This is a prayer in honour of Our Lady to be said for 30 days. By its recital we hope, with her intercession, to be granted the request asked. It is recommended as a prayer in Lent and every Friday.
Marian Prayer for Lent
O glorious and blessed Mary, Mother of mercy and hope, Comforter of the despondent, through the sorrow you felt when your only Son Jesus Christ Our Lord suffered humiliation and death on the Cross and through your Son’s love for you, take pity on me, have compassion on all my worries and cares and help and comfort me in all my sickness and suffering.
You are the Mother of mercy, Refuge of the needy and orphaned, of the desolate and the afflicted. Look with pity on me and hear my prayer.
Because of my sins my spirit is overburdened, where can I find comfort other than from your maternal protection?
Listen with pity and compassion, I implore you, to my humble request. I ask it through the infinite mercy of your Son who humbled Himself to assume our nature and was born into this world.
I ask it through His Agony in the garden when He prayed to His Father, that, if possible, the bitter chalice of His forthcoming Passion could be removed.
I ask it through His suffering as He was bound and scourged and stripped of His garments.
I ask it through His patience bearing the jeers, insults, false accusations and unjust sentence by which He was condemned to death.
I ask it through His tears and resignation, His sadness and grief.
I ask it through His bleeding head crowned with thorns, through the anguish of being nailed to the Cross, through His intense thirst and bitter potion offered of vinegar and oil.
I ask it through His commendation of His spirit to the Father and through His Blood mixed with Water from His side.
I ask it through His immaculate life, cruel Passion and shameful death on the Cross.
I ask it through His glorious victory over death when He rose again on the third day and through His appearance over forty days and the joy it must have given you, His Blessed Mother.
I ask it by the grace of the Holy Spirit present in tongues of fire which inspired the Apostles to preach the Gospel to the world.
I ask it through the appearance of Your Son at the Last Day when He shall judge the living and the dead.
I ask it through His compassion for you and your indescribable joy at your Assumption into Heaven.
O Blessed Mother Mary comfort me in my trouble (mention your request), implore your Son, who loves you, intercede for me.
Obtain for me from your Son, Our Lord, a lively faith, hope and charity, true contrition, contempt of the world and the resignation to accept the trials of this life.
Obtain for me the gift of receiving the Last Sacraments at my death and live everlasting for all my relatives and those who are close, living and dead.