
Monday 6 May 2013

Prayer During Year Of Faith

O God our loving Father

I thank you for having called me
and blessed me with the gift of faith.

May this Year of Faith be a time
of renewing and deepening my faith
and to proclaim it with deep conviction
through my words and deeds.

May the celebration of the sacraments
help me to grow in love for you
and for my community
as I offer myself to serve you.

May my life be a manisfestation
of your continued presence in our world today.

As you open the door of faith to me, O Lord,
help me to grow in a personal
relationship with you
so that I may share the fruits of my prayer
in the building up of your Kingdom of love.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.

"The obedience of faith is to be given to God ..
To make this act of faith, 
the grace of God and the interior help 
of the Holy Spirit must precede and assist, 
moving the heart and turning it to God, 
opening the eyes of the mind 
and giving joy and ease to everyone 
in assenting to the truth and believing it. 
To bring about an ever deeper 
understanding of revelation 
the same Holy Spirit 
constantly brings faith 
to completion by His gifts."
~~~ Dei Verbum 5 ~~~

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