
Monday 16 September 2013

Marian Prayer of Saint John Vianney (Cure d'Ars)

O most holy Virgin Mary,
always present before the most holy Trinity, 
to whom it is granted at all times 
to pray for us to your most blessed Son, 
pray for me in all my needs. 
Help me, defend me, 
give thanks for me, 
and obtain for me the pardon 
of all my sins and failings.
Help me especially in my last hours. 
Then, when I can no longer give 
any sign of the use of reason, 
give me courage 
and protect me against all evil spirits. 
Make in my name a profession of faith. 
Assure me of my eternal salvation.
Never let me despair of the mercy of God. 
Help me to overcome the evil spirits. 
When I can no longer say, 
"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, 
I place my soul in your hands," 
say it for me. 
When I can no longer hear 
human words of consolation, 
bring me comfort. 
Stay with me when I stand 
in judgment before your Son.
If I have to do penance 
for my sins in purgatory, 
pray for me after my death. 
Inspire my friends to pray for me, 
and thus help gain for me 
very soon the happiness of being 
in the presence of God. 
Lead my soul to heaven where, 
united with all the elect, 
I may bless and praise God 
and yourself for all eternity. 

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