
Monday 6 May 2013

Docility to the Holy Spirit

His holiness Pope Francis preached that the Second Vatican Council “was a beautiful work of the Holy Spirit,” and is encouraging us to pray for docility to the Holy Spirit, “to that Spirit who comes to us and urges us forward on the path to holiness.”

He quoted, "We want to tame the Holy Spirit. And that is wrong. Because He is God, and He is the wind that comes and goes and you do not know where. He is the power of God, what gives us consolation and strength to move forward. But move forward! And this bothers you. Comfort is more beautiful…". He also reminded us to “Do not resist the Holy Spirit,” “It is the Spirit that makes us free, with that freedom of Jesus, with the freedom of the children of God!”

The dictionary defines the noun "docility" as the trait of being agreeably submissive and manageable. 

Prayer 1
Holy Spirit of light and love, 
you are the substantial love 
of the Father and the Son; 
hear my prayer. 
Bounteous bestower of most precious gifts, 
grant me a strong and living faith 
which makes me accept all revealed truths 
and shape my conduct in accord with them. 
Give me a most confident hope 
in all divine promises which prompts me 
to abandon myself unreservedly to you and your guidance. 
Infuse into me a love of perfect goodwill, 
and act according to God's least desires. 
Make me love not only my friends 
but my enemies as well, 
in imitation of Jesus Christ 
who through you offered himself on the Cross for all people. 
Holy Spirit, animate, inspire, and guide me, 
and help me to be always a true follower of you. 

Prayer 2
Breathe into me, Holy Spirit, 
that my thoughts may all be holy. 
Move in me, Holy Spirit, 
that my work, too, may be holy. 
Attract my heart, Holy Spirit, 
that I may love only what is holy. 
Strengthen me, Holy Spirit, 
that I may defend all that is holy. 
Protect me, Holy Spirit, 
that I may always be holy. 
by Saint Augustine

Prayer 3
Prayer to the Holy Spirit for Faith, Hope and Love
Holy Spirit, 
open my eyes 
and calm my mind. 
Give me the recollection 
of the Father’s love, 
of the Son’s unceasing prayer, 
of the world as God’s world 
and of your own presence within me.
Holy Spirit, 
give me Faith. 
Holy Spirit, 
reveal to me the truth 
of the Father’s unfailing purposes, 
of the Son’s victory 
and risen presence; 
the truth about myself, 
sinner yet child beloved of God.
Holy Spirit, 
give me Hope. 
Holy Spirit, 
give me Peace; 
peace with God 
and peace with people. 
Kindle my desire for you. 
Strengthen my will 
to live and serve. 
Teach me and lead me 
where you will.
Holy Spirit, 
Give me love. 

Prayer 4
Self Offering to the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, 
God of love, 
be present to me, 
accept the offering 
of myself which I make to you, 
receive my hands, feet, eyes, 
tongue, and all my senses. 
Receive my memory, 
my will, my understanding, 
my desires, my sights, the longings, 
and the aspirations of my soul. 
Receive my every hour, 
my every moment 
and all the happenings of my life.
Holy Spirit, 
God of love, 
knit my soul to you. 
Let your love possess 
my whole being, my senses, 
my powers, my affections, my very life. 
Let your love rule 
my labour and my rest, 
my going and my staying 
and move me as it please you. 
Let your love disquiet or comfort me, 
humble or exalt me, 
and burn away all my faults.
Holy Spirit, 
God of love, 
draw me to yourself, 
do with me what you will. 
Nothing will cause me fear 
if only your love enfolds me. 
I ask confidently 
because your desire to give 
is greater than mine to receive. 
Transform me into yourself, 
so that I may no longer know myself, 
nor find myself except in you. 

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