
Thursday 20 June 2013

Send petition to Our Lady of Medjugorje, Queen of Peace

Send your petitions by click the url link below:


  1. Dear Mother Mary, i am going for interview on 27th Aug as ASM.
    Mother Mary i need your help to pass all the rounds perfectly and smartly. Get selected for the job. Mother Mary bless me. I answer them with confidence and in documents their will be no problem.
    Mother Mary please help me.
    Thank you

    1. God Bless you lily flower. I am sure your prayer will be heard and answered by God our Father through Jesus Christ and His most Holy Mother of God.

  2. Please pray for me. Thank You

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I need a job. Please pray for me

    1. I am sure your prayer will be heard by our Lady of Medjugorje and, she will pray and intercede on your behalf to her loving Son JESUS Christ. By the grace and blessing of the Father in Heaven your request will answered by God our Father by His holy will through Jesus Christ and His most Holy Mother of God. AMEN.

  5. Payer Request for Mr. Piotr Siedlaczek poor eye vision
    wife Agnieszka Siedlaczek , two daughters , one older Emilia , one daughter new born , in jesus christ name ,

  6. please please pray for my son Kevin. i ask almightly father in the name of Jesus and through the Immaculate heart of mary

  7. my money get back which i gave to advance for plot prayer for i am sure your prayer will be heard by our Lady of Medjugorje

  8. Dear Mother Mary.I ask you to grant my family the grace to return to the catholic faith and to do your Divine Son's Holy Will always and be saved. Please I ask you to protect us all from the virus and all variants of it, and all other bad and rare diseases,and from all accidents and dangers.In Jesus Name and through your powerful intercession dear Mother Mary I ask for my petitions. Thank you I love you.
