha; Our Lady of Puig; Our Lady of Puy; Our Lady of Quito; Our Lady of Ransom; Our Lady of Ratisbon; Our Lady of Rennes; Our Lady of Rheims; Our Lady of Rocamadour; Our Lady of Rocks; Our Lady of Rossano; Our Lady of Rouen; Our Lady of Safety; Our Lady of Saideneida;Our Lady of Saint Acheul; Our Lady of St Fort Chartres;Our Lady of Saint John; Our Lady of Savigny; Our Lady of Sasopoli; Our Lady of Saussaie; Our Lady of Schiedam; Our Lady of Schier; Our Lady of Scutari; Our Lady of Seez; Our Lady of Sichem; Our Lady of Sion; Our Lady of Smelcem; Our Lady of Sorrows; Our Lady of Soissons; Our Lady of Speech; Our Lady of Spire; Our Lady of Succor; Our Lady of Tables; Our Lady of Talan; Our Lady of Tears; Our Lady of Tears, Spoleto; Our Lady of Terouenne; Our Lady of the Armed Forces; Our Lady of the Assumption; Our Lady of the Bells; Our Lady of the Bush; Our Lady of the Candles; Our Lady of the Cloister; Our Lady of the Conception; Our Lady of the Conception, Flanders; Our Lady of the Divine Shepherd; Our Lady of the Don; Our Lady of the Doves; Our Lady of the Empress; Our Lady of the Fields; Our Lady of the Flowering Thorn; Our Lady of the Forest; Our Lady of the Forests; Our Lady of the Founders; Our Lady of the Fountain; Our Lady of the Fountain, Constantinople; Our Lady of the Grotto Lamego; Our Lady of the Hermits; Our Lady of the Hill; Our Lady of the Holy Chapel; Our Lady of the Holy Cross; Our Lady of the Jesuit College; Our Lady of the Lily; Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal; Our Lady of the Mountains; Our Lady of the Palm; Our Lady of the Pillar; Our Lady of the Place; Our Lady of the Pond; Our Lady of the Portuguese; Our Lady of the Rock; Our Lady of the Rosary; Our Lady of the Sacred Heart; Our Lady of the Silver Foot; Our Lady of the Slain; Our Lady of the Snows; Our Lady of the Star; Our Lady of the Star, Portugal; Our Lady of the Taper; Our Lady of the Thorn; Our Lady of the Tower; Our Lady of the Underground; Our Lady of the Valley; Our Lady of the Vault; Our Lady of the Vine; Our Lady of the Way; Our Lady of the Woods; Our Lady of Tongres; Our Lady of Tortosa; Our Lady of Trapani; Our Lady of Treves; Our Lady of Trut; Our Lady of Valvenere; Our Lady of Vaussivieres; Our Lady of Verdun; Our Lady of Victories; Our Lady of Victory; Our Lady of Victory, Spain; Our Lady of Victory, Senlis; Our Lady of Victory, Tourney; Our Lady of Victory, Valois; Our Lady of Virtues; Our Lady of Vivonne; Our Lady of Vladimir; Our Lady of Walsingham; Our Lady of Zapopan; Our Lady of Zell; Our Lady the Helper; Our Lady Refuge of Sinners; Our Lady, Star of the Sea; Our Lady Queen of Peace; Tabernacle of the Lord; Temple of the Most Holy Trinity; Treasure House of God's Graces; Queen of Angels; Queen of Heaven; Queen of Patriarchs; Queen of Prophets; Queen of Apostles; Queen of Martyrs; Queen of Confessors; Queen of Virgins; Queen of All Saints; Queen Conceived Without Original Sin; Queen of the Most Holy Rosary; Queen of Peace; Refuge of Sinners; Seat of Wisdom; Singular Vessel of Devotion; Spiritual Vessel; Mary, Spouse of the Holy Spirit; Star of the Sea; Tower of David; Tower of Ivory; Vessel of Honor; Virgen de la Antigua; Virgin of the Battles; Virgin of the Kings; Virgin Most Prudent; Virgin Most Venerable; Virgin Most Renowned; Virgin Most Powerful; Virgin Most Merciful; Virgin Most Faithful;

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