
Saturday 21 September 2013

Lord, I know You will hear and answer me

Lord Jesus, You are my Lord who is full of Love, Compassion and Mercy. You Lord, made with Your Holy hands in my mother's womb, and your know all I about me and all I'm going through ever since and I will return to my Father's Holy house in heaven upon the time you call me back. I thank you Lord for all you have given me in my life but now I your servant Lord beg for your help as I need some funds in this time of immediate and urgent need. Jesus, you are my healer and provider, in you alone I trust and I believe you will work the Miracle wonder in healing me from my troubles and difficulties. Lord have pity on me, I am crying to You, Lord and I know You will hear and answer me. If it is Your will Lord, let it be done unto me Your servant. Lord only say your Word and I will be healed. In Your most holy and precious name JESUS, I surrender all to You, and wait in hope and trust to Your answer to my prayer. Praises and Glory to the Lord. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Matthew 19:26
“With man this is impossible, 
but with God all things are possible.”

Exodus. 3:7-8
"Whenever our cry for help reaches God, 
He promises to show us love and kindness."


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